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Candy Rangers

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Candy Rangers is an On Rail Shooter based around taking the most enemies out with a single shot.


Play as Candy, Mint, Plum or Lemon, four sisters that live together and work as rangers to pay the bills.
Each character has their own way of shooting, Candy shoots bullets in an horizontal pattern, Mint in a vertical pattern, Lemon in a cross pattern and Plum in a short but wide range pattern.


Extract the .7z file with a software like 7zip and run the .exe file to play

  • WASD to move around the map.
  • Spacebar to select.
  • Hold Left Mouse Button to confirm selection and start your missions

  • DPad or Left Stick to move around the map.
  • South Face Button to select.
  • Hold East Button to confirm selection and start your missions.
  • SpaceBar to Jump.
  • Left click to Shoot, tap for a melee attack (Only when a cane prompt shows up).
  • Right click to Dash, hold to Brake.
  • WASD to change characters.

  • Left Bumper to Jump.
  • Right Bumper to Shoot, tap for a melee attack (Only when a cane prompt shows up).
  • Click the Stick to Dash, Hold the Stick down to Brake.
  • Face Buttons or DPad to change characters.


Once I wrapped my head around what you're supposed to be doing, this is a really cool game with a lot of fun ideas and a great aesthetic. Actually reminds me of diving headfirst into an arcade game I know nothing about and coming out feeling like I gained a new type of experience. That being said, this could really use some control prompts and a tutorial. Also, the way the characters are set up as a line of 4 makes it a bit tricky to remember which is which given the current control scheme. I wanna propose an ASDF control scheme instead of WASD, as these keys are set up in a row exactly as the characters march on, but after playing a bit more I could see the logic behind a WASD system. The cursor itself is a bit convoluted to read, but could be made easier by simply removing all information but the color of the selected shooter and directions the shots branch off on. I'm really excited to see how this game develops.
Once I wrapped my head around what you're supposed to be doing, this is a really cool game with a lot of fun ideas and a great aesthetic. Actually reminds me of diving headfirst into an arcade game I know nothing about and coming out feeling like I gained a new type of experience. That being said, this could really use some control prompts and a tutorial. Also, the way the characters are set up as a line of 4 makes it a bit tricky to remember which is which given the current control scheme. I wanna propose an ASDF control scheme instead of WASD, as these keys are set up in a row exactly as the characters march on, but after playing a bit more I could see the logic behind a WASD system. The cursor itself is a bit convoluted to read, but could be made easier by simply removing all information but the color of the selected shooter and directions the shots branch off on. I'm really excited to see how this game develops.
Thank you for playing! I really appreciate it.
As for the feedback, I just pushed an update with more and clearer prompts to help new players!
About the WASD setup, I feel ASDF won't work all the time since some times the characters won't be lined up as the ASDF keys because different cameras or other scenarios, so I decided to go for WASD; hopefully the new prompts help players understand the mappings better.
I want to try this game but it's giving me: " *** ERROR: Invalid attachment ID. " whenever I try to download. Is this just on my end? Game looks awesome.
I want to try this game but it's giving me: " *** ERROR: Invalid attachment ID. " whenever I try to download. Is this just on my end? Game looks awesome.
It seems to download and play fine for me, is it just not downloading? I'll contact SFHQ team and check if there's an issue with the page.
I tried the game. I really liked it! Some thoughts:
  • I love the artstyle, it's super catchy. I think it's anime styled but I'm not sure as I don't watch much anime so I'm not sure if it technically is. But regardless it's a very wholesome and comforting looking artstyle which I find makes the game quite pleasing to the eyes.
  • The arcadey rail shooter experience is super fun. You've done a lot to mix it up and add features that many other games don't have which I really like.
  • Music goes super hard, I didn't expect it to be as crazy as it was. Good taste!
Fun game and I will be keeping an eye out for it in the future.
The game is great, it looks like something out of an Arcade from the early '00 with that shading.

I'd add the following advises:

- add two separate buttons for dashing and for the break, as the different pressions can be quite confusing at time.
If you plan to make harder levels with platforming and speed involved, such option wouldn't be bad.

- make the gunsight's shape change according to the fire pattern of the selected shooter.
I know the colors are a giving, but color blind people could find the game way too hard than it should.

Great game, keep it up.
The game is great, it looks like something out of an Arcade from the early '00 with that shading.

I'd add the following advises:

- add two separate buttons for dashing and for the break, as the different pressions can be quite confusing at time.
If you plan to make harder levels with platforming and speed involved, such option wouldn't be bad.

- make the gunsight's shape change according to the fire pattern of the selected shooter.
I know the colors are a giving, but color blind people could find the game way too hard than it should.

Great game, keep it up.
-Will do, I was testing a simple control scheme but it mostly gets in the way.
-It already does! The lines within the crosshair change in number and position depending of the character. Though good point about color blindness, will keep that in mind.
Thank you!

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