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Sonic Alpha

Project Overview

sa title screen display.png
A mysterious recurrence happened once again as Angel Island is seen landed in the ocean and to top it off little planet is seen right above it in the sky! What is going on? And what's Eggman / Dr.Robotnik up too? Find out in the next episode of- er, I mean, find out in Sonic Alpha! (Sorry that's the best story I could ever come up with...)

Sonic Alpha is a 2D classic sonic fan game inspired off the time when older 2D sonic fan games were made such as Sonic XG, Sonic Nexus, Sonic Classic, Sonic Axiom, etc; with a Mania inspired touch. It will features returning stages as well as new ones.

The game features 4 playable characters ranging from Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Mighty. Yup you read correctly, Mighty the armadillo. He was originally planned before I even started making the game and has his move set inspired by Sonic Mania of course.

Sonic can control as you normally expect with the addition of the SuperPeelOut and Drop Dash.
Tails can Fly, Knuckles can climb walls and break rocks to reach hidden routes specially for him.
Mighty controls mostly how you'd see in Sonic Mania,
He has the Hammer Drop and can bounce of Spikes.In this demo will be a short playable act of Angelic Angel Island Zone.

Edit: It has been reupdated to fix slowdown issues, and other bugfixes. unfortunately there will be no joypad support as that slows down the game tremendously.
Edit2: repudated again. you can now spindash properly through rocks without stopping any momentum and fixed layer glitch in cutscene.
Edit3: fixed all slowdowns. show be no more now I hope :/
To Download; the game is now updated : Alpha SAGE 2018 update.7z?dl=0
to download just click on the link and look for a download button. should somewhere on the top right of the screen or click on the 3 dots to find a download button.

Screenshots and media!


Sonic Alpha is developed by Ice.

Programmers - Ice, Lighto, Lake Feperd, Carlos Ushiromaya, Yonatankor, and Rifty.

Engine- Not So Simple Sonic Worlds.
Various Sprites- Spriter resource, SonicTeam/SEGA, Yawackhary, TCRF, ASUHARA MOON, SkyLights, SuperSonic Yoshi, Flare, Sparks, Supa Chao, ZR Dragoon, Victor "T" Zenor, SonicFan 32, Sonic Retro, SonicCult, HiveBrain, Eddo, ChaoFanatic, Divine Insect, Dolphan, The Observer, MisterMan, Doc Melonhead, Motor Roach, EXEcutor the Bat a.k.a BeanLuv, Darky33, Geo Prower, Christian Whitehead, Pagoda WestGames, Paul Veer, Kieran Gates, and Lucas "Midio" Carualho.

Special Thanks- Lighto, Lake Feperd, Carlos Ushiromaya, Yonatankor, Rifty, my family, Jesus, and you, for playing my game. Thank you all.
Really Special Thanks to Stealth and LakeFeperd and everyone who gave feedback on fixing the game, much obliged!
You're too cool!

Latest reviews

Pretty good fan-Game dude cant wait to see whats more

And yes this is the person who done a playthrough of your game
Last edited:
Wow! This Sonic Fan Game shows how the blur shall act!
It's really nice see an simle and cool attempt ( a good one) to make something out of some other stuff that'd could be considered oveused. i like how fresh stuff fells in game play, sometimes has soem random issues ( blame the possesed game engine software) wich sometimes interfer in gameplay, just an restart solve those problems.
i like how consistent characters are in level, a good mix that i will be looking forwards for it.;


I like the concept and how things are done. Obviously, arent an Mania 2, but is soo good and enjoyable, and to see the accuracy of level and characters is pretty well done. Soemtimes the game has some random bugs but its due to major and random issues by a cursed game engine.
I like the concept and how things are done. Obviously, arent an Mania 2, but is soo good and enjoyable, and to see the accuracy of level and characters is pretty well done. Soemtimes the game has some random bugs but its due to major and random issues by a cursed game engine.
Unfortunately XD
Mostly feels like a minor hack of Angel Island from Sonic 3. I didn't see too much of a change from that and it's very short. Strangely, the menu and the credits makes me feel like this has promise, but there didn't feel like much substance in the actual level. Overall, I think it's fine, but I'd really just want more to play to really see this shaped with new ideas. This starting off on Angel Island and it being called Sonic Alpha, I thought it might be something like a prequel. Like, maybe exploring that past Angel Island from Sonic Adventure or something.
Well, the game is really good, I didn't encounter any glitches other than the control settings doing absolutely nothing. I entered my own controls and they defaulted to arrown to move and z for jump which was pretty annoying.
Well, the game is really good, I didn't encounter any glitches other than the control settings doing absolutely nothing. I entered my own controls and they defaulted to arrown to move and z for jump which was pretty annoying.
that has been fixed as I was not aware at the time I apologize.
And thank you for playing!
what engine you use? im gonna create a fan game i need a good engine.
It's "Not so Simple Sonic Worlds", but don't expect a good engine alone to make your game great because it won't. It's not just about the tools you own, but about how you use the tool to it's fullest ability. You can have the best engine in the world but if you don't study and learn how to make whatever it is you want to make then you're wasting your time. Learn how to use the tool first, then use utilize it to it's fullest ability. Good luck with your fan game.

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