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SAGE 2024 - Demo Aureole - Wings of Hope (SAGE '24 Demo)


*You can upload your time to the global leaderboards through Steam's demo! ^^


Aureole - Wings of Hope takes platforming to brand new heights!


Join Ramila and Ryleth on their crusade to reclaim their home from demonic forces in this unique physics-based side-scrolling game, inspired by games such as Celeste, Super Meat Boy and the Sonic series.

Prepare for a celestial adventure! You control the aureole: Move, jump and reach vertiginous speeds with our refined controls.

The Heaven Kingdom, centuries after demons were exiled to the underworld, is being conquered by an army lead by Lazel, the new Demon King. Our angelic protagonists, Ramila and Ryleth, fall from the skies and find themselves stranded in the surface, with just a thought in mind: It's time to get back home!




  • Easy to learn, hard to master: Jump, dash and use terrain at your advantage to move around with our fast-paced and physics-based gameplay.

  • Become the fastest player!: Compete against other players' times all around the world, see your personal improvement or compare your skill to your friends' with our online leaderboards, to which your best levels' time is uploaded!

  • Compete against yourself: You will be able to retry an already completed level with your and other save files' ghost runners, so you can study their movement and strats and keep improving over your own ghosts!

  • Outstanding OST: We've been lucky enough to count on some amazing composers to make Aureole's OST the best it can be, reflecting the speed and flow we want you to feel as a player.


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Aureole - Wings of Hope is developed by Team Stargazers

Coding and other nerd stuff:
Gerardo Borjes (@Elvendwarf2)

Art and coloring book enjoyer:
Samuel García (@hollow_art_tw)
  • Composers: Kyzarys and Bauti​
  • SFX Designer: Sisio the Sloth​
  • Publisher: JanduSoft​
  • Cover art: Micasspica​

Latest reviews

Pretty fun! I enjoy the speed you can get for this, but I don't like how the rings that launch you feel deceptively weak, like you're gonna go forward & then it get *pblet*s you out.

Also at one point in the cave level I clipped into the Geometry & was just moving around inside the walls.
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Team Stargazers
Team Stargazers
I'm really glad you liked it! ^^ We fixed the issue of clipping through the cave stage as soon as you told us about it. However, if it happened to you in another level, it would be great if you could point out the spot. We're working hard to polish all those annoying glitches.

Regarding the rings, I don't really know what to tell you. It's not mandatory to go through them. If we make them launch you further, we would break the design of over 40 levels, so we can't do that, sorry. But we'll keep it in mind!
This is definitely one of my favorite indie games in this SAGE, next to Aurascope!

The amount of polish here is insane. The game doesn't abuse shaders enough to lag out my PC either, which is great. From entering a level to finishing it, everything just felt so satisfying. The game got some very nice ambiance and sfxs! Love the hand-drawn graphics.

The controls just feel so right. I'm not one to play with a mouse only, but I had no problems getting used to the controls since we are giving such a simple movement. Nowhere in the game did I feel hindered by using a mouse. Moving around the environments feels so smooth. You can get into a flow state when you're combining chains of flinging yourself, stomping, and dashing throughout the obstacle courses!

The story looks like it's going places as well. I love extra lore in the form of hidden collectibles. None of the collectibles are in tricky spots either, which is great. My only issue with the game is that I wish I could skip the cutscenes for the level intro panshot and entering a level. They're very slow on repeat playthroughs. Another problem would be that levels 2 and 5 have strict gold time requirements, but the rest of the levels are very lenient. I'd recommend adding at least 5 or 10 seconds to those two levels to balance everything out.

Other than those two hiccups, amazing 9/ 10 game! You shall be getting a wishlist from me! 👍
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Team Stargazers
Team Stargazers
One of your favorite games? Wow! That's high praise!
From how you describe your experience, I can tell you've found the same playstyle we enjoy! We've received a lot of feedback about shortening the level intros, and today we'll be uploading an update that includes that change. As for the level times, they're all a bit of a "placeholder" since this is really the first time we're collecting real player data. So in the final game, the times will be much better!

Thank you so much for the review!!
My fave game from SAGE 2024, atleast from the games I've played so far! Suuper fun to play, very fast, very fun to optimize and speedrun. The main gameplay is so goood, but also because I really like there's also a good few things I'd like to see improved a touch more! So here I go:

-Think the main thing I'd overall like to see implemented is a skip button. For cutscenes too yeah (mashing works, but skipping would be better), but especially for when hitting "Retry" during a stage. When you die (before any checkpoints) it restarts nice and fast, but pausing and hitting Retry is sooo slooow when just wanting to speedrun and trying to optimize stuff, I wish it was faster. Got annoying especially after restarting right after throwing at a wrong angle at the start and wanting to re-do. Think I counted it took like 6-8 seconds to get started with the next attempt, which as is isn't much, but on many repeat attempts stacks up. Oh, and some sorta quick-retry would also be great, as in the stage restarting without needing to even open the pause menu.

-When doing the initial launch/throw, I feel like it takes a little bit too long till you gain control, as in when the ring is flying, takes a second or two, and theeen you can start dashing and jumping. Some way to speed this up would be great, maybe you'd gain control once it hits any surface or gimmicks?

-A few too many "auto" sections, where a canon launches you and you just watch the game for a good few seconds. I get those show how stuff works, buuut yeah it was just a bit much at times - however I'm assuming there will be less of these later on, so this is prolly a non-issue, all good for the early stages to show how things work. Also, in the last stage (the crystal cave/mines one), if you skip some of the rings leading to a canon, the game flips out and shoots the camera up, even if the player wasn't heading up yet.

-A few rare times the disappearing launch rings didn't disappear when they should. Noticed it mainly with the big circle of rings with the canon in the middle and a single upwards-pointing ring within the circle, one time I got "stuck" going around in circles when the rings didn't disappear. Tho I was able to dash out, so didn't get softlocked thankfully.

-Managed to clip inside the walls once or twice. Here's one of the places where it happened (the same place as where the ring-non-disappearing problem occurred on a different run) - Imgur link

-Insta-dieing on spikes is a bit oof. I'm all good even if it stays like that, buuut I did keep wishing that if my ring is yellow and I take damage, it would just bounce and turn silver, as in lose one level of those dashes, and theeen die when the ring is copper colored. Could be an accessibility option, perhaps?

-As an another accessibility thing, I kinda wish there was some kinda angle snapping option. Possibly with options if the snapping happens at 5, 10, 15, 20, etc degrees. Probably not at all needed with playing with a mouse or something, but I felt the need with a gamepad, aiming in those tight corridors with spikes surrounding the ring was a bit difficult somehow

-I also kinda wish I could see my best time at the start of a stage, and/or during the run. Also the gold times were eaaasy, never had problem reaching the gold times and it made us (me and a bud I was playing the game with) wish there was an even more difficult time to try and beat, even for just fun even if not for collectibles

-A level-editor? Would be amazing haha, even with super simple graphics and big blocks to work with

Uuuh that's about it! As you can prolly see what I'd like to see here aren't any big changes (as if those would be feasible at this point anyway), the gameplay itself is reaaal solid. Really looking forward to more, wishlisted on Steam!
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Team Stargazers
Team Stargazers
  • I could speed up regaining control after hitting a wall. We're aiming for the launch to be decisive for good times, though some levels emphasize it less.

  • Thanks for spotting the error. In the demo, there are many automatic sections for casual players. In the full game, especially with higher difficulty, there will be fewer. We’ll review layouts though.

  • I’ll try to replicate and fix it, it's noted.
Team Stargazers
Team Stargazers
  • There's a god mode, but I understand that's not exactly what you're looking for. The idea doesn't sound bad, but we have to keep in mind that the game was never designed for something like that. We'll look into it.

  • Sounds good; I think I'll apply it and test it out. I'm a little concerned it could be more negative than positive, but it's worth trying.

  • That sounds good; we'll try to include it at the start of the level.

  • Sorry, this isn't possible. At least not without tons of effort. We'd need a server to store the levels, which we don't have, as well as control over user creations.
Thank you so much for the review and feedback! Feedback like yours is always very welcome.
Metalsonic3 // Jargonfox
Metalsonic3 // Jargonfox
No matter what might happen or might nor from the things I mentioned, I hope my feedback atleast sparked some thoughts about how it all works haha, and even just the addition of skip/speeding-up-retry would be amazing. Really looking forward to playing more of this again!


I've tried it in Steam and... I didn't play too mucho because it goes like 20 FPS in my laptop. Which doesn't surprise me too much because there weren't many options to reduce the graphic quality either.
I've tried it in Steam and... I didn't play too mucho because it goes like 20 FPS in my laptop. Which doesn't surprise me too much because there weren't many options to reduce the graphic quality either.
I'm really sorry to hear that, the game doesn't have very demanding graphics. Your computer might not meet the minimum requirements to run the game at 30fps. If possible, could you provide me with your computer's technical specifications? I'd also like to ask if you've tried lowering the game's resolution from the settings and disabling vsync. I hope this helps.
I'm really sorry to hear that, the game doesn't have very demanding graphics. Your computer might not meet the minimum requirements to run the game at 30fps. If possible, could you provide me with your computer's technical specifications? I'd also like to ask if you've tried lowering the game's resolution from the settings and disabling vsync. I hope this helps.
I'm embarrassed, my laptop is not a product dedicated to gaming either. Although it surprises me because I didn't expect it to be so slow either.

As far as I know, I have a 2015 processor. Here are my details and I hope they help you.

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.40 GHz. 8GB RAM

If you want some comparison, I can play GTA 4 which seems to me to justify its power demands and I can play it at 40 or 50FPS with minimum graphics. Or what about Totally Relliable Delivery Service. I don't play a lot of heavy stuff, either.

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Added by
Team Stargazers
Last update
4.80 star(s) 5 ratings


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