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JellyBall Demo (SAGE 2020)

General Information

Jellyball is a physics platformer where you control a squishy slime!

JellyBall takes after the game Gish, where you play as a simulated blob that can change forms. I spent a lot of time trying to push this concept to make controls that felt faster, snappier and more fun. I've been working on this project on and off for years. I wanted to make game that pushes the advantages of designing a game around a physics engine.

I've been making my own level editor to work on this game with, which was a daunting task but I think it was worth it. I intend to ship this editor with the game, although it is currently disabled in the demo as it is extremely bare bones at the moment.

There's some mechanics that, unfortunately, didn't make the cut in the demo. But I would like to show them off soon. Things like wind, and deadly laser beams. There are also plenty more puzzles and platforming challenges. I have lots of levels already made, at least partially.

Most of the current art is placeholder. The plans for this project are to keep working on level concepts, and work with an artist/artists to refine the visuals. It also doesn't have music or sound yet (well, there's one sound effect). I haven't fully settled on the color palette. But, I'm in love with the game mechanics and the feel of controlling this little blob, so expect to see more of this game.

I've included some of my favorite levels that I thought wouldn't be too difficult and thrown together a quick demo of my passion project. I Hope you enjoy it!

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Latest reviews

A simple game that is easy to understand but I think the levels in this game have a big difficulty spike once the gears were in play. I couldn't complete the game because of that, but what you have here has some potential in it. If you can improve on the difficulty, then it all should be good.


This is a neat little game, from what I've played. The ability to change your stickiness and viscosity with the press of a button is an interesting mechanic that led to some clever puzzles. The part with the gears was a big difficulty spike though, at least for me, and I think the character could stand to accelerate faster. Otherwise, great physics-based puzzler!
This is a neat little game, from what I've played. The ability to change your stickiness and viscosity with the press of a button is an interesting mechanic that led to some clever puzzles. The part with the gears was a big difficulty spike though, at least for me, and I think the character could stand to accelerate faster. Otherwise, great physics-based puzzler!
Thanks a ton! I put the gears in for the novelty without realizing that would be a level people had trouble with. As for acceleration, it's hard for me to make the blob faster at this point without affecting other things I was calibrating (mostly climbing) but you might be surprised how much speed you can gain if you bounce off corners and slopes. Sliding into a jumping is powerful... There will be more speed-based levels in the future for sure.

- Connor M

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