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Sonic the Hedgehog RPG: Gearhead

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(Original cover art by Ring Master Leon)


(Updated cover art by Ring Master Leon)

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When a major storm hits Knothole, the destructive power of Project Firebird is revealed. Meanwhile, a distress signal sends Rotor and Logan to brave the frigid Northern Mountains…

Sonic the Hedgehog RPG: Gearhead is the fourth episode of the Sonic the Hedgehog RPG (e.g. SatAM RPG) series, whose first episode debuted at SAGE 2020 (Click here to check it out!).

SatAM RPG strives to deliver a high quality RPG experience, taking place in the world of Sonic SatAM, between seasons 1 and 2. Inspired by the dynamic nature of Super Mario RPG, players are treated with far more than a formulaic gameplay experience. With multiple playable characters each with their own special mechanics, dynamic map puzzles, cool items, and compelling turn-based strategy, SatAM RPG will leave you believing that Sonic can indeed star in a great role-playing game.


Keyboard Controls (Note: All in-game key hints refer to keyboard controls):

Tab - Fullscreen
Arrow key - Move
X - Select
Z - Cancel/Submenu
C - Change character
Left Shift - Character special move

Supports SNES and Xbox Controller Gamepads


Hey, played the game, but found a few issues.

When fighting the beast in the mountains, the game crashes with "data/monsters/abominable.lua:55: module 'data/items/YetiArmor' not found".

When leaving Sonic's hut after the snow has cleared up, you're transported back to snowy Knothole.

A few times in battle the confirmation/select sound effect keeps looping, even when not doing anything.

Once after a failed QTE in battle, no more QTEs would appear anymore.

I really hope you have some time to fix it, because I liked the previous episodes a lot.
Hey, played the game, but found a few issues.

When fighting the beast in the mountains, the game crashes with "data/monsters/abominable.lua:55: module 'data/items/YetiArmor' not found".

When leaving Sonic's hut after the snow has cleared up, you're transported back to snowy Knothole.

A few times in battle the confirmation/select sound effect keeps looping, even when not doing anything.

Once after a failed QTE in battle, no more QTEs would appear anymore.

I really hope you have some time to fix it, because I liked the previous episodes a lot.
Oh dang, great finds, thank you for reporting ! I will fix that as soon as I can.

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