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SAGE 2023 - Demo Cosmo Vulpes (SAGE '23 Demo)

General Information

Banner 2023 2.jpg

The Game


A 3D platformer with a jetpack! Cosmo Vulpes is a sci-fi adventure that you play as a bounth hunter fox, Klaus, with his jetpack and other gadgets developed by his friend fennec Safira, complete his missions and explore new worlds.


Energy is something extremely valuable, Klaus together with his long time friend Safira explores the galaxy looking for missions and rewards to pay their bills, collecting Energy Gears and the Vultech Crystals, a powerful font of energy, he uses all the tools provided by the little fox, mainly his jetpack, while she do all the tech work.


Klaus Bio 2.jpg

Safira Bio 2.jpg

Amber Bio 2.jpg



Green Ruins
- The first world of the game, there are 10 Vultech Crystals that you can obtain, and a Rival to face. -


Hard Ice Land
- The level from Klaus' previous adventure, you can collect 3 Vultech Crystals. -


Null Dimension
- A linear time based level, use you all your skill to complete the objectives. -



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I mashed the A button during the loading screen and got stuck in a loop of the game starting the level. Whoops!

Otherwise, looking good so far!
I can't even really start playing this because of the way the menu works. For some reason, gamepad just stops responding if you enter the Gameplay, Graphics or Audio menus from the main menu, and only starts functioning again after you manually back out with mouse buttons? Weirder still, this doesn't happen if you enter any of the options menus from the ingame pause menu after you've actually started.

Changing the camera controls was even more bizarre. When I tried to invert the Y axis, the camera slowed to an absolutely glacial crawl. Apon trying to adjust the camera sensitivity further though, the Y axis inexplicably un-inverts, despite the option on the menu still being checked. These two issues combined currently make the game basically unplayable for me.

It seemed unfair to properly review the game based on something that can probably be handled with a hotfix, though, so I'll hold off on that for now. Consider this more an informal post than actual critique.
I can't even really start playing this because of the way the menu works. For some reason, gamepad just stops responding if you enter the Gameplay, Graphics or Audio menus from the main menu, and only starts functioning again after you manually back out with mouse buttons? Weirder still, this doesn't happen if you enter any of the options menus from the ingame pause menu after you've actually started.

Changing the camera controls was even more bizarre. When I tried to invert the Y axis, the camera slowed to an absolutely glacial crawl. Apon trying to adjust the camera sensitivity further though, the Y axis inexplicably un-inverts, despite the option on the menu still being checked. These two issues combined currently make the game basically unplayable for me.

It seemed unfair to properly review the game based on something that can probably be handled with a hotfix, though, so I'll hold off on that for now. Consider this more an informal post than actual critique.
Thank you for posting, apparently something is messing the thing with gamepad with motion control, can you tell me which gamepad are you using? We're working to fix this as soon as possible

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Vulpini Studio
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