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Renata's parents are world-renown explorers, archeologists and inventors that travel all over the world uncovering the secrets of the past, bringing her with them in their expeditions. However, in their latest adventure, they decide to leave her at the base camp - the Beelzebub ruins are said to be too dangerous!
For three whole days she waits, her pride hurt and bored out of her mind, until she realized: if they haven't returned yet, something must have happened to them! In a hurry she grabs her parents' last invention, the Frogun, and heads to the ruins to rescue them, and prove that she's as capable as them!


Game like it's the 90s all over again with vibrant, colorful, crispy pixelart lowpoly graphics, in modern high resolutions, while jumping, shooting and solving little puzzles in the spirit of good ol' 3D platformers.
  • Explore levels full of secrets, treasure and adventure as you delve deeper into the ruins of Beelzebub's ruins.
  • Grab on stuff, activate levers, or zipline around with the help of your trusty Frogun.
  • Crispy pixels and crunchy polygons.
  • Find hidden items by solving small puzzles, or use your brain to find shortcuts and getting the best time in each level.

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Reactions: Pablovania and Ice

Latest reviews

instant hall of fame game hands down!

it seems unity is a heavy influencer for the games on EXPO this year but if it keeps making quality games like yours i ain't complaining

-retinana kid is too darn adorable my heart exploded send help.
-ps1 asethic rocks
-frogun soundfont
-frogun talking to you as tutorial is cool
-"and the graphics, that's what it's all about" -rapper dunkey mentions
-polished gameplay
-rotating the camera is very helpful during occasions
-it's got challenging game design
-the jump isn't weighty or floaty, a good mixture


-after shooting frogun at a wall then falling via roll animation, if you fall in a bottomless pit you do not die but spin forever. [fun fact; after leaving the roll animation in a bottomless pit for more than 2 minutes, the HUD will start vigorously shaking.]

-the 'oh' soundboard doesn't express the pain on the kid's face. she should be going 'WAAAAHHH' but that would probably be annoying after dying countless times

-since the camera is a collision object, it bumps into walls or the walls pushes the camera into your player model. idk unity coding at all but it's a minior complaint
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Reactions: molegato
I feel the best thing about Frogun is how it's based almost entirely around a single mechanic, the Frogun. It is both an attack and a platforming tool, which is what makes the game so simple and appealing. I will also freely concede that the graphics are cute and charming, and admittedly execute the modern low-poly look far better than my own project. I'll be buying the full game once it's available. You guys earned it!
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Reactions: molegato


not sure if it's just me, but the game is soft locking after beating the first level on the Level Select Map, can't move at all
not sure if it's just me, but the game is soft locking after beating the first level on the Level Select Map, can't move at all
Fixing it! Expect an updated build in a few minutes!
EDIT: Fixed version is up!
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Is there even Exit button from the game itself?
So I was in a level selector, and my keyboard isn't working, and I pressed every single button on my controller, but there's no exit menu or button at all :(
Is there even Exit button from the game itself?
So I was in a level selector, and my keyboard isn't working, and I pressed every single button on my controller, but there's no exit menu or button at all :(
Sadly the only method for exiting the game is ALT+F4, but I'm aware of this oversight and soon there'll be a new version of the demo with an exit button in the level select map! Sorry for the inconvenience!
Very cute and very fun :)
Although, seeing as how there's time trials, there definitely needs to be a "restart" option in the pause menu so players don't have to exit to the overworld and enter the level over and over to grind for better times.
I freaking love this game.
Only things that bother me, outside of not being able to exit on the map, is sound stacking (dunno if Unity has a check for when a sound is playing), and I keep doing long jumps on tiny platforms over the waterfall and I dunno how.
I don't know if it's just me, but the game softlocks after starting the first level, all I can see is a brick wall and then nothing happens, I can't pause or do anything else :/

EDIT: found the issue, the game couldn't write a file where it was and it was the reason of the softlock I think
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I don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but for some reason whenever I'm on the main menu or in a level a shooting or jumping sound keeps playing, and the camera and Renata keep going around in circles. I've tried unplugging my control and putting it back in and I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game, but I'm still getting the issue. Does anyone know what's going wrong?

Update: I think I can elaborate on the issue a bit more. It seems like the game is reading that I'm constantly holding the joysticks left. I've tried unplugging my mouse and keyboard, but that isn't working either.
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super cute and fun !! unfortunately i wasnt able to go past the third level, because the frogun was bugging out (i think it was because there were a lot of framedrops, my laptop is not powerful) the tongue expanded into infinity every time i shot

but yeah love the looks and the music and how it plays (love grabbing all those collectibles!! hehe), also Renata is cute as heck and her idle animations are super funny !
Very cute and very fun :)
Although, seeing as how there's time trials, there definitely needs to be a "restart" option in the pause menu so players don't have to exit to the overworld and enter the level over and over to grind for better times.
Thank you! A restart button was added on the last demo update! :)
I freaking love this game.
Only things that bother me, outside of not being able to exit on the map, is sound stacking (dunno if Unity has a check for when a sound is playing), and I keep doing long jumps on tiny platforms over the waterfall and I dunno how.
Thank you! I've added a pause menu in the level select map, with an exit button! I'll look into the sound and long jump bugs you mentioned, too!
I don't know if it's just me, but the game softlocks after starting the first level, all I can see is a brick wall and then nothing happens, I can't pause or do anything else :/

EDIT: found the issue, the game couldn't write a file where it was and it was the reason of the softlock I think
Thanks for the heads up! This bug happens often due to an antivirus blocking or deleting game files, but I take it was a different cause in your case?
I don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but for some reason whenever I'm on the main menu or in a level a shooting or jumping sound keeps playing, and the camera and Renata keep going around in circles. I've tried unplugging my control and putting it back in and I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game, but I'm still getting the issue. Does anyone know what's going wrong?

Update: I think I can elaborate on the issue a bit more. It seems like the game is reading that I'm constantly holding the joysticks left. I've tried unplugging my mouse and keyboard, but that isn't working either.
Hi! That's a very odd input error. What gamepad were you using at the time? Or was it without gamepad at all?
super cute and fun !! unfortunately i wasnt able to go past the third level, because the frogun was bugging out (i think it was because there were a lot of framedrops, my laptop is not powerful) the tongue expanded into infinity every time i shot

but yeah love the looks and the music and how it plays (love grabbing all those collectibles!! hehe), also Renata is cute as heck and her idle animations are super funny !
Thank you! I'm always adding small optimizations, but in any case there will be more informative system requeriments with the full version of the game. :)
The combination of the cute graphics and the difficult, bottomless-pit-heavy platforming was too jarring for me to finish the demo, but I do think this has got a good look going to it. All those blocks do a good job of saying "puzzle game" and are able to sell the low-poly 3D where any more complicated shapes would look bad. Decent color palette... maybe other colors in later levels though, to keep the experience fresh?
The combination of the cute graphics and the difficult, bottomless-pit-heavy platforming was too jarring for me to finish the demo, but I do think this has got a good look going to it. All those blocks do a good job of saying "puzzle game" and are able to sell the low-poly 3D where any more complicated shapes would look bad. Decent color palette... maybe other colors in later levels though, to keep the experience fresh?
Hi! Hope you can get around and finish the demo, but if you feel any part of the difficulty curve is not right, feel free to tell me! I'm always looking for ways to improve the game. :)
As for the level palettes, you bet the second world is full of goopy swamps and blue flooded caves! :D
Hi! That's a very odd input error. What gamepad were you using at the time? Or was it without gamepad at all?
Hello, sorry for the late reply. I tried playing the game with different controls but they all had the same issue. This included an Xbox One controller, PS4 controller and keyboard and mouse. I even unplugged everything from my PC and it was still happening for some reason.

Update: Hello again, I found out what the issue was. It turns out it was on my end because at some point I installed a vjoy device driver onto my computer (I don't know when) and it was affecting all 3D games across my PC. I've uninstalled the program now and I'm not having any more trouble. Thank you for looking into my issue and apologies for not checking through my PC properly beforehand.
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