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SAGE 2024 - Demo NiGHTS: Moonlight Dreams... (SAGE 2024)


Take a look at the retro styled official website.

ナイツ: 月光の物語

- Partial joypad support (BETA).
- A new centipede-like enemy has been introduced.
- Improved animation system.
- POWER-UPS: Magnet, arrows, multi, fire, time and drilldash refill.
- Applied dithering and lower color depth to all graphics.
- Christmas music added.
- Nostalgic MIDI-LIKE music can be activated at the options menu.
- Bugfixes.


Long story short:

The tale of how this fan game became what it is today dates back to 2007 when I began experimenting with recreating NiGHTS mechanics using Clickteam's The Games Factory (v1). Over the years, I created numerous small tech demos to entertain myself while eagerly awaiting official releases of new NiGHTS games. It's important to note that crafting a NiGHTS fan game (or any fan game, for that matter) was never my primary objective; I've always had a distinct original project in mind with original characters.

The tech demos I crafted were primarily 2D, with one of them utilizing a Mode 7 foundation, and another fully embracing a 3D environment with a backward camera gameplay perspective. It was mandatory to include a working "LINK" system with item SFX that increased the tune accordingly, just like the original game. I never finished them. 😅


In 2010, I designed a NiGHTS 3D model for fun, it eventually became useful for this kind of projects, it appears on this fan game's title screen.

Fast forward to 2013, I embarked on developing a charming 8-bit styled tech demo. It played as a side-scrolling shooter game where NiGHTS continuously flew to the right, and players had to collect items while avoiding enemies. Originally, I planned to publish this demo for SAGE 2014, but eventually, I abandoned the project. Nevertheless, it featured "8-bit" SFX inspired by the original game.

Last year, after a hiatus of 9 years, I surprisingly revisited the project and delved into programming an extensionless ragdoll physics engine on Clickteam Fusion. The result, while a bit quirky, delighted me with its outcome. Furthermore, I recreated some special sound effects and composed music using soundfonts extracted from the original game back in 2014. Despite briefly abandoning the project once again, this year brought exciting news of a NiGHTS-Themed SAGE Expo. Motivated by this event, I swiftly resumed work on this little minigame to present it at the expo. I hope that you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making this. For me, this is a dream come true.


Programming, 2D/3D art, music and some SFX by:
- Marco Medina

Textures used in level 3D models:

NiGHTS into Dreams sounds by:
- SEGA, Sonic Team

Special thanks to:
- SEGA, Sonic Team
- NiGHTS fans
- Clickteam

Latest reviews

Hey! I made an account just to let you know how much I love this game you made for this SAGE expo and the last year. I'm so happy to see you touched it again, this honestly was the highlight of last year's sage and I really admire how well you hit NiGHTS in both the game's super pretty aesthetic and the fluid movement in the game. Even the soundtrack is so well suited for a NiGHTS game!

There are not a lot of NiGHTS fan games and you honestly have made the best one so far.
I hope you're really proud of the work you've done and I look forward to seeing what else you make!
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Reactions: Marco
I appreciate your words and the time spent writing, how motivating!
I really enjoyed the process of making this, but the full enjoyment comes after people has a good time playing, despite some rough edges. :D
🦊I remember playing this last SAGE and it was neat then, and it's neat now. Captures what NiGHTs is about pretty well, and has some really good art and music. Overall just a very cohesive experience. Here's hoping that gamepad support is worked out if it comes back next SAGE!
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Reactions: Marco
Thank you for your time!
Capturing the atmosphere of NiGHTS is indeed a task that requires attention to detail, knowing that such a goal was achieved is enlightening.

Endeavours will be made to improve the experience. :3


love the art style, but the digital controls + overly strict paraloop hitbox holds it back. if it had support for analog control (if it does i wasn't able to enable it properly) and the paraloop was made more generous i could really see myself grinding this
love the art style, but the digital controls + overly strict paraloop hitbox holds it back. if it had support for analog control (if it does i wasn't able to enable it properly) and the paraloop was made more generous i could really see myself grinding this
You're right, the paraloop is a very important gameplay element in NiGHTS! I'll keep such technical aspects on mind. :)
Also, I'm glad that you liked the art style. Thank you for your feedback!
It's good to finally have a sense of what NiGHTS is! The tutorial leaves something to be desired--okay, collect blue spheres, but what are the stars for? the circles? the links?--but it's colorful and reasonably controllable and maybe that's what matters. The invisible left and right edges of the level are a bit weird though.

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