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SAGE 2022 - Demo AdvPack Season 2: Arcadia Coast Demo

General Information

Season 2 of the Adventure Pack has returned to SAGE (Sonic Amateur Games Expo) with a demo this year with Act 1 of Konilla Grove: Arcadia Coast! Take the main path and experience the biggest 2006 throwback of Sonic fangame history: Sonic GL! Players will finally get to experience Sonic GL through the Adventure Pack! Alternatively, you can dive into the ocean water at high speeds to take advantage of shortcuts with sea marine life to guide your way! Or even rush through the waters and explore the small islands around the level! Your adventure is your choice! Stay tuned for more Americano Funky Action news and videos in this month of June! Sonic GL & Sonic GL Adventure was a visually impressive anticipated fangame that was developed before Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) that was unfortunately canceled a couple years after development due to copyright concerns. Arcadia Coast contains a recreation of nearly all the areas found in the Sonic GL Trailers and videos.


Get ready for Funky Action™ Season 2! Get ready to reunite with the world's famous hedgehog on a high-speed cinematic adventure! Explore stunning new worlds at speeds and in ways like never before! This upcoming rendition of the Adventure Pack is a remaster to an Infinity fangame classic that also expands upon the gameplay experience with new speeds, new levels, and new heights! DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to SEGA, Sonic, Unreal Engine 4, assets, or any characters and properties pertaining to those official companies. The Japanese text and the voice are not congruent with each other and are there for aesthetic purposes exclusively. The "Season 2 Abyssal Dungeon Demo" is NOT Season 2 in all of its totality.

(SAGE Ver 1.05) - Soundtrack Feature and Optimization fix!

If you had performance issues with Version 1.0, I recommend giving this version a spin!


(how do I remove this humongous embed?)

I still have a Version 1.1 in the works which will include some fixes, quality of life improvements, and more optimizations!

Latest reviews

This level is not that bad but is nothing special either. I get the appeal of trying to feel like Sonic GL, but I don't think Infinity Engine does this idea justice. It just feels.. kinda empty. I guess when the full game comes out (if it actually will, unlike many fan games) this stage will have its footing for example at the start of the game, to teach players the basics, but for a demo, it's not that good.
First things first- this game NEEDS to be optimized. I'm on a mid range gaming PC, able to run Omens at medium settings with very few frame drops, but at minimum settings 720p here, I could only get around 25-27 fps

As with every other 3D Sonic fan game ever, you need more automated cameras, especially in stages this wide and open. Leaving camera control entirely up to the player in a fast 3D platformer is frustrating and makes the game harder than it needs to be when using a controller. Plus, with the way the framework is set up, the camera turns with Sonic way too tightly- with open areas in SA1 and 06, you could run in a tight circle and the camera would just sway back and forth, here though, it would jerk side to side at a seizurific speed. Alternatively, you could only use a few automated cameras for sections that really need them, and then just box in the environments a bit. There's a good reason official 3D Sonic stage design is much more linear and narrow than other 3D platformers. The preview video at the end is exactly what I'm looking for, that's a stage design with form AND function, while this is... BlitzSonic esque. nintendo hire this man lookin. Just random hills and copy pasted rock formations. It's fun to play but that's mostly down to how badass and tight the Infinity Engine framework is.

VERY nice presentation, I love the style and mood, probably the best thing about this demo. I also loved how you have two different soundtracks so people won't have to deal with copyright bullshit if they make a video or stream this

Left stick has no deadzone, so if you're using an older controller with a loose left stick, menus are going to be a NIGHTMARE... which, they already are. Sometimes up and down go up and down, but sometimes, they're left and right, same with left and right sometimes being up and down depending on the selection you have highlighted. The right face button on the controller does nothing, so you just have to scroll to the bottom of the list to go back a menu, Balan Wonderworld style.

MAD potential, but I think you should be focusing on quality over quantity, I remember the first Adventure Pack had all these same problems except for the frame rate.
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I gotcha I gotcha, so I got a Version 1.1 in the works which aims to fix the optimization. Recently, I looked back and diagnosed the issue, so the reason for the poor performance is likely because the game was missing all of the unload cues. In other words, too many things get loaded in at once which tanks the performance over time. Sorry about that.

I gotta say, making this demo was an interesting learning experience, kinda what SAGE is. This demo was more of a tribute to a canceled fangame (Sonic GL, from 2006!) than your usual "Funky Action" Original. The main path is a recreation of the level in that fangame. That probably explains the whole Blitzsonic Nintendo hire looking rocks and hills. (yo this part was hilarious) That also explains the "form and function" you see in the upcoming act 2 demo with Stampede Breeze, that's all my level design right there and I can't wait to release that for you all!

Yup, a memory leak makes perfect sense regarding the performance, since the stage geometry is so simple and there aren't a ton of set dressing objects. It's so cool we've come so far with Sonic that we're seeing tributes in fangames to other fangames, now THAT'S a Meta Era.
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SAGE 22 - Sonic Fan Game 1 out of 69 - AdvPack Season 2: Arcadia Coast Demo
Very promising for what is to come.

Before I review, I would like to report that there are some bugs when it comes to navigating the menus. Sometimes, it would invert my UI controls, or even the Apply and Back buttons would swap but function the same.

Anyways, with that being said, the presentation got a good impression on me before I even started the game.
When I actually got into the game, I had to figure out which buttons do what since the controls menu wasn't available; but once I figured it out, the controls were really smooth to play around with.

The boost feels nice to control with its tight turning, though there were parts where I didn't bother boosting cause it would cause more trouble than good due to its speed. However, with sections where it tells you to boost or where there are no obstacles, I feel like that's where it felt the most satisfying to boost.

The level itself is really fun to blast through, whether boosting or not. I really appreciate the floating arrow signs pointing you in the right way. Most fan games I tried playing tend to not give you a sense of direction, so you tend to get lost. Again, nice of the arrow signs being here.

One gripe I have with the game is with the performance, I have a great PC though I do realize there are parts during the level where the FPS would tank harshly. Specifically when it comes to a part where there is nothing but water and land.

Otherwise, looking forward to the full release of the game, had a blast with this demo. 👍
Yoo I'm really glad that the arrow signs helped a lot! That was thanks to the feedback I got from my SAGE 2020 demo! I got a Version 1.1 of this demo in the works which will focus on fixing those FPS issues as well as polish up on those pesky UI bugs too! I'm glad you enjoyed and stay tuned for more of the Adventure Pack!


Please ping me when you've optimized the game. I see other people have commented on this behalf and my fps is just in unplayable 10-15 fps.
Please ping me when you've optimized the game. I see other people have commented on this behalf and my fps is just in unplayable 10-15 fps.
I just released version 1.05 which should boost your framerate, give it another go!
I just released version 1.05 which should boost your framerate, give it another go!
Yup, it runs better now! Though I wish that shader stutters weren't that often, which I think is an engine quirk, so it's not your fault.
Man, you know what... I had fun running around the enviornment. That sneak peek of what's to come at the end of the demo got me hyped! Is there a discord or something I can follow to keep up with progress or the next release?

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