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SAGE 2021 - Framework Mega Man Star Force 2D Engine(0.9)


An open source, fully 2D Mega Man Star Force engine. A built executable is also included, so that anyone can play it.
Built for Game Maker 8.1.141.

UPDATE 9/2/2021:
The package has been updated to include a second executable, which has patches applied that may fix slowdown issues that some systems can encounter, due to inherent issues with GM8 games. The patched executable disables controller support, so antimicro will need to be used if you wish to still play the engine with controller support. The patched executable is marked with _gm8fix.

Engine Features

- The battle system has been converted to a 2D space, most features from the original games are present. They are largely based on the first and second games, though some third game additions and tweaks are present.
- Most general overworld systems, such as movement+collision, dialogue boxes, NPCs, items, etc.
- Wave Roads and Comp Spaces.
- 75 battle cards come pre-installed, picked from all three games.
- Ability wave system from the second and third games.
- Galaxy Advances.
- Some parameters of the engine can be adjusted easily to suit your preferences.
- (some) Cutscene functionality.
- 3 playable characters.(in-battle only) Aside from Mega Man, there is Harp Note(thank you a ton beliot8 for making her sprites) and MegaMan.EXE.
- Saving and loading.
- Uses only the default Game Maker 8.1 functions, with no dependency on extensions, as well as other work that allows for easier porting to Studio.
- And more.


Can be re-mapped. Controllers are also supported.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Some computer setups may encounter issues with controller support. In these cases, AntiMicro can be used.
Action - A
Buster - S
Guard - D
Menu - W
Transform - E
Talk - Q
Start - Enter
Up/Right/Left/Down are mapped to the respective direction keys.




AxlThunder - All of the code.
Shiningsparky - For making Rogue's battle sprites.
beliot8 - For making Harp Note's battle sprites.


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