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SAGE 2024 - Demo Blobun


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You are a blob bunny. Your goal? Touch every tile! Enjoy 32 puzzles in this small demo, including some puzzles which will come up later in the final game!

The Slime's Curse
After finding a cursed amulet, you are transformed into a blob bunny. Now you need to find a way to undo this curse, but many puzzles stand in your way. Explore many worlds and solve lots of bite-sized puzzles as you make your way to the witch who can (allegedly) help you out.

  • High resolution art that looks great on any display.
  • Made a wrong move? You can undo mistakes and try again. Try each puzzle as much as you like!
  • If a puzzle is too hard, you can skip it! (But you wont get any stars.)
  • Support for keyboard as well as XInput and DirectInput gamepads.
  • Keyboard:
    • WASD, IJKL: Move around
    • Q, Z, Shift, Space: Move Fast
    • E, X: Undo move
    • T, P, Escape: Pause game
    • N, M, G, H: Swap worlds (on stage select screen)
  • Gamepad:
    • Left Stick, DPad: Move around
    • (A), (X), Right Trigger: Move fast
    • (B), Left Trigger: Undo move
    • (Y), Options: Pause Game
    • Left Bumper, Right Bumper: Swap worlds (on stage select screen)
Additionally, you can use Shift+F2 to restart a puzzle quickly.
Note: At this time, you can't remap controls. However, this will be available in the final game.


Latest reviews

Wonderful puzzle game! ^^ I always liked these kind of puzzles, and the later stages are indeed puzzling (in a good way). A lot of mechanics introduced here work really well, and I don't think I've ever seen in these kind of puzzle games before, so I really like the new twists added! Really excited to see what Blobun has instore next!
🦨thank you!! yea we got a lot of stuff cooking
I'm not the smartest puzzle gamer but I thought this game was very cute and charming!
🦊thank you so much!!
Should preface this with that I'm not typically one for puzzle games, but I have been following this developer for a while and wanted to give it a shot!
  • The presentation is great! Music is very pleasant, and the graphics have a nice round chunky look to them.
  • The puzzles quickly escalate in difficulty, in exactly the way you'd want it to. Puzzle 1-8 definitely had me staring at the screen and scratching my head for a bit.
  • The game is overall very good at introducing the player to new mechanics with small easy to understand puzzles before ramping up the complexity and combining these elements in novel ways, without needing a single line of tutorial text for these new mechanics!
Frankly I only have a couple of extremely minor nitpicks:
  • At least one puzzle was very easy and used an element which had already been introduced, and this puzzle came directly after one that had taken me a while to beat. It felt like it could perhaps have come earlier in the stage list.
  • One world 2 mechanic had me a little confused - a series of tiles cycles through three states, one of which acts as a wall. However, pressing to move directly into the tile allows it to cycle regardless, so it never seemed to present an actual obstacle to me. Admittedly, world 2 puzzles all seemed to bear the name "future puzzle", so forgive me if this is simply an experimental mechanic for now!
Overall: I had a very good time, and I can't wait to see the full game!
🦊Thank you!! Gonna get to your game soon too heh
I'm really curious which puzzle this was that was in the wrong order, because we weren't *positive* on the puzzle order but also, still ironing this out but feel like we've mostly got it. As for the floor pistons, yea those are actually from World 4, but there is no World 4 in the game so we put those in without much of an introduction, which kinda wasn't great admittedly, but we also wanted to show people that we have more in the works besides shapes that toggle blocks

Also we find it really funny that 1-8 is the one that seems to be stumping everyone. Maybe we shoulda put that one later LOL


Such an original, sweet idea, haha. Love the fact expressions on the character change, too.
A nice charming game.
I appreciate the instant restart option.
I like that the game warns me if my framerate drops below 60.
Very impressive use of gimmicks, excited to see what other ones will be in the future.
Sometimes I noticed that the "undo" button undid two or more moves.
The slime feels just gooey enough.
A nice charming game.
I appreciate the instant restart option.
I like that the game warns me if my framerate drops below 60.
Very impressive use of gimmicks, excited to see what other ones will be in the future.
Sometimes I noticed that the "undo" button undid two or more moves.
The slime feels just gooey enough.
🦊Thank you so much!
Yea, we've noticed that sometimes the undo undoes 2 moves instead of 1, but didn't have time to debug it before SAGE due to the relatively quick dev cycle to get this into SAGE
I felt like there was sometimes an issue with the responsiveness of the controls since tapping a direction would occasionally not make the bunny move. I'm not sure what causes it, but I think it might have to do with if you're facing a wall beforehand? I don't know. It's kind of a nitpick, but considering how much precision some of the time limits required, it can make all the difference between whether or not you get three stars. To be fair, I didn't know about the undo function until reading the comments, which is admittedly a helpful feature, but considering it doesn't set back the timer at all (not necessarily saying it needs to), I doubt it would have made things that much easier for me. This stuck out to me moreso because this is otherwise a very solidly made puzzler.
I felt like there was sometimes an issue with the responsiveness of the controls since tapping a direction would occasionally not make the bunny move. I'm not sure what causes it, but I think it might have to do with if you're facing a wall beforehand? I don't know. It's kind of a nitpick, but considering how much precision some of the time limits required, it can make all the difference between whether or not you get three stars. To be fair, I didn't know about the undo function until reading the comments, which is admittedly a helpful feature, but considering it doesn't set back the timer at all (not necessarily saying it needs to), I doubt it would have made things that much easier for me. This stuck out to me moreso because this is otherwise a very solidly made puzzler.
🦊Thank you for the feedback! I'm curious if you found out about the sprint, because all of the times in the game are designed for you to be moving fast the whole time. The issue you're talking about in the first part here is when you nudge a wall, which consumes a turn, but is not very well conveyed yet that that's what's going on. This will definitely be improved in the future
🦊Thank you for the feedback! I'm curious if you found out about the sprint, because all of the times in the game are designed for you to be moving fast the whole time. The issue you're talking about in the first part here is when you nudge a wall, which consumes a turn, but is not very well conveyed yet that that's what's going on. This will definitely be improved in the future
I was aware of the sprint, but even when using it the time limits were still pretty tight, and it did sometimes make things a bit twitchy (like I'd occasionally go one space further than I should) so I wouldn't use it all the time.
this is a really fun exploration of this type of puzzle! the music's got a very whimsical joy to it, the menu effects/programming is all really impressive, and i kept finding myself reaching to play one more puzzle than i expected. i was going to mention that i felt the difficulty curve seemed pretty steep/sudden in world 2, but saw that you mentioned that there are piston mechanics from world 4 introduced early just to show off what else you're cooking, so nevermind! also i love the bunny's sprinting expression.
this is a really fun exploration of this type of puzzle! the music's got a very whimsical joy to it, the menu effects/programming is all really impressive, and i kept finding myself reaching to play one more puzzle than i expected. i was going to mention that i felt the difficulty curve seemed pretty steep/sudden in world 2, but saw that you mentioned that there are piston mechanics from world 4 introduced early just to show off what else you're cooking, so nevermind! also i love the bunny's sprinting expression.
🐭thank you so much!!

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4.75 star(s) 8 ratings


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