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SAGE 2022 - Demo The Bowyage(SAGE 2022) [OBSOLETE]

The Bowyage is a lot of fun and very promising. It's a very classic styled game, but with some neat touches like the surprisingly well done enemy death animations. I was able to figure out all of the enemy patterns on my own, the hallmark of a good designed game. Sadly there is only one level so far but it's pretty good, and the music is indeed amazing as the game's booth mentions!
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Short, but sweet, and incredibly solid for what it is! It really manages to make the little battles and standoffs with enemy soldiers feel substantial, between a few traps and a small but very well-utilized roster of foes. The only thing I can really dock points for is just there not being a ton to it, but it's short and quick enough to get into and through that it doesn't really matter.