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SAGE 2024 - Demo Sonic Freedom Frontiers


In a world where Sonic has defeated Eggman yet again and put an end his schemes, Nytron was forced into hiding. Thanks to this, Sonic spends several months in peace, exploring and adventuring along with his friends. However, below the surface, a great evil is prowling beneath. A council plots on taking on the world, with legions of biomechanical soldiers at their behest. Soon, the Singularity will be at hand...

Sonic Freedom Frontiers is a game that intends to feature many levels, three playstyles, and a longer story. It plans on combining light influence from RPGs with and Platformer inspiration, making it a larger scale game. It has cutscenes that tell of a narrative with a science fiction flavor, that I wrote. It also has two different styles of platforming, one with more emphasis on physics and momentum, the other on combat. If it is completed, it is likely to have five different zones, all with five levels in each of them, with most of them being platformer styled levels. It is meant to feature hub worlds with top down gameplay, NPCs you can talk to, and saving.

This pre alpha only contains a singular level and a few cutscenes, but has all of the mechanics planned for the entirety of the game, for the platforming levels at least. It also includes a hub world, with most of the features that's planned for it already implemented. Hopefully, the first zone can be completed soon. I want it to be a vertical slice demo that demonstrates all the features the game will have, just not all of the content.

If you have any suggestions for how to improve the gameplay, comment about it below.



Update 1: Added in more rings in Emerald Town level. Mostly finished hub world elements, with few details left to iron out. Created progression system in that keeps track of game state. Starting work on platform-brawling part of game.

Update 2: Exported using the right option in my game engine. Sorry for the mistake, now you can play the game. I should've checked the files the first time, but I was in a hurry then.


Credit to Gozinzolo, SkyLights, Foxx, Shadowbot, NICKtendo DS, SonicDash57, TrishRowdy, HomingMissile333, Blazefirelp, QuadFactor for assets and asset rips. This game is unofficial and not related with any of the companies the assets came from. Some of them music is from individual artists, and I do not own any of the music.


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