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SAGE 2023 - Demo Cory in the Ded 3.5 (SAGE '23 Demo)

I'd read my comment for more information, as I used that thinking it was the review button-
Utter perfection and a meme game done right, the unlockable characters are fun to unlock, the levels are fun and unique, and LANCER! I love this game, can't wait for the full one to come out.
Really fun fangame, I enjoy this more than I do Sonic Mania nowadays, seriously. Go play it!

That being said, some technical problems I've noticed:

Probably fixable: The music for Invincibilty, Speed Up, 1-up, Drowning, Classic Sonic's introduction cutscene, Vs. Classic Sonic, the Plane Flying Cutscene and the Fang boss fight still play even if the BGM volume is set to 0%. They're probably all assigned as sound effects instead (by mistake?).

Likely fixable: Cream's sprites should probably be layered over the player sprites when she grabs the player in a cutscene.

Probably not fixable: My monitor doesn't like playing it in fullscreen, it tears the image everywhere. It doesn't seemingly record that on Windows/Nvidia Geforce Experience itself, so it's probably just a monitor issue.
ill go about fixing everything else but you saw the EV/event volume option right? some of those songs are mapped to it wrong but others are intentional
A Blob
I did see it, but for some reason, I was assuming EV/event volume could've meant voiced dialog/sound effects in cutscenes.
why do you say that?! okay that was good!
Hi, I beta tested this game, and also appear in it as a playable character!

Something I think is great about this game is how it completely subverts your expectations; you go into it expecting a crappy meme game, but it's actually an extremely well made and thought out fangame! TAS has been working on this for 5 years total by now, and it shows with it's well thought out level design, an insane amount of completely unique playable characters, including MULTIPLE unlockables, all things you'd never expect from something entitled "Cory in the Ded 3.5"

also you can change the rings to look like toy story aliens and play "ooooooh" sound effects in the settings its a perfect 10/10
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cory in the ded is finally developed! yes is now developed for cory in the ded was not a joke and a meme! okay?/ok?
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oh damn my bad i guess my friend DIDN'T spend 5 years working on this game then... i suppose i was mistaken because apparently a game having in-jokes means that it wasn't developed, very foolish mistake on my part. i deeply apologize for the confusion!
Amazing, this game keeps getting better and better. Buzz in Toys r Us was amazing lmao, as were the new graphics and stage layout in general. Kinda kept wishing there would be super forms tho, even debug ones or something, found the emeralds pretty quick and kept wishing the Pikachu character could turn super. Or into a Raichu, lol. Kinda wish bosses also showed the current track playing.

The best thing in this demo: Fuchsia Fields and Violet Outskirts, not sure if either was there originally? Were they or not those two zones are veeery pretty.

The worst thing in this demo: After getting a time over the timer doesn't reset. We got to the Knuckles boss in Azure Lake Zone with 9:17 in the clock and yeeeah, had to really go fast to beat Knux, kept getting time overs. Yeeaah we might've been exploring and playing "too slow", but yeeeah, the timer should deeefinitely reset after getting a time over.
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hey, thanks for playing! some of the characters do have super forms but not all of 'em (only Radfordhound, Dankles, Tails, Sanok, Autumn, and GPF have them at the moment! still need to finish the rest of them. and Claire may or may not turn into a Raichu 🤫)

Fuchsia Fields wasn't in last year's demo but did exist at that point, i just decided to add it to this year's demo just to have more content zone-wise alongside the new Toys R Us. glad you enjoyed both of them though!

and sorry about the time over issue, i never ended up testing it so had no idea that happened. ill be sure to fix it for future versions! (or might just get rid of time overs in general idk we'll see lol)