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Others Developer Registry


Player of Guitar
Jan 12, 2022
Skills: Music, mainly rock oriented but I have many influences
Seeking: Something to do, not only for experience but also passion for my hobby
Availability: Fully available as of right now
Current Projects: None aside from a few small personal aspirations
Past Projects: Released an EP under an old name (looking to distance myself from past work/mistakes), and a few indie games that have failed to see the light of day.
Links/Portfolio: TobyPasta's Intro Music -

Contact Info: Nickgoblin#5349 (Discord)
Additional Info: I've been passionate about Sonic games and their music for a long time, I want to pay homage to that. Hit me up.


Press Start Screen
Jan 25, 2022
  • Graphic Design - Logos, UI elements, promotional/packaging art etc. I've made designs for paying clients as well as some people you may have heard of like Dan Bull and Barry Lewis!
  • Voice Acting - Not something I have much experience in, but I'm willing to give it a go!
Seeking: Anything! This community looks so awesome and I just want to get involved and help with these awesome fangames however I can.
Availability: Pretty much whenever I'm not working. Might not be too active on here, but hit me up on any of my other platforms (below)
Current projects: Nothing Sonic Related yet!
Past projects: Same as above!
Links/Portfolio: Most of my stuff can be found on my DeviantArt page, some more stuff on Instagram @KosmicKollector_Designs
  • Discord: TheKosmicKollector#0474
  • Reddit: /u/TheKosmicKollector
Additional Info: I've always loved the Sonic games (Heroes being my controversial favourite), but I've always wanted to get more involved with the Sonic fan community!

Ryan the Game Master

Green Hill Zone
Oct 2, 2023
Texas, USA
Skills: Writing, Video Editing, Idea Conception, Audio Editing, GIMP/Photoshop
Seeking: Programmers, 3D Modelers, Musicians, Designers, Artists, Voice Actors, Spriter/Pixel Artist, Blender tutor
Availability: Constant (no social life).
Current Projects: Concept: "Mobius", Project: Blue Future
Past Projects: SageBall
Contact Info: Check my profile or DM me.
Additional Info: Patience and understanding are key to dealing with me. There's tons that I want to do, but my wheelhouse is limited.