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SAGE 2024 - Demo Super Clash Bros


Super Clash Bros is a fan-made crossover game with an adventure mode, battle mode, and an in-game editor. The characters are generally accurate & faithful recreations, including their controls, health systems, inventories, etc. from their games. The levels in adventure mode are remakes from their games too.

I've been working on this since 2015. It's a huge project that's undergone a lot of rewriting so it's still far from done, but the battle mode is definitely fun with a group of friends.

All the characters from the old version of the game will return soon, they haven't been converted to the new codebase yet.

For now it's local multiplayer only but you can play online via Parsec.

Almost every gamepad should work. I play with my childhood SNES controller via USB adapter.

You can follow progress on the Clash Discord server and Youtube channel.


Latest reviews

Decided to check this one out on a whim, since I like Mario and the idea of a Crossover videogame is always a treat to see and, for an demo which is meant to act as a proof of concept, this is actually pretty decent! There's certainly a good quantity to keep someone occupied, whether that's by trying out the various characters, the multiplayer offerings, or even a full-fledged builder mode!

As for the main meat of the game, the characters, most of them control quite well! Recreating multiple physic engines into one is no small feat, and deserves to be praised. Here are, however, some of my main thoughts surrounding them:
  • SMB1 Mario, Bill Rizer (Contra Guy), Scorpion, DK and Samus are the most accurate in terms of game-feel, with only minor differences that I would personally make for accuracy sake (e.g., SMB1 Mario's air-momentum or Samus' speed being a bit too fast)
  • The original moveset characters (Bowser, Bomberman, and Link) are all quite fun to play with!
  • I'm surprised you went with Zelda I Link as opposed to Zelda II Link, which is already a side-scrolling platformer. Speaking of, I feel like a down-thrust from that game would be a good addition to the moveset. It would feel like Scrooge McDuck's Pogo-cane (Speaking of, I'd love to see him in the game as my suggestion!)
  • As much as I liked the Megamen, their inventory feel like a hassle to deal with compared to the other characters. Having a button to simple shuffle through the options, one for left and one for right, would greatly simplify the system and buttons needed. Alternatively, being able to select them through arrow-keys is also quite a good idea.
  • Sonic, funnily enough, probably has the least accurate controls. He goes far too fast, too quickly, and he lacks a proper drop-dash animation to indicate that its charged. Though, considering his unique momentum-based physics engine, I can't be too mad about that.
  • DoomGuy is surprisingly quick. Plus, I'm surprised that the shotgun can't break bricks.
Overall, the game has a good mix of different characters, varying adequately in terms of gameplay styles. From classic platforming as the Mario Bros, to the slower yet more technical gameplay styles of Scorpion and Bomberman, to simply blasting through as Sonic or the DoomGuy, I'm sure someone can find a character and style they'll enjoy. And with that, I can definitely see the potential in this fangame to be quite great later down the road! Either way, I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled for any future developments!
ClashDev Ato
ClashDev Ato
Thanks for the feedback!
  • Each of the Marios will eventually get much more accurate controls/physics. The goal is that they feel right even if you're a Mario speedrunner.
  • The speed and acceleration of Samus is actually the same (at least nearly) as in Super Metroid with the run button held, she just runs by default in Clash. Later I'll have control options for this.
  • Zelda 2 Link is planned., so is the downward/upward thrust for Zelda 1 Link. I started out with Z1 because he's more iconic with more of the standard Link items, which I guess is the same reason Nintendo went with him for Mario Maker 2.
ClashDev Ato
ClashDev Ato
  • Yeah if you're using the classic inventory it's definitely cumbersome but the quick inventory is overall the fastest way to switch weapons with a controller (you can use the right joystick like in MegaMan 11, or if you play with an SNES controller you can hold the right shoulder button and press the corresponding face buttons to use them like a joystick). I agree though some work needs to be done here for keyboard users, and I may add the weapon cycling option anyway. Also I need to make it so that opening your inventory pauses the game in Adventure mode, to make it more like the character's game.
  • There will be an option to play as classic Sonic or my new fast Sonic (personally I hate the slow acceleration & speed of classic Sonic, he should be the fastest character IMO). And yeah I need to add the drop-dash animation.
ClashDev Ato
ClashDev Ato
  • Some attacks like DoomGuy's shotgun and X's Storm Tornado are coded differently so they don't have brick-breaking functionality yet, but they will.
Again thanks for the feedback and if you have any more I'm all ears, especially on Discord.


You really need some screenshots and videos here, as is it doesn't really excite me to download or play this. Guessing this is a Super Smash Bros sorta fangame? Showing what the game is actually like is a good way to get people interested, and clears up potential confusion.

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ClashDev Ato
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4.00 star(s) 1 ratings


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