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SAGE 2022 - Demo Sonic & Blaze SAGE 2022 Edition

SAGE 22 - Sonic Fan Game 17 out of 69 - Sonic & Blaze SAGE 2022 Edition
A fun to control Sonic, whether you're boosting Rush style or Advance

This game was so much fun to play around with.
The speed and controls feel nice, the level design is great to blast go through, and gives heavily Rush vibes (which is the point).
I prefer the Advance style of boost since there is more of a flow to it in my opinion, but I can tell this game is mainly made for Rush's boost in mind. If there's a suggestion I would want to make is to make Advance's boost have the camera widen out so it's easier to react to the enemies and obstacles up ahead. That way it's fairer for the player that uses the Advance boost, since Rush's boost is gonna plow through those enemies anyways.
Didn't play much of Blaze, but she acts kinda similar to Sonic but with a hover move instead of the airdash, but she was still fun to control.

A nitpick of mine is that the sprites look kinda janky looking for some animations (idle for example), so those could use some polish but besides that, this is a game I would heavily recommend to those who like the Rush formula. 👍
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Reactions: arcanalune
It's a simple sonic fan game that achieves the base of a sonic game.

[to the dev]
but if the you're serious about continuing this fan game then,
harsh criticism ahead:

-this game lacks polish and momentum
-no controller support
-it just isn't fun
-no original music
-the size difference with the character sprite and background sprite is very jarring
-i see no distinct level design/personality in this game, it feels like you're choking yourself as an obligation to make a sonic fan game

look, I know you've put a lot of hard work into this project and I respect that dedication, games are never easy to make.
But honestly, I think you're drowning in a sea of mediocre sonic fan games

sonic momentum does everything your game does but 20 times better.

I'm saying this in the nicest way possible but, you should make an original game. you already have alot of game making knowledge you can transfer into a new game.
This will give you some freedom to do whatever you want and let your true self shine!

But if you feel like what I said is stupid and wrong, by all means, continue this fan game.
I'm just being honest is all. Nothing personal.
I think some of the criticism is fair game/your honest opinion and understand where it comes from, but would just like to throw my own opinion in the ring...

When it comes to games to look for as inspiration - I'd recommend to steer AWAY from making it like Sonic Momentum with all due respect to the dev of that game. Personally I think you'd do better looking at other Advance/Rush styled games like:
  • Sonic Colors Demastered
  • Sonic vs Darkness True Nightmare Revived
  • Sonic Dimensions.

The battle system in Momentum throws the balance/style of the game off and is antithetical to what I and many others think makes a good Sonic game, therefore making it not much fun to play. Personally I find that the cool styling/music/flashiness of Sonic Momentum does a lot to make people see it as a good game, but the core gameplay, particularly the new battle mechanics are questionable.

I do like and appreciate the visual styling, original music (where it applies, Sonic Momentum also reuses music and some theming like Wave Ocean, Sunset Hill Act 3, Planet Wisp, Sweet Mountain etc...) and effort (particularly willingness to think out of the box, the custom textboxes, custom level end screens and stuff like that) put into Sonic Momentum though. In short, I feel the polish is what could be learned from Sonic Momentum but not much else. Turn to the aforementioned games for inspiration if anything. Hope that makes sense.

If you wanted to mix it up, maybe implement the trick system like in Rush, can't think of many fan games that do that.
Fun gameplay
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Reactions: arcanalune