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Christmas SAGE 2023 Sonic: Lock & Load v1.4 "Horizons"



Sonic: Lock & Load is a hyper-fast character-action first-person shooter based on the Sonic the Hedgehog series of games and built on GZDoom.

It draws inspiration from Sonic games, as well as titles like Sonic Robo Blast 2, ULTRAKILL and Devil May Cry. It also features elements from other GZDoom mods, retro FPS games and other character-action games.

The v1.4 "Horizons" update of Sonic: Lock & Load brings new levels, new techniques, refinements to the changes made in v1.3.3 major changes to the gameplay and Sonic: Lock & Load’s fundamentals.

Admittedly, I had some troubles with SFGHQ and SAGE 2022, resulting in me making a "Final Final Demo". You can read about the development history and struggles on Sonic: Lock & Load's website.

Important! And this IS important, as many people tend to try to run Sonic: Lock & Load without following this advice.
You need the IWAD for DOOM II: Hell on Earth (DOOM2.WAD), which you can get by buying DOOM II on Steam or GOG. Alternatively, you can use the free and open source Freedoom: Phase 2, which will still work, even if DOOM II has the overall better appearance.



Since this SFGHQ Showcase is for a SAGE event, it'll retain the original version of v1.4 without any patches, for posterity reasons.

If you want to see updates on Sonic: Lock & Load, be it a minor update for v1.4 or a major update like v1.5, you can check out the official website or my YouTube channel for anything and everything I get up to concerning the project.


Sonic: Lock & Load is a game by Arsalan "Velocity" Kazmi, free software under the GNU General Public License v3.

Thank you to the GZDoom team for providing the GZDoom source port, and thank you to id Software for open sourcing the original DOOM and DOOM II. Without these projects, Sonic: Lock & Load wouldn't exist.
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When I try to open the game, it gives me a fatal error that looks like this:

OS: Windows 11 (or higher) (NT 10.0) Build 22621

GZDoom version g4.11.3

Execution could not continue.

Cannot find a game IWAD (doom.wad, doom2.wad, heretic.wad, etc.).
Did you install GZDoom properly? You can do either of the following:

1. Place one or more of these wads in the same directory as GZDoom.
2. Edit your gzdoom-username.ini and add the directories of your iwads
to the list beneath [IWADSearch.Directories]
When I try to open the game, it gives me a fatal error that looks like this:

OS: Windows 11 (or higher) (NT 10.0) Build 22621

GZDoom version g4.11.3

Execution could not continue.

Cannot find a game IWAD (doom.wad, doom2.wad, heretic.wad, etc.).
Did you install GZDoom properly? You can do either of the following:

1. Place one or more of these wads in the same directory as GZDoom.
2. Edit your gzdoom-username.ini and add the directories of your iwads
to the list beneath [IWADSearch.Directories]
You need a copy of either DOOM2.WAD (DOOM II) or freedoom2.wad (Freedoom: Phase 2). Freedoom: Phase 2 is the free option: go to, download "Freedoom Phase 1+2", unzip, put freedoom2.wad inside Sonic: Lock & Load's folder, run Sonic-LockandLoad.exe and it should just work.

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