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SAGE 2022 - Demo Mega Man X8 16-bit

General Information

A Mega Man X8 16-bit demake project, being created using Godot Engine 3.5.


Main differences:
  • No medals, shop, retry chips or intermissions - look forward to a vanilla item hunt experience similar to X1~X3.
  • Only X will be playable. Zero, Axl and the navigators will not be playable.
  • Both Avalanche Yeti's and Gigabolt Man-O-War's stages are going to be reworked to play similar to Overdrive Ostrich's stage from Mega Man X2.
  • The RideChaser will work similar to Mega Man X2, but is now more responsive and can be stopped at any point. It also has the damaging airdash from X4.
  • Jakob Elevator will not be just an auto-scrolling elevator level and Gateway will not be just a classic boss rush.
  • The Neutral Armor will not be unlocked all at once anymore - rather, the armor parts will be displayed over X's body, similar to classic games. The color of each part will fade to yellow if X is not wearing a full set.
  • Ultimate Armor will not be in the game.
  • Some Icarus and Hermes armor parts have been reworked slightly:
    • Hermes foot parts now makes you invulnerable while dashing on the ground.
    • Hermes body parts now lets you recover energy for a brief time after getting damage by destroying enemies.
    • Icarus foot parts now lets you double jump and double air dash.
Progress so far:
  • Current build has the intro stage plus all eight maverick stages completed, with their respective bosses, weapons and secrets.
  • The current demo has a very balanced battle totally free of any bugs as a placeholder for the final stages.

Latest reviews

I haven't played too much of the original because I found it to be kinda boring. This demake was something that made X8 a lot more enjoyable. I didn't find too many bugs while playing this demo.

It is a bit hard but I prefer games to be harder than easier. With that being said, I did have to play a few levels over a few times. In Metal Valley the giant mech speeds up when it attacks and when you get a certain distance from it. Those should be fixed. Some of the bosses feel like you need their weakness in order to beat them so I can see the difficulty not being for everyone. I like how you can play bosses even after you beat them.

Zero an Axl not being playable is unfortunate but I also get that it would take extra time to do that. Finish the game first, then add extra chars if you're not burnt out.

Overall, this is a great demake. It needs some rebalancing but not much. I hope the creator is able to finish the game.
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This has some promise, but there are TONS of issues. The art direction feels inconsistent, and the balance is entirely screwed. X has never before felt so fragile. The robot chase in Earthrock Trilobyte's stage is now more infuriating rather than being a slog. I constantly game over at this more than I feel I should be. The removal of Zero and Axel I strongly feel is an incredibly misguided decision, and their non existent presence is probably why X feels like he's made of tissue paper. Also the drop rate for health pick ups is really annoying in this. The game generally feels good to control, but it's still ever so slightly off compared to the SNES originals, It also really doesn't compare to how buttery smooth and responsive the real X8 feels. I respect the effort, but I feel this project really misses what Made X8 stand out from the others, and therefore lacks the real game's personal identity (Whether that's a good or bad thing is irrelevant). So I STRONGLY advise that you put Zero and Axel back in. Another Small issue, this game desperately needs Vsync.
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I think your criticism/advice might be a bit misplaced. I know there are things you don't like, but I disagree about the controls. Here they have even made me hate how the original's felt as these are more responsive. I don't feel X weak at all. Indeed I think he's even overpowered in late-game even without the ultimate armor being present. Megaman always stood out for its high difficulty curve which, that doesn't mean some stages seems to be unfinished compared to others. The creator will likely nerf them.

Regarding the exclusion of Zero/Axel, we should respect the creator's decision as he probably doesn't want to include them just because he doesn't want to. He's sharing something he could easily keep to himself (like the business model MMX Corrupted currently has, sadly).

So let's support the creator by reporting errors and bugs instead of demanding changes - Let's have more empathy for the community that keeps Megaman alive 🐾
Excellent Remake! or would it be a demake? not sure, i saw a lot of other people having aspects with certain issues such as no playable Zero or Axl or no shop, but i personally don't mind,

I think the two armor system here works way better than in X5 or X6 and i think all of the upgrades are really good. I mostly prefer the Icarus Legs and Head and the Hermes Arms and Body (not that the other upgrades are bad, i just prefer being able to speedily dash while firing off quick and powerful shots, regaining health as i do so and hurting enemies as i jump).

The Weapons are all pretty good too. Some are more useful than others (I've barely used the S.Bomb, T.Dancer or D.Arrow) but some of them like the B.Launcher and F.Dash are Really fun to use. Even some others i don't use much like C.Bouncer or O.Sheild can be useful in certain situations.

As for the item collecting itself, i love it, i have a habit for going for the Leg parts first in most mega man x games since i like the increased mobility most of those provide, and since i prefer the icarus legs over the hermes legs i usually go for Bamboo Pandamonium's stage first, and i love the method of obtaining them with the ride armor, obviously there are other methods but I'm glad there is a way to do it without any upgrades or weapons, and all the other armors (and the Heart and Sub Tanks) have pretty good placements too.

I have experienced a few minor bugs, such as the game occasionally crashing or some weird camera issues, but overall nothing too bad,

The only thing that isn't gonna be included that I'm slightly sad about is the Ultimate Armor. I think it would be neat if it was in the game as an unlockable, maybe like in x5 where you need to go into one of the fortress stages as Armorless X, and i think it would be cool if it was reworked so that it instead worked as a combination of the two main armors instead of the weird stuff it was in X8. Like if the ultimate legs gave you both the invisible dash and multi air-dash and double jump, or the buster was both a laser and a split projectile (or maybe even the X4 plasma buster) and having all shots not consume ammo, and maybe having the nova strike as it's Giga attack thing. I'm not too bothered by it but it could be cool.


Hello good Morning!
first of all the game looks amazing...
but i have a big problem...
I don't know why this is specific because others do
but I get an error that won't let me open it in any way...

Your video card driver does not support any of the supported opengl versions.
Please update your drivers or if you have a very old or integrated GPU, upgrade it.

help me please
Esse Demake é muito bom mesmo.

Megaman X8 é o meu Megaman X favorito da Série, e essa versão (pelo menos para mim) aperfeiçoa ainda mais o jogo que já era muito bom. Ele tem alguns Bugs aqui e ali, mas em geral é um ótimo Demake que claramente é feito com carinho, mas eu queria perguntar uma coisa que, por mais que esteja escrito acima, não sei se irá se aplicar ao jogo quando (ou caso) ele for terminado.

Seguinte: A primeira coisa é que eu queria saber se realmente o jogo só vai ter o X como personagem jogável mesmo, ou se ele só tem o X como personagem jogável por enquanto, tipo, seria realmente maravilhoso se tivesse os outros dois Personagens, Axl e Zero, mas se tiver apenas o X até o final é totalmente compreensível, afinal, deve ter dado um trabalhão fazer esse Demake kkk.

E a segunda é que eu queria também saber se até o final, a Ultimate Armor não será adicionada ao jogo, que como eu disse antes, por mais triste que seja, é compreensível.

De qualquer forma, mesmo que no fim não haja nenhuma dessas duas Adições, o jogo é fenomenal e merece muito mais reconhecimento do que já tem. Estou tendo que escrever isso com os Pés, pois minhas mãos estão muito ocupadas aplaudindo o jogo.


This Demake is really good.

Megaman X8 is my favorite Megaman It has a few bugs here and there, but overall it's a great Demake that was clearly made with care, but I wanted to ask something that, even though it's written above, I don't know if it will apply to the game when (or if) it is finished.

Next: The first thing is that I wanted to know if the game will really only have X as a playable character, or if it only has X as a playable character for now, like, it would be really wonderful if it had the other two characters, Axl and Zero, but if there's only X until the end it's totally understandable, after all, it must have been a lot of work to do this Demake lol.

And the second is that I also wanted to know if by the end, Ultimate Armor will not be added to the game, which as I said before, as sad as it is, is understandable.

In any case, even if in the end there are neither of these two Additions, the game is phenomenal and deserves much more recognition than it already has. I'm having to write this with my Feet as my hands are too busy applauding the game.

Anyway, even if there aren't these two Additions in the end, the game is phenomenal and deserves much more recognition than it already has. I'm having to write this with my Feet as my hands are too busy applauding the game.
It's very strange to see Mega Man X8 go back so much graphically and sonically to resemble the Super Nintendo trilogy, a trilogy that I love, but I find the graphical evolution it has had since Mega Man X4 fascinating. Despite all this, your fangame is amazing, it looks very well made and looks very beautiful, but is there room for modification in your fangame? I would love to add the sprites, effects (especially the dash) and sounds from Mega Man X4 to X6.
After replaying the game I can't quit saying how incredible of a fan game it is and how much enjoying it is to replay it
I'd like to add few things I've noticed
The armor parts ...the blue foot part is inferior to the red one . Because the red is so OP I'm not saying this to nerf the red but to make the blue ones more powerful in some way like I would never pick the blue ones over the red
The blue boday part is so useless actually...yeah cool idea of making your health red and can be refill but it literally last for a second and you have to shot with your normal buster to refill it I mean I rarely benefitted from it and as the foot part I would always choose the red one over it
The giga attack of the Blue armor is also inferior to the red one I feel like if you add a regeneration to the giga attack of the blue armor it would be the perfect mix and the two giga attack will be equal
Lastly I would add that I don't really know how the optic sun flower weapon works but it still look so cool LOL.
And I will repeat this is one of the best games ever like I can write two full pages of how much I like it and enjoy it
Thx very much for this incredible experience.
Unplayable due to extreme audio stuttering on Linux under Wine. Is there any chance of a native build or source release?
I gotta say, having just come across this, I think it's a great idea. I've only played the opening stage and Pandemonium's stage and just so far I've noticed two big things that jump at me. Being hit while climbing causes a huge delay in being able to grab onto the wall again. Much longer than any X game. Next huge issue I found was fighting Pandemonium himself. I noticed I was doing next to no damage to him. Not to mention you can only shoot him in the head. Fine, but 3 normal shots to take one stick of health is quite a bit low damage considering the amount of damage he can dish out. I will continue to play and see if other bosses are the same, but for now those are two glaring problems I have. Visually the game is amazing, and the soundtrack is great, though I would say some SFX volumes could be cranked up. I noticed some shots off unbreakable objects are pretty quiet. The controls are impeccable. Everything feels snappy, quick, and responsive. Really excellent there. Overall I really look forward to continuing this. Thanks for the hard work.
Okay, well silly question but How do you save your game? I beat the intro level and got a series of game over's in Optic Sunflower Stage. I closed out of the game from the Stage Select (Using the "X") on my window. The next day, I relaunched the game and only "Game Start" was available from the Main Menu so I had to replay the intro level again. Just want to check on this before I continue if you are expected to play in one go. Thanks.

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