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Project Overview

Sonic Advance Revamped is a remake and reimagining of the original Sonic Advance on the GBA using the Sonic Worlds Delta engine; it's a passion project designed to be the definitive way to play Sonic Advance, with better hazard placement, a 16:9 aspect ratio, patched-up levels and bosses, completely redesigned Special Stages, the smoothest sprites from each GBA Sonic title (with some special cases and custom sprites here and there), re-implemented unused/beta elements, and true classic Sonic controls to make the game feel even better. Features set for the future include an exclusive Team Chaotix Mission Mode, 8 Unique Playable Main Characters (7 of which are playable in this Demo), a fleshed-out Tiny Chao Garden, New Levels and Music Tracks, and more! For this particular Demo, Sonic's Insta-Shield is swapped-out for his Drop Dash! This move will be an early unlockable in the final version.

Please keep in mind while playing:
The first Boss, Sonic's Drop Dash, and Casino Paradise Act 1 are not 100% complete and are works-in-progress. They are functional, but please know that there may be issues or bugs relating to them that require further development. Thank you!


MAC version available soon!

Extra Links:

Sonic Revamped Discord Server: The main hub of operations for Sonic Advance Revamped!

Sonic Advance Revamped Tumblr Blog: Where new screenshots are shown off, livestreams are advertised, and questions are answered 1-on-1 with the developer!

Sonic Revamped YouTube Channel: The place to be for new videos, playthrough showcases, and livestream links!

Screenshots and media!

Sonic Advance Revamped SAGE 2018 Ten Second Clip

(This clip was supposed to make it into the SAGE 2018 Trailer! Unfortunately, it was lost to the email ether in the process of sending it over.)

Sonic Advance Revamped: Intro and Title Screen Video

(This video is only slightly outdated by the old version of the game's logo.)


Bonus Content

Please join the game's community on the Discord Server to keep up-to-date on when the next Demo will drop and how development is panning out! We can't wait to see you there!​


*Powered By Sonic Worlds*

Directed and Created By:
Alexander Brunetto

Programmers: Alexander Brunetto, Yonatankr, Lighto!, Ice, Rifty

Sprite Artists: Alexander Brunetto, BlueFox, Desix, The Hoennest, Makapixel, MotorRoach, QuartzAdachi, Anonymous AKA Ys

Additional Sprites: Nefault1st, Medusa

Level Design: Alexander Brunetto, Kalin

New Tracks Composed and Arranged By: AshZone

Promotion Management and Video Recording/Editing: Garrulous64

Logo Design: DaveAce, Temzy

Publicity: Sonic Amateur Games Expo (SAGE), led by Sonic Fan Games HQ

*Beta Testers:* Aero, Daisy, Deku, Flamer, Garrulous64, The Hoennest, Hyadoki, It's_no_user, Kalin, lukewasthefish, Mannheimer, MetalTails, NarwhalsWooooo, Owl B. Hootsalot, PixelMixel, Ray the Gaming Squirrel, Roki, Sario350, Soundblaster, StarlightSeelig, Star_uraraknium, TheHumanSonikku, yunggarziisunderrated, QuartzAdachi

Project Partners: Chao Resort Island, Sonic vs Darkness, Sonic Chronicles: Remastered, Garrulous64, Sky Sanctuary, The AceZone, Chao World Adventure, NarwhalsWooooo, FrostyMac, The Lunar Café, Team Remix, Tria Amentia

Special Thanks: Angelina Brunetto, AshZone, QuartzAdachi, Breeton Boi, Cryst1al, DaveAce, Flamer, Garrulous64, Honkhog, Ice, Yonatankr, Lange, MotorRoach, NarwhalsWooooo, Nefault1st, Bunga, Owl B. Hootsalot, Ramp., Ray the Gaming Squirrel, rock-dj, the Sonic Revamped Discord Server, Sonic Fan Games HQ, Squidward Tortellini, TheSegaScourge, TheWax, The VR Crew, and YOU!

Latest reviews

this is a really good revamp/fangame. I really enjoyed the demo and how Blaze played when I played as her.

If I could give some suggestions on what characters to add it would be Mighty, Ray, And Honey. Just A thought tho, Amazing work!
Aiden S
The gameplay, the widescreen, and the characters will make me replay this game more often. Awesome job, I´ll keep supporting this project.

I adore the Sonic Advance games and am glad somebody's revamping them.

I like the way
plays as well.


This project is quite amazing! I fully support this fan remake. I hope to see more content soon
Oh dear(((( Yet another disappointment! Everything in Demo 2 (please note it's second already) looks just flawless! What went wrong? Well, just make the project open-source and find two smart guys to oversee it. There will be those who want and most importantly DARE to continue!

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