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SAGE 2022 - Demo Sonic & Blaze SAGE 2022 Edition

General Information

Sonic & Blaze is back for SAGE 2022 with a complete overhaul! Completely new level design, tightened controls, improved performance and more! The level design with the new build takes a much stronger inspiration from the Advance and Rush series compared to the previous SAGE demo, while still incorporating aspects of the 3D boost titles. Each level in the build is either focused on delivering high speed action, careful platforming, or a combination of both, and combines this with unique gimmicks and spectacle to hopefully make each stage feel distinct.

Choose to play either Sonic or Blaze in the 6 levels available in the demo:

  • Blue Coast Act 1: Standard first level, a nice speedy jog through rocky hills next to the ocean.
    bandicam 2022-08-27 19-47-57-505.png
  • Blue Coast Act 2: First real taste of underwater gameplay, a much slower paced level with tons of alternate routes
    bandicam 2022-08-27 19-50-21-841.png
  • Temple Cliff Act 1: Huge, steep slopes and lots of vertical platforming through these mysterious ruins
    bandicam 2022-08-27 19-54-01-740.png
  • Lunar Park Act 2: Ditching the casino for a stroll and a bounce through nature and one of Eggman's secret bases
    bandicam 2022-08-27 19-56-19-579.png
  • Lunar Park Act 3: Race along the hardlight pathways and blast through enemies to escape Eggman's base
    bandicam 2022-08-27 19-58-28-523.png
  • Sky Eden Act 1: Speed along dragon-styled roadways and test your reaction speed in this Unleashed inspired level
    bandicam 2022-08-27 20-00-38-210.png
Head to the options menu and experiment with "Advance Boost Mode", which swaps out the standard boost for something more like Sonic Advance's boost mode. The levels arent designed for it at all though, so be careful!

You can also swap to "Endless Boost" for a challenge! Just like in Sonic Generations, the boost gauge is permanently filled but you won't collect any rings.

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Latest reviews

SAGE 22 - Sonic Fan Game 17 out of 69 - Sonic & Blaze SAGE 2022 Edition
A fun to control Sonic, whether you're boosting Rush style or Advance

This game was so much fun to play around with.
The speed and controls feel nice, the level design is great to blast go through, and gives heavily Rush vibes (which is the point).
I prefer the Advance style of boost since there is more of a flow to it in my opinion, but I can tell this game is mainly made for Rush's boost in mind. If there's a suggestion I would want to make is to make Advance's boost have the camera widen out so it's easier to react to the enemies and obstacles up ahead. That way it's fairer for the player that uses the Advance boost, since Rush's boost is gonna plow through those enemies anyways.
Didn't play much of Blaze, but she acts kinda similar to Sonic but with a hover move instead of the airdash, but she was still fun to control.

A nitpick of mine is that the sprites look kinda janky looking for some animations (idle for example), so those could use some polish but besides that, this is a game I would heavily recommend to those who like the Rush formula. 👍
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It's a simple sonic fan game that achieves the base of a sonic game.

[to the dev]
but if the you're serious about continuing this fan game then,
harsh criticism ahead:

-this game lacks polish and momentum
-no controller support
-it just isn't fun
-no original music
-the size difference with the character sprite and background sprite is very jarring
-i see no distinct level design/personality in this game, it feels like you're choking yourself as an obligation to make a sonic fan game

look, I know you've put a lot of hard work into this project and I respect that dedication, games are never easy to make.
But honestly, I think you're drowning in a sea of mediocre sonic fan games

sonic momentum does everything your game does but 20 times better.

I'm saying this in the nicest way possible but, you should make an original game. you already have alot of game making knowledge you can transfer into a new game.
This will give you some freedom to do whatever you want and let your true self shine!

But if you feel like what I said is stupid and wrong, by all means, continue this fan game.
I'm just being honest is all. Nothing personal.
I think some of the criticism is fair game/your honest opinion and understand where it comes from, but would just like to throw my own opinion in the ring...

When it comes to games to look for as inspiration - I'd recommend to steer AWAY from making it like Sonic Momentum with all due respect to the dev of that game. Personally I think you'd do better looking at other Advance/Rush styled games like:
  • Sonic Colors Demastered
  • Sonic vs Darkness True Nightmare Revived
  • Sonic Dimensions.

The battle system in Momentum throws the balance/style of the game off and is antithetical to what I and many others think makes a good Sonic game, therefore making it not much fun to play. Personally I find that the cool styling/music/flashiness of Sonic Momentum does a lot to make people see it as a good game, but the core gameplay, particularly the new battle mechanics are questionable.

I do like and appreciate the visual styling, original music (where it applies, Sonic Momentum also reuses music and some theming like Wave Ocean, Sunset Hill Act 3, Planet Wisp, Sweet Mountain etc...) and effort (particularly willingness to think out of the box, the custom textboxes, custom level end screens and stuff like that) put into Sonic Momentum though. In short, I feel the polish is what could be learned from Sonic Momentum but not much else. Turn to the aforementioned games for inspiration if anything. Hope that makes sense.

If you wanted to mix it up, maybe implement the trick system like in Rush, can't think of many fan games that do that.
Fun gameplay
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Reactions: arcanalune


I was really looking forward to trying this game as Blaze is my favorite Sonic character, so the premise of the game is fantastic for me. There aren't many 2D boost fangames, let alone ones with Blaze in them. This game clearly has A LOT of effort put into it, over 5 levels were made for a demo, I had a lot of fun messing around trying to cheat the levels by skipping using boost, but you designed them well so I couldn't lol. Here are some of the things I really liked about the demo:
  • I like the title theme music, very FUNKY. Options menu is also good for accessibility with sound control, greatly appreciated
  • The animations are good, I especially like the dynamic camera, like when it zooms in in Lunar Park Acts 2 and 3, this is very playful and adds a lot of soul and personality to the game. A lot of Sonic fangames struggle with the camera but it works a charm in this game.
  • Skills section is a really neat addition
  • The 3 platform switching/grind rail parts are good at mixing up level design also, like in Lunar Park
  • Lunar Park looks absolutely beautiful - Lunar Park 3's theming is brilliant, with the colored lasers just appearing, really like this and it put a big smile on my face - each Zone would be well suited to have a gimmick akin to this. I also love the Dragon Road inspired Sky Eden
  • Level design is good (except for the Colors blocky platforming-esque bits - if this games wants to take inspiration from Rush then it's best to ditch those or have them at a minimum like in Rush - which tbh it already is, it's mostly just in Blue Coast)
  • Homing attack and boost mechanics work very well, never ran into any glitches
  • The visual effects where the boost meter fills up are a really nice touch
  • I love the custom sprite for Blaze and the addition of her float skill
  • The use of sound effects like the running/stepping and squeaking when coming to a halt SFX really adds to the feel of the game and brings it alive.
My suggestions on things I think would make the game even better:
  • Work on the physics of the game a bit, specifically to make it more Rush-like. For example, the acceleration at the start of walking is a bit too heavy/rigid, this is noticed especially in platforming sections where the character feels quite heavy to move.
  • Sonic's air dash also comes to a complete stop after and loses all momentum, which discourages players from using that move since you lose all your speed so I feel this could also be changed
  • Controller support could be implemented
  • Make the game have it's own distinct visual style, you're already close to it with the Advance/Rush/Unleashed styling (which I love btw). Levels like Lunar Park, Temple Cliff and Sky Eden already achieve this, basically more of this design philosophy
All in all, I had a lot of fun playing this game and I really hope that you're able to make it into a full fangame. Keep the great work up!
I was really looking forward to trying this game as Blaze is my favorite Sonic character, so the premise of the game is fantastic for me. There aren't many 2D boost fangames, let alone ones with Blaze in them. This game clearly has A LOT of effort put into it, over 5 levels were made for a demo, I had a lot of fun messing around trying to cheat the levels by skipping using boost, but you designed them well so I couldn't lol. Here are some of the things I really liked about the demo:
  • I like the title theme music, very FUNKY. Options menu is also good for accessibility with sound control, greatly appreciated
  • The animations are good, I especially like the dynamic camera, like when it zooms in in Lunar Park Acts 2 and 3, this is very playful and adds a lot of soul and personality to the game. A lot of Sonic fangames struggle with the camera but it works a charm in this game.
  • Skills section is a really neat addition
  • The 3 platform switching/grind rail parts are good at mixing up level design also, like in Lunar Park
  • Lunar Park looks absolutely beautiful - Lunar Park 3's theming is brilliant, with the colored lasers just appearing, really like this and it put a big smile on my face - each Zone would be well suited to have a gimmick akin to this. I also love the Dragon Road inspired Sky Eden
  • Level design is good (except for the Colors blocky platforming-esque bits - if this games wants to take inspiration from Rush then it's best to ditch those or have them at a minimum like in Rush - which tbh it already is, it's mostly just in Blue Coast)
  • Homing attack and boost mechanics work very well, never ran into any glitches
  • The visual effects where the boost meter fills up are a really nice touch
  • I love the custom sprite for Blaze and the addition of her float skill
  • The use of sound effects like the running/stepping and squeaking when coming to a halt SFX really adds to the feel of the game and brings it alive.
My suggestions on things I think would make the game even better:
  • Work on the physics of the game a bit, specifically to make it more Rush-like. For example, the acceleration at the start of walking is a bit too heavy/rigid, this is noticed especially in platforming sections where the character feels quite heavy to move.
  • Sonic's air dash also comes to a complete stop after and loses all momentum, which discourages players from using that move since you lose all your speed so I feel this could also be changed
  • Controller support could be implemented
  • Make the game have it's own distinct visual style, you're already close to it with the Advance/Rush/Unleashed styling (which I love btw). Levels like Lunar Park, Temple Cliff and Sky Eden already achieve this, basically more of this design philosophy
All in all, I had a lot of fun playing this game and I really hope that you're able to make it into a full fangame. Keep the great work up!
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the critique!
As someone who's also making a fangame with Rush style gameplay (and has been keeping up with your game's development on discord), I was excited to finally see the demo come out! Blaze is also my favorite Sonic character so it's really cool seeing a fangame where she's playable!

I’m a big fan of bullet points so I figured I’d list my thoughts that way:

  • Early levels (Blue Coast, Temple Cliffs) have good enemy placement. There were multiple instances where I’d encounter an enemy in either of those levels and it almost always felt like they were supposed to be there. This might seem like a weird thing to praise but it’s important when it comes to level design and I think you nailed it here
  • Boosting feels good! Especially with all the visual effects that add to the sense of “speed” it gives you (i.e. speed lines surrounding the screen, particle effects on Sonic/Blaze, etc.)
  • The backgrounds look really really good. Idk how you nailed that parallax effect on the water in Blue Coast but I’m honestly really impressed how “3D” it looks, good job!
  • The dynamic camera is soooooo sick! Every time it zoomed in on the player I would get really hyped
  • I absolutely love that music gets muffled when you’re underwater
  • You have a very strong understanding of setpieces, which are a really important aspect of making Sonic levels memorable. The giant chopper chase at the end of Blue Coast as well as the ball chase at the end of Temple Cliffs were both really cool!
  • The level themes were creative and I like that you combined both visual assets from old games and music to try and make them unique!
  • This is small, but I love the detail that Blaze’s boost orbs are purple instead of blue
  • Sometimes when jumping into an act ring from the hub world, upon finishing/quitting an act, Sonic will respawn at the EXACT position he was at before entering the level. If that position happens to be a location where he is touching the act ring, he will immediately reload into the level. I got stuck in a loop of entering a level, trying to quit it, being brought back to the hub, and then sent immediately back into the level. I had to stomp and repeatedly quit the level until enough frames had passed that Sonic broke free. It might be a better idea to save Sonic’s last known position in the hub while GROUNDED and then set him to that position when loading back into the hub so this doesn’t keep happening.
  • Certain objects in the game, such as rings and elemental shields, aren’t animated. I'm certain you are already aware of this though.
  • The acceleration when not boosting is too slow in my opinion. It takes really long for Sonic/Blaze to speed up and it makes them feel a bit sluggish, ESPECIALLY in slow paced platforming sections. I died really often in Lunar Park because I had trouble building enough speed to make jumps during that level's more intricate platforming segments.
  • In one level Blaze had a double jump and then in the next she suddenly didn’t? I think I may have picked up an electric shield (which possibly gave her access to the double jump) but I died with the shield equipped and could still double jump after respawning. Because of that I thought the double jump was part of her base moveset but when I loaded into the next level I realized I couldn’t do it anymore.
  • There’s a bug where if you perform a homing attack on an object that’s out of reach, you’ll get stuck homing forever until you knock yourself out of it by stomping or taking damage. I ran into this twice but it's a super minor issue.
  • When using the autospring you don't really have any aerial mobility after hitting them. I you’re bouncing off the leftmost or rightmost side of the spring, you kind of get "stuck" there until the section is over. It’s VERY difficult to avoid obstacles when you’re stuck like this, especially because the spring continues moving and leaves you behind, and I had a lot of unfair deaths because of it. I also think it might be a good idea to lock the camera during these sections so it tracks the center of the screen instead of Sonic/Blaze. That way, the player is able to see more and has an easier time avoiding hazards. I know camera programming can be tough though.
  • I think it’d be nice if the stage music pauses when the player pauses the game and restarts after the player dies. It’s a small change, but to me it’d make things feel more polished
  • Having fade transitions between rooms would also make the game feel a little more polished. A simple fade in/fade out goes a long way!
  • This may have been a “user error” thing, but I couldn’t figure out how to equip the skills in the skill menu. I tried pressing all the buttons but nothing seemed to work. Do you have to unlock them first?
All in all it’s super obvious a lot of effort went into this demo! I’m honestly surprised how many levels you were able to fit in (there are like 6 or 7 if I’m remembering correctly and they’re all around 4-5 min each on a first playthrough. That’s a lot of content!). I’m sure you’ve got big plans for this game and I can’t wait to see what you do with it next! Keep up the good work!
As someone who's also making a fangame with Rush style gameplay (and has been keeping up with your game's development on discord), I was excited to finally see the demo come out! Blaze is also my favorite Sonic character so it's really cool seeing a fangame where she's playable!

I’m a big fan of bullet points so I figured I’d list my thoughts that way:

  • Early levels (Blue Coast, Temple Cliffs) have good enemy placement. There were multiple instances where I’d encounter an enemy in either of those levels and it almost always felt like they were supposed to be there. This might seem like a weird thing to praise but it’s important when it comes to level design and I think you nailed it here
  • Boosting feels good! Especially with all the visual effects that add to the sense of “speed” it gives you (i.e. speed lines surrounding the screen, particle effects on Sonic/Blaze, etc.)
  • The backgrounds look really really good. Idk how you nailed that parallax effect on the water in Blue Coast but I’m honestly really impressed how “3D” it looks, good job!
  • The dynamic camera is soooooo sick! Every time it zoomed in on the player I would get really hyped
  • I absolutely love that music gets muffled when you’re underwater
  • You have a very strong understanding of setpieces, which are a really important aspect of making Sonic levels memorable. The giant chopper chase at the end of Blue Coast as well as the ball chase at the end of Temple Cliffs were both really cool!
  • The level themes were creative and I like that you combined both visual assets from old games and music to try and make them unique!
  • This is small, but I love the detail that Blaze’s boost orbs are purple instead of blue
  • Sometimes when jumping into an act ring from the hub world, upon finishing/quitting an act, Sonic will respawn at the EXACT position he was at before entering the level. If that position happens to be a location where he is touching the act ring, he will immediately reload into the level. I got stuck in a loop of entering a level, trying to quit it, being brought back to the hub, and then sent immediately back into the level. I had to stomp and repeatedly quit the level until enough frames had passed that Sonic broke free. It might be a better idea to save Sonic’s last known position in the hub while GROUNDED and then set him to that position when loading back into the hub so this doesn’t keep happening.
  • Certain objects in the game, such as rings and elemental shields, aren’t animated. I'm certain you are already aware of this though.
  • The acceleration when not boosting is too slow in my opinion. It takes really long for Sonic/Blaze to speed up and it makes them feel a bit sluggish, ESPECIALLY in slow paced platforming sections. I died really often in Lunar Park because I had trouble building enough speed to make jumps during that level's more intricate platforming segments.
  • In one level Blaze had a double jump and then in the next she suddenly didn’t? I think I may have picked up an electric shield (which possibly gave her access to the double jump) but I died with the shield equipped and could still double jump after respawning. Because of that I thought the double jump was part of her base moveset but when I loaded into the next level I realized I couldn’t do it anymore.
  • There’s a bug where if you perform a homing attack on an object that’s out of reach, you’ll get stuck homing forever until you knock yourself out of it by stomping or taking damage. I ran into this twice but it's a super minor issue.
  • When using the autospring you don't really have any aerial mobility after hitting them. I you’re bouncing off the leftmost or rightmost side of the spring, you kind of get "stuck" there until the section is over. It’s VERY difficult to avoid obstacles when you’re stuck like this, especially because the spring continues moving and leaves you behind, and I had a lot of unfair deaths because of it. I also think it might be a good idea to lock the camera during these sections so it tracks the center of the screen instead of Sonic/Blaze. That way, the player is able to see more and has an easier time avoiding hazards. I know camera programming can be tough though.
  • I think it’d be nice if the stage music pauses when the player pauses the game and restarts after the player dies. It’s a small change, but to me it’d make things feel more polished
  • Having fade transitions between rooms would also make the game feel a little more polished. A simple fade in/fade out goes a long way!
  • This may have been a “user error” thing, but I couldn’t figure out how to equip the skills in the skill menu. I tried pressing all the buttons but nothing seemed to work. Do you have to unlock them first?
All in all it’s super obvious a lot of effort went into this demo! I’m honestly surprised how many levels you were able to fit in (there are like 6 or 7 if I’m remembering correctly and they’re all around 4-5 min each on a first playthrough. That’s a lot of content!). I’m sure you’ve got big plans for this game and I can’t wait to see what you do with it next! Keep up the good work!
Thanks so much for the feedback! You brought up a few more bugs that I didn't know about, gonna figure out what's going on with those. Acceleration seems to be a common criticism and I plan on working on that asap. I'll probably end up releasing a small demo in the future just to get opinions on physics and movement adjustments. I'm gonna end up completely redoing how the moving spring works, the way you handled it in your game and using a static camera gives me ideas...

As for the skills, this was a mistake I made with the demo. All the other skills except Endless Boost are currently unavailable, I forgot to remove them from the menu so that's totally on me. If I hadnt been so busy with work this week I'd have hopefully been able to push out another update fixing that...

All that aside, really glad you enjoyed the demo!
Thanks so much for the feedback! You brought up a few more bugs that I didn't know about, gonna figure out what's going on with those. Acceleration seems to be a common criticism and I plan on working on that asap. I'll probably end up releasing a small demo in the future just to get opinions on physics and movement adjustments. I'm gonna end up completely redoing how the moving spring works, the way you handled it in your game and using a static camera gives me ideas...

As for the skills, this was a mistake I made with the demo. All the other skills except Endless Boost are currently unavailable, I forgot to remove them from the menu so that's totally on me. If I hadnt been so busy with work this week I'd have hopefully been able to push out another update fixing that...

All that aside, really glad you enjoyed the demo!
Ah, gotcha. All that makes sense!

And yeah, the demo was awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing more in the future!

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