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SAGE 2022 - Complete Yoshi's Fabrication Station (V3)

General Information

Yoshi's Fabrication Station returns to SAGE! I submitted this game last year to the site, back when it was in version 2.X.

The project is back this year, and has since been updated to its 3rd major version, and a lot of new features have been added during the last 12 months... and more are still to come!


This project aims to allow you to easily make Yoshi's Island stages, using a custom-made level designer. This game does not require a ROM, the core Yoshi's Island gameplay has been remade from scratch.


Using the level editor

The level editor is pretty straightforward to use, it's pretty much made to be usable without any prior knowledge of the editor.
  • Left mouse button is to place stuff, right mouse to delete.
  • Double-click on sprites to edit them - you can mirror sprites this way, and more advanced sprites have a customization menu, that allows you to change an objects' properties!
  • When you have a big tile in your cursor, you can only delete big tiles, if you have a small tile in your cursor, you can only delete small tiles.
A brief overview of how to use the editor will show up when you create a new level, be sure to give it a read!


New since last year...

Last year was on version 2.3, as of this time of writing, it's on version 3.7.
There's too much new content to post it all here, but I'll share the highlights!
  • 2 new themes have been added: Flower Garden (finally!) & Sewer
  • Support for custom level music
  • Sample levels, accessible from the title screen (which has also been revamped!)
  • Tileset & background palettes, including lots of new backgrounds & background gradients
  • Water. Lots of water types actually, including flowing water!
  • Controller support (configure keybinds in the settings)
  • New objects, such as watermelons, balloons (very customisable!) & spinning spiky platforms
  • An avalanche of new enemies! Just to name a few: Spear Guy, Boo, Harry Hedgehog, Milde, Cheep Cheeps, Dizzy Dandies & much more!

If you're interested in following updates all-year long for this project, share your levels, or have questions, you can join the Discord here.
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Reactions: Ice and tomman321


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