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Sonic Chaos - Turquoise Hill Demo

Project Overview

Sonic Chaos

Sonic Chaos is a fan game and re-imagining of the 1993 Sega Game Gear and Master System platform game of the same name. Based on the current style of 2D classic Sonic games inspired by Sonic Mania, Sonic Chaos updates the 8 bit visuals of the original and adapts a play style more closely resembling the classic 16-bit games. The game has been in development for almost an entire year, of which the last 3 months was spent building a brand new engine from scratch. Sonic Chaos uses this new engine, Crimson Engine, and with it we've strived for classic Sonic gameplay accuracy.

Since the initial release, even after only a few hours; we've already gotten tons of feedback and bug reports. We're so glad to see this many people enjoying the demo, and we'd like to make it the best we can!
So even though SAGE has begun, we'll be releasing plenty of updates during the event, stay tuned!

08/25/2018 - Update 1:
- Icon added
- Act 2 Boss refinements
- Fixed Act 2 boss softlocks
- Fixed bug where roll state is kept during act clear on act 2
- Demo now restarts at the titlescreen upon completion instead of closing

08/25/2018 - Update 2:
- Various Collision issues in Act 1 and Act 2 fixed
- Object placement issues in act 2 fixed
- Platforms above a bottomless pit in Act 1 have been changed to stay floating
- Fixed some pathswapping issues in both Acts

08/29/18 - Update 3:
- A frame cap has been implemented!
- Act 2 background has been optimized
- Shield fixes
- Tails gets properly put into spring-mode when he lands on a moto-spring while flying
- A bug where the player turns invisible in an S-Tube has been fixed
- Ring monitors now properly give an extra life upon passing 100 rings
- Falling platforms not being destroyed after going offscreen while falling is fixed
- Object solidity adjustments
- Monitor collision has been adjusted/corrected
- A music crashing bug accidentally introduced in 1.2 has been fixed
- Level layouts have been slightly adjusted to improve play experience and provide better direction

Update 3 will most likely be our last update until the next demo. Thanks to everyone who played! We've got lots of work to do!

Screenshots and media!


A+Start - Project Lead, Lead Designer, and Artist
Mr. Poe - Project Lead, Lead Programmer, Crimson Engine Programmer
TheStoneBanana - Chaos Engine & Gameplay Programmer
Michael Staple - Lead Composer & Musician
Heraga - Lead Level Designer
Jassbec - Level Designer
Tpot - Additional Programming and Assistance

Latest reviews

It's massive massacre :) LOVE THIS DEMO!
But.. 4 years ago and still no other demo or full game? Such a shame!

Mini boss in act 1 was fine, but boss in act 2.. fantastic!
I never play Chaos yet too but in this case i wish for more then 1 zone demo only..

Shall be more in nearly future?? Keep my fingers crossed..

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very impressive, the game is very fluid and very sonic taking elements from almost all older games its very refreshing to play. i am looking forward to seeing more this in the future.
I've played the original Sonic Chaos, and as easy as that game was, I found it incredibly fun and a good game to be one of the first games from the series I played. Unfortunately, I don't think the same about this game.

The level design for the first act of Turquoise Hill is okay at worst. At best, it feels like Sonic 1. Act 2 though... I wasn't sure where to go -- the stage kept forcing me backwards along the path I came, and in other parts it wasn't clear where to go. There aren't a lot of enemies there, either. I nearly received a Time Over before I gave up. The Zone hasn't got any truly memorable sections, which is a shame since I remember a couple of sections from the original, even though it's been years since I last played that game. I would've much preferred a straightforward port of the original's layout. It's been like 20-30 minutes since I played this game and I can only remember the areas of the second Act that I had to run through more than once, and maybe another one or two.

The look of this game is alright. The pixel art is impressive, and the spritework is really skilful, but I never liked the aesthetic of Sonic Mania. Arguably a personal preference, but I feel it didn't do justice to the original game it was based on and simply played on nostalgia for Sonic 2. Sonic Chaos had its own distinctive style, and I feel it would be way better if you remastered or even just touched up on the original's look for the sprites. The landscape and backgrounds are really pretty, although the ground and walls look a little too flat and shiny. The music really fits the Zone, though!

I'm sorry if I sounded harsh, but I really want to see this become the best it can be. I don't intend any hate. I'm excited for any new updates and demos, since Sonic Chaos is a game I love, and I wish you luck with it. Thank you!
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This demo was amazing I loved:
  • The graphics - Really loved the sprite work it looked like it could fit right at home with Sonic Mania
  • The enemy design - The enemy design just fit in with the stage and I love one of them specifically and that is the badnik with a spring on it's back
  • 2 Level demo - Really loved the fact you gave us two acts to play through I was expecting to close the game after act 1
  • One of the bosses - Act 1's boss was amazing and it didn't take too long to defeat the battle flowed nicely
  • The music - Catchy tunes that matched the stage there is nothing else I can say about it
Things I didn't like:
  • Act 2's boss - This boss feels like it goes on forever compared to act 1's boss and does not flow nicely
  • Act 2 - Although I liked the idea of act 2 having to go backwards after having an entire stage before go forwards I feel like the side paths or troll paths were a bit to much causing me to loop around and barely make any progress
After playing through it fully I will be certainty play through it again and try to become a master at it. I can also report that I ran into no bugs what so ever. I can't wait until the game is finished and I wish you guys the best of luck
Looks awesome so far, just a few bugs I've noticed:

- When the game is not focused, weird stuff happens. On the title screen, the audio glitches out and the title screen will start over when the game is focused again. When you tab out and back into the game while Sonic/Tails is in the air, they will immediately spawn back on the ground.
- The physics on slopes, loops and especially in tunnels are quite buggy sometimes.
- Trying to go up even the mildest ascent in terrain at little momentum feels very weird, because no matter how mild it is, you barely gain any speed and essentially have no chance going up without having to go back to gain speed. Probably not a bug, but I still find the physics weird in those situations.
- At the very end of the Act 2 boss (while it explodes), when Sonic/Tails is in that "sliding" animation at the very moment when the controls get locked, they will remain in that sliding animation until the end of the "cutscene".

But given that the entire thing has been coded from scratch, this is pretty good.
This was amazing!

While I never played Sonic Chaos (the original) myself, this just meant that I got to look at this from a non-remake perspective. In that case, I loved it! The style of the game is absolutely gorgeous, I loved the transition in act 2 that changed it to sunset. There's definitely a lot of detail and care put into the visuals.

That being said, I will say that the level design wasn't really much to remember. Act 1 wasn't much, but I wasn't expecting like a hard level. It just felt a little easier than usual first levels. I also had gotten stuck at a part in act 2 and it took me quite a bit to figure out where to go.

I also noticed a few bugs while playing through the game

-If you go to the edge of the beginning of act 1 (specifically the left edge of the screen), you can go into the ground but you can get back up with a simple jump.
-When I got 100 rings, I didn't get an extra life like usual, which was weird. I still got an extra life, but I had 117 rings when I did.
-I also noticed one time when I got hit that a single ring had frozen completely. I could still get it but it didn't scatter like the other rings.
-Probably others but I didn't pay attention to them

Other than that, I loved this demo! I see a lot of promise in this game.
So far, I'm having a blast! The adaption from the Master System/Game Gear's level designs makes the game a lot more enjoyable, as it feels more like a true Sonic game. The music also was very spot on in my opinion. Now for some critiques:
  • Act 2 seemed to go on for too long. I think I found myself getting lost frequently, not knowing where to go. Maybe, without completely giving it away, there could be hints about which direction to go. Mania's level design used a lot of "landmarks" (props, new gimmicks, etc) that made it easy to know if you were going the right way.
  • I'm not sure if intentional, but some of the motobugs have drastically different bouncing heights. Not a big issue, just a slight nitpick. Maybe color them differently?
  • There were a couple of spots where Sonic could fall through the floor. The only one I can replicate is at the far left of the first level, where if you jump once or twice you'll fall one tile down.
  • Some slopes seem to be treated steeper than they should be.
  • Entering a "rolling tunnel" backwards at a slow speed can cause the player to turn invisible (very hard to reproduce, but I had it happen a few times).
That's all for now! Great demo!
I grew up playing the original Sonic Chaos and this brings me back to those days. It's just incredible. There's just one problem I found. In the act one boss, the game keeps freezing every few seconds and I don't know why. I know it's not my computer, since I have a core i7 and a GTX 980Ti, so it may be an optimization problem.
Serious candidate to rival Sonic Mania. Beautiful demo, can't wait to see it full. The after Boss part is awesome and reminds the opening of the original game. If I were to state a single complaint would be the music. Act 2 and Boss 2 were super nostalgic and made me sing along. Act 1 and Boss not so much (was too different to recall).
there is a lot of audio clipping and I feel that the level design doesn't complement the drop dash but other than that I can't wait for the final version
I've noticed a few issues.

* My game crashed as Tails when I reached the Act 2 Boss Fight.
* Some animals clip upwards to the sky
* Some bits of level collision don't function correctly, but doesn't impact gameplay.
* If you die while the Act 2 boss fight's stage 1 attack is active, when you come back, the balls will spawn at full reach.
* More indication that you need to travel vertically in Act 2 would be nice. My first run of this act took about 8 minutes.

Otherwise, this is amazing. Little bits that I never expected to be changed are, like the end of act animation. You guys did an amazing job.
(I don't know where you go to report bugs, so I'm just going to put it here now until told otherwise)
Nice, but how do i configure buttons in the game?? Cause, it's impossible to play on keyboard using arrows to move and Z or X to jump. And yes i have gamepad, but game doesn't see it, cause my gamepad is not from xbox or playstation or something like that. So yeah, anyone can help with changing buttons?
An amazing demo, though I did notice a few issues:
  • Collision seems a bit janky, especially with monitors. For example, I went to hit a ring monitor, but somehow ended up hitting the life monitor next to it without touching it. It's also janky in general if you don't hit them head on
  • The first boss's collision was also weird; if you hit it, you can pass through underneath unscathed
  • The tunnels also act weird. I somehow managed to stop being in ball form in the middle of one
  • The boss music failed to activate for the second boss in one of my playthroughs (was playing as Tails if relevant)
  • The game crashed after beating the demo as Tails. I was gonna close the program anyway, but still weird
  • I bounced on a badnik spring at one point and it clipped me into the ceiling or something. Hard to tell what happened
Otherwise it looks and sounds amazing and I can't wait to see what becomes of it. Keep up the good work ^.^
An amazing demo, though I did notice a few issues:
  • Collision seems a bit janky, especially with monitors. For example, I went to hit a ring monitor, but somehow ended up hitting the life monitor next to it without touching it. It's also janky in general if you don't hit them head on
  • The first boss's collision was also weird; if you hit it, you can pass through underneath unscathed
  • The tunnels also act weird. I somehow managed to stop being in ball form in the middle of one
  • The boss music failed to activate for the second boss in one of my playthroughs (was playing as Tails if relevant)
  • The game crashed after beating the demo as Tails. I was gonna close the program anyway, but still weird
  • I bounced on a badnik spring at one point and it clipped me into the ceiling or something. Hard to tell what happened
Otherwise it looks and sounds amazing and I can't wait to see what becomes of it. Keep up the good work ^.^
Oh, also. I was using my Switch Pro Controller, and it was picking up my D-Pad just fine, but didn't care for my Analogue Stick. I know most people prefer D-Pads when it comes to 2D games, but I for one prefer Analogue. Any chance that could be considered for the future, or nah?
The game seems to crash whenever I try to start is up, which sucks since I was really looking forward to trying it out.
This is looking great - I can't wait for the whole thing to be done. I'll add a few reports here for things I've found to be a bit off:
*There was a corkscrew I went through that, at the very end, launched me off to the left, into the air. I'm pretty sure I didn't hit a spring, so idk what happened there.
*Another corkscrew, in front of a loop in early ACT 2, just sort of dropped me in the middle even though I was moving forward with decent speed.
*A loop in ACT 2, which is right after /another/ corkscrew but is to the left of it, dead-stopped my momentum halfway through it.
*A lot of the sloped ground seems to act like it's a lot steeper than it actually is in some places.
*Personal thing, but the spindash and some other sfx are a bit too loud, to the point of being grating. There might be audio options added later, but I'd suggest turning those down a bit if you can.

I'm sure you guys can fix whatever you end up finding - it's looking great so far, keep it up!
I was so excited to play, but when I went to launch it I realized it's not Mac friendly :(
Unfortunate but I can still watch gameplay :p

Item information

Added by
Mr. Potatobadger
Last update
4.54 star(s) 50 ratings


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