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SAGE 2024 - Demo Sonic Unleashed +



Sonic Unleashed + (Plus) is a sonic fan game that aims to port Sonic Unleashed to Pc's, it uses The Unreal Engine 4 and a modified ver of Dash Engine to Accomplish this.

This year's Demo Includes the following:
Basic Main Menu.
Empire City Hub.
First Section of skyscraper scamper.

Note That this year's demo was supposed to be bigger, but due to technical difficulties, 90% of the things that were in that original demo had to be pulled back and re made from 0 in less than a month.

All original material in this game is copyrighted by their
respective owners, and no copyright infringement is intended.
I am not affiliated with SEGA or Sonic Team.
Sonic the Hedgehog is a property owned by SEGA.
This game was developed without permission of SEGA, and thus should not be sold.

Game Download Link:
GameJolt Page: (


Known Issues:
1: First Time Players will have problems loading the game for the first time, resulting in big load screens and poor performance for the first few mins of the demo. Its recommended that once the game starts "let it load" for a few mins (meaning leaving the game alone for some time once each stage loads, after some time restart the stage)


RoboFabio YouTube channel for updates: Robo Fabio - YouTube
Sonic Unleashed + (plus) Discord server:


Sonic Team for the game assets.
Luna: "marketing department"
Prima: Play Testing
Robo Fabio: everything else.
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Reactions: Blusper

Latest reviews

aside from the initial set-up being awful to go through (had to reload the game 5 times to be able to play the stage at all), the game itself really isn't that solid.

--- Gameplay ---
controls feel very far from unleashed's control scheme and sort of clash with the way the stage is designed. i also had an issue across my two playthroughs where whenever i slightly tilted the stick left or right during forward movement, i would start drifting in that respective direction. i don't know if this is an issue with dash engine itself or the game, but it was very annoying.

--- Graphics ---
i know this is an incredibly early demo, so i won't be passing too much judgement here. however, the initial look of the game is slightly poor, i can't really verbally explain why i don't like the way it looks. i know that recreating unleashed's lighting system is a pain and a half due to GI mapping, but this current lighting makes everything look flat.

--- Overall ---
i really want to see this project do a lot better, but this first demo is not the best first impression, and i really can't give it more than 2 stars. i'll be keeping my eye on this though, an unleashed PC port in any form (werehog or not) would be a dream come true, and this is the only project like it so far.
The port looks good however is buggy

When I started the game for some reason sonic was walking towards the screen without me touching my controller, its even noticeable when going through settings as it would just have the left joystick move down without there being any input actually made (I don't know if its my controller experiencing stick drift but i rarely ever use my controller).

There is also major performance issues where i would experience heavy lag spikes from time to time.
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Reactions: Team Hero Studios
Team Hero Studios
Team Hero Studios
Hi, thanks for playing U+, next patch should have a performance boost, if you have problems I do recommend having a look at the graphics settings, the controller issues does seem to be on your side, probably stick drift, I have already seen the code and there should be nothing that causes what you are describing.


there a lot of potential! but i have some suggestions, by far the biggest PLEASE ADD AN HOMING ATTACK ON X AS AN OPTION PLEASE, THE MUZZLE MEMORY IS KILLING ME, and pls add rumble on controller, less tight drift because most drift sections on the game are built around the super loose drift, and also could you pls make the menus faster please? thx this project seems amazing! :D (no hate js ideas)
This was pretty fun albeit buggy, but the potential is there! A couple of bugs I wanna point out real quick:
1) When I left the level back to the main menu and then went back into it and tried to play the level again, it didn't start over, it started me at the last checkpoint.
2) Speaking of checkpoints, the last checkpoint before the end of the level, if you die and reload there, you respawn partially inside the floor and have to jump out of it, and also the fixed camera angle disappears and you can mess with the camera again.

With that out of the way, there's a lot of positives. Dash Engine is a pretty awesome engine. The game runs pretty good on my mid PC, so the optimization efforts are there and appreciated. I've played worse looking Sonic Unreal games that performed much worse.
The visuals are also really good, it's all mostly the same textures and models I'm sure, but it's insane how much improved shadows and lighting can do for this game.
The controls are pretty good too. Most of my issues during gameplay ended up being from the camera, not so much the controls.

Keep up the awesome work! Excited to see where this project goes!
there a lot of potential! but i have some suggestions, by far the biggest PLEASE ADD AN HOMING ATTACK ON X AS AN OPTION PLEASE, THE MUZZLE MEMORY IS KILLING ME, and pls add rumble on controller, less tight drift because most drift sections on the game are built around the super loose drift, and also could you pls make the menus faster please? thx this project seems amazing! :D (no hate js ideas)
Hi, thanks for playing U+, I will add rumble at one point, It's just not in my priorities Rn, next update I should have the option for the homing attack alongside a better drift :)
This was pretty fun albeit buggy, but the potential is there! A couple of bugs I wanna point out real quick:
1) When I left the level back to the main menu and then went back into it and tried to play the level again, it didn't start over, it started me at the last checkpoint.
2) Speaking of checkpoints, the last checkpoint before the end of the level, if you die and reload there, you respawn partially inside the floor and have to jump out of it, and also the fixed camera angle disappears and you can mess with the camera again.

With that out of the way, there's a lot of positives. Dash Engine is a pretty awesome engine. The game runs pretty good on my mid PC, so the optimization efforts are there and appreciated. I've played worse looking Sonic Unreal games that performed much worse.
The visuals are also really good, it's all mostly the same textures and models I'm sure, but it's insane how much improved shadows and lighting can do for this game.
The controls are pretty good too. Most of my issues during gameplay ended up being from the camera, not so much the controls.

Keep up the awesome work! Excited to see where this project goes!
Thanks for playing U+, i will look into this later, thanks for the feedback :)
hey this is lookin really great, played it and it's fun, however i find sonic to be a bit too twitchy when i just want to slightly go to the left he flies off to the left instead of just going a little bit to the left.
any plans to port the game over to Unreal Engine 5?
there's a lot of great improvements to unreal in UE5 that this game could take advantage of!

Item information

Added by
Team Hero Studios
Last update
2.50 star(s) 2 ratings

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