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SAGE 2024 - Demo Sonic Adventures Revisited (SAGE '24 Demo)




Sonic and friends return to familiar locales to investigate the sudden appearance of Eggbots, as well as strange twists to the places they've ran through before.


Play as 3 different characters, each with their own gameplay style!

Sonic: Speed ahead with boosting, and use your homing attack to string combos along as you defeat enemies and blast through at top speed!


Tails: Take on more vertical platforming, as Tails is able to take to the skies to reach heights nobody else can, while utilizing an arsenal of different bombs to take out enemies!​


Knuckles: Glide, climb walls, and fist-fight enemies to make your way through more open areas and discover secrets!

~Download Link~

The game can be found at the following GameJolt page:

~Additional Screenshots~
Cas2.png EmCo3.png EmCo4.png TwPk1.png TwPk2.png WyVy4.png



Credit goes to:
Epic Games for the use of their Unreal Engine
The Velocity Plus team for their Velocity Plus Framework

Motaman, Mano Pereira, CurlyFryWhy, Shedmon, KarlDufresne, Nate Loper, DJMaesen, and Kless Gyzen for the use of their 3d models on Sketchfab that were used for this project (proper credits with links can be found in the same folder as the games executable.)

Latest reviews

Sonic Adventure is easily one of my favorite Sonic games, 3D or otherwise, so any chance to revisit it is such a delight. This demo has a few noticeable bugs, but also feels like a genuine attempt to take you back to those classic locales that are so beloved, and for that I'm grateful to this project. Admittedly I'm not too familiar with the limits and features of the Infinity+ engine, so I apologize if I mention anything that's included by default or impossible to pull off in the framework.

I love the utilization of Team Sonic and how each character has a very different moveset and abilities while still being able to traverse similar structed levels from one another. While I did feel that the characters may have a bit too many moves at their disposal, I can't deny the appeal of giving them enough options to pretty much accomplish anything. I was a big fan of Sonic's holding homing attack where you can bounce off the enemy and keep his momentum, this was such a fun move to play around with in levels! Sonic's homing attack did seem to have a persistent issue where he would sometimes get stuck in place and momentarily rise in the air, before falling back down and often missing the target he was supposed to lock onto. This caused me a couple deaths and was a slight pacebreaker. Finally, this isn't a must but I would like for Tails' flight to work similar to how it did in Adventure where you just had to hold the flight button instead of tapping it, but I can see the usefulness in having precision through multiple button presses. I do very much appreciate that you added a flight cancel for Tails so I don't have to awkwardly wait for him to come down like in other official games.

I think you reworked the existing Adventure levels quite well for these characters and their upgraded kits. I especially like the choice to include Hot Shelter! Such an obscure pick when it comes to Adventure levels just because the main trio never venture to it. I did feel that the levels seemed a tad too dark compared to the originals. The grass in Emerald Coast seems like it should be a lot more saturated, and the sun should be bright and shinning down on the level. As is it seems kinda cloudy and gives off a different vibe from the original. On that topic, I do really miss having mid-level music changes to better suit each aspect of the environment. I'm not sure if this is impossible in the engine, but I would highly encourage implementing something like it to give each segment it's own identity as part of the level. I would also highly recommend adding a radar for Knuckles, or at the very least including more hints for where to find switches. Chalk it up to me having skill issues, (which it probably is) but I couldn't beat Casinopolis or Ice Cap due to not being able to locate the correct switches.

Now for bugs I came across. In addition to the Sonic homing attack bug, I do think the beginning loading segment of Emerald Coast needs to be fixed or altered. The sound given off when Sonic is stuck on the rail is really hard on the ears and hurts to listen to until the level finally loads. I also noticed some oddities like air bubbles seemingly not working for Knuckles in Ice Cap, the "Restart" button doing the same thing as "Return to Menu," and the characters all getting stuck in the scripted cannons until you pause the game, seemingly fixing them. I would also recommend adding window sizing options for those who may not want to play in forced full screen.

I realize I had a lot to say here and I truly hope my words don't come off as mean or demanding. I only wrote a lot because Adventure 1 means a lot to me. But I can see that it clearly means a lot to you too for you to start such an ambitious project, and I'm really excited to see where it goes from here. I have nothing but respect for you and this demo, and I just want to see it reach it's full potential. I'm grateful I got to play it and I thank you for making it and releasing it for me and others to play. Best of wishes!
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Thanks so much for playing, and for the constructive feedback, it's genuinely really appreciated! I will definitely take this to heart. I apologize for the bugs you did encounter, I do my best to catch as many as I can on my own.
I'm not sure what causes the homing attack bug, I've seen it happen to a few others as well, but I haven't been able to recreate it on my end unfortunately.
I hadn't noticed it until people started playing it, but you're definitely right that a lot of the levels are a tad bit too dark (aside from Hot Shelter though, that one's suppose to be dark and run down.) I plan to go back and tweak the lighting on every stage to see about getting them to fit their themes better. (Like no more thick clouds over what's suppose to be a sunny beach level.)
It's not a skill issue on your part, I hadn't noticed that for whatever reason, all the hint rings in Ice Cap were disabled!
Again, thank you so much for the review and the feedback!


I broke the first tutorial area a bit. holding B on the shielded enemy for too long clipped me into the floor and also shot me far distances. It also caused me to become stuck in ball form. trying it again caused me to get stuck in the floor completely underneath the shield robot.
Also, if you are a linux user, do not try and run this game without first using proton in steam. It messed up a bunch of my display settings somehow and disabled my main monitor. Turning them back on was fine, but there may be some weirdness with the game not using proton. Proton worked fine though.
I broke the first tutorial area a bit. holding B on the shielded enemy for too long clipped me into the floor and also shot me far distances. It also caused me to become stuck in ball form. trying it again caused me to get stuck in the floor completely underneath the shield robot.
When you say you were holding B, do you mean during the homing attack to perform the attack that destroys shielded enemies, or holding B to slide into them? I tried multiple times to recreate this glitch and I couldn't replicate it, but I'm sorry you experienced an issue like that!

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