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SAGE 2022 - Demo Pulseman Amabilis (Sage '22 Demo)

General Information

DISCLAIMER: The build showcased in the SAGE pre show featured some placeholders. Please be aware that the placeholders and missing transitions have been ironed out.

CHANGELOG: V4 fixes some minor issues and offers the X key as a skip for the logos if pressed on the disclaimer screen.
---V5 fixes softlocks in the cyberspace highway and adds indicators for helping navigate the level.

Developed by Game Freak and released in 1994, Pulseman is an action platformer game in which you play as Pulseman - a half human, half digital hero battling the forces of the Galaxy Gang, led by the evil Doc Waruyama.
With the ability to control electricity, Pulseman can wield strong electrical slashes, beams, and even a powerful boost into the air, known as Volteccer!


Pulseman Amabilis is a fan sequel to the original Pulseman, aiming to expand on the story and characters without the limitations of the Genesis getting in the way.
This demo contains only level 1, Neo Tokyo.



In this game, it has been a year since the defeat of the Galaxy Gang and their leader, but things still seem to be going awry! Random outbreaks of technology going amok plague the world, and especially the city of Neo Tokyo...but Pulseman's on the case!
Explore both new and old locales around the world to discover the culprit!




Pulseman might find more than he's bargained for, someone new, yet awfully familiar, lurks behind the scenes.

KEYBOARD CONTROLS [Controller support not yet natively included!]
Z - Jump
X - Attack (Slash Arrow when charged) + Up/Down (Upwards Kick/Crouch Kick)
C - Spark/Enter Wire/Volteccer (when charged)
S - Lightning Dash

Volteccer can also be cancelled with X or C for a damaging electric effect!

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Latest reviews

Didn't play to completetion yet, but I very much agree with Narze's review, especially when it comes to comparing things such as level design to the original game hah. Other lil points I'd highlight are Pulseman's incredibly and kinda jarringly fast combo when hitting hitting the attack button, maybe some sorta finisher for a third hit could work? Aaand yeah, would be great if hitting forward twice to do the dash was possible (maybe through an option that's turned off by default), without removing the dedicated button ofcourse.

To comment something about the level design myself, yeah it's definitely faithful, buuuut becos of that it needs work. Maybe some gimmicks, such as electricity wires or something that Pulseman could attach onto and zip zoom from place to place, a bit like laser wisp? Taking use of the Voltecker move and giving it more use should work, it's definitely the best part in Pulseman, just being able to go crazy from wall to wall or place to place.

Anyway seeing a Pulseman fangame around is amazing to me, I once kiiinda worked on one too buuuut only did a single test stage lol, I'm looking forward to seeing more of this one!
I have played the original Pulseman and here are my first impressions.

You have captured the gameplay and feel perfectly, and the added graphical touches go a long way to making this feel like a genuine new Pulseman game. I like the presentation and the choice to have voice overs, I think they add a lot to the game.

Unfortunately, I think you might have captured the nature of the original Pulseman a little too well because some of the problems of the original game are present here as well:
The level design is still way too broad, leaving a lot of important things offscreen and the structure scattered. Pulseman himself still feels a bit clunky to control, his jump isnt mobile enough and he lacks an upward and downward attack while jumping. Pulseman's charge can be still awkward to do with his sudden movement transition, and enemies are still awkward and unsatisfying to fight. I do like how the melee and Slash Arrow are snappier, but Volteccer still takes a moment to activate when it should be instantaneous to keep the pace up.

And finally, I really think you should leave out limited lives, its a relic of that particular era of platformers and its only purpose is to pad out the game. I dont think keeping it adds anything to the game, even for the sake of tradition.

Overall despite my criticisms Im still very impressed with this game. I never would have thought that Pulseman of all things would get love so many years later and I look forward to future updates.
Thanks for playing!!
I admit I need practice with level design. I'd like to bring someone on board to help with it sometime, now that the project is public. I'll also take your other criticisms into account and probably apply some as I go, I do have a while to go with this!

As for the lives, I debated that, I'm not quite sure yet about removing them as I will probably end up implementing a system similar to Freedom Planet 2 where lives allow you to revive after being knocked down, and spark balls could be used as a currency to revive from a checkpoint after losing all your lives, provided you have enough of them.
The game will also have save files, so even if that doesn't happen, worry not, you won't have to restart the whole game if you lose!
I haven't played the original pulseman, but I wanted to try this out since it seemed alright. Music is good, controls are fine, but the level design is rough. Would be nice for the first level to be more of a tutorial. Do more to introduce pulseman's moveset since what he can do is unintuitive to newcomers. Maybe have his friend explain one of his moves, and then have a section where you have to do it.
I will add a tutorial in the future! Still getting my footing with Pulseman level design so it may be adjusted later on as well.


unfortunately I couldn't test the game, it crashes when I run it and doesn't leave the home screen...
Did you move the game out of the folder it came in? It might be that it's looking for SDL2.dll and can't find it. If not, unfortunately I don't know why you're having that issue. :(
Did you move the game out of the folder it came in? It might be that it's looking for SDL2.dll and can't find it. If not, unfortunately I don't know why you're having that issue. :(
I just extract the file in a folder and run it (in the compressed file it came without a folder so I put the game in one), the mentioned file is in the folder next to the executable and it still crashes....
I just extract the file in a folder and run it (in the compressed file it came without a folder so I put the game in one), the mentioned file is in the folder next to the executable and it still crashes....
Game should be in a folder with SDL2.dll right with it, if something is inside its own folder by itself, that will likely cause problems. is it giving you an error or just closing?

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