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The cycle of Sonic fangames must end.

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Green Hill Zone
Dec 3, 2019
Hi, I'm here to talk again about Sonic fangames and the lack of these based on series and comics adaptations.

I've talked about this topic before, but I want to go back to it and try to go deeper.

I have seen that almost all the fangames are based on either Classic Sonic, Sonic Adventure or Modern Sonic. And this somehow causes a stagnation of an endless cycle of fangames, where fans only make games inspired by Classic Sonic, Sonic Adventure or Modern Sonic and I'm tired of that.

Well, I want to see fangames based on AOSTH, Sonic SatAM, Archie, Fleetway, Underground and Sonic X. But there are people, especially young people today who didn't know these series and comics at all. And when they talk about them, they only remember Sonic Boom, IDW comics or the recent 2020 movie. These young people of today have no culture, who doesn't know those adaptations I just mentioned, is not considered a true Sonic fan.

Well, to be a real fan, you not only have to play the games, you also have to watch the many series that the blue hedgehog has had and have read most of his comics. Unfortunately, no member of the fandom wants to risk doing such a titanic job. What's wrong with them? Are they cowards or what?

I'm going to be a comparison between this fandom with another fandom that is also passionate about making games based on their favorite franchise. And it's none other than the Pokemon fandom. Well, unlike the Sonic fandom that only makes games that are basically copy and paste of the official games, the Pokemon fandom doesn't mess around when it comes to making fangames and hackroms.

Well, I've seen Pokemon fangames and hackroms that aren't the typical story of finding your goal to be a Pokemon Master and Catch 'em All. I've seen fangames and hackroms that are more focused on story and narrative, similar to what we've seen in 5th gen games, there are even stories with a darker and more mature tone like post-apocalyptic worlds or a world overrun by a zombie invasion. Some fangames and hackroms even invite you to do a Nuzlocke Challenge to make these games more difficult.

And one more thing. This fandom is capable of making fangames and hackroms based on multimedia adaptations that this franchise has had, as I have seen that there are fangames and hackroms that are based on the anime and there are fangames and hackroms that are based on the Pokemon Adventures manga.

Because of that. I end up praising the Pokemon fandom more, than the Sonic fandom, because they don't go there with comments from the typical immature purist saying "This doesn't look like what I played on x console".

I hope that the next SAGE and SHC, will show even a couple of fangames, hackroms and mods based on AOSTH, Archie, Fleetway, Underground and Sonic X. At least a game featuring Sally and the Freedom Fighters, a game featuring Cosmo or a Knuckles game featuring Julie-Su, Enerjak, the Dark Legion and whatever Ken Penders came up with for the story and lore of the Echidnas in Archie. Because if they don't show any of that, we fall back into the endless cycle of fangames that are copy and paste of the official games and that Sonic fans are not real fans because they didn't see all his series and comics.


Press Start Screen
Apr 29, 2021
Why don't you do it? There are plenty of easy to use engines for you to start making a game in.

Because if they don't show any of that, we fall back into the endless cycle of fangames that are copy and paste of the official games
What? There are plenty of fan games that bring something new to the table. I think a bigger problem is that every fan game is trying to be another Mania. Or that every game gets a 1 stage tech-demo and gets stuck in development hell for the rest of it's lifespan or gets silently cancelled.

Sonic fans are not real fans because they didn't see all his series and comics.
This has to be bait.
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Green Hill Zone
Dec 3, 2019
Why don't you do it? There are plenty of easy to use engines for you to start making a game in.
This is a personal opinion and venting. I didn't come here to create my own fangame.

Why don't you give me similar answers as you did to this guy who said that fangames are not better than official games.


Green Hill Zone
Dec 3, 2019
Why does everyone stand there silent? You know it took me a long time to make this thread and this what you thank me for.
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Press Start Screen
Apr 29, 2021
This is a personal opinion and venting. I didn't come here to create my own fangame.
It seems more like you are asking people to make a game for you.

Why don't you give me similar answers as you did to this guy who said that fangames are not better than official games.

Why does everyone stand there silent? You know it took me a long time to make this thread and this what you thank me for.
Because your thread is essentially just "make me a game plz" but typed out into an essay.



Shameless Recolor
Feb 25, 2018
A couple of things to bear in mind:
  1. Most people make fan games that they would want to play. People generally don’t make fan games to please the wider fan base. If there’s not many games covering the exact topic you want, it’s probably because it doesn’t appeal to this part of the fanbase, and that’s okay.

  2. You say that fan games just copy the games. I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with you. While there are plenty that do, there are plenty that do their own thing. You just need to know where to look. The Sonic Fanbase is huge, and sometimes you need to do a little digging to find what you want.
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Green Hill Zone
Dec 3, 2019
Most people make fan games that they would want to play. People generally don’t make fan games to please the wider fan base. If there’s not many games covering the exact topic you want, it’s probably because it doesn’t appeal to this part of the fanbase, and that’s okay.
So. Definitely people who make Sonic fangames are reverend purists.

They'd rather make games based on Classic Sonic, Sonic Adventure or Modern Sonic. Than make games based on AOSTH, SatAM, Archie, Fleetway, Underground and Sonic X where they bring more fresh and creative ideas that were never seen in an official Sonic game. Where they are not basically the same as the official games but with the skin based on X series or comic.

If they were written fanfics, fan comics, fan arts or fan made animations that you can see on YouTube or Newgrounds, the thing changes completely. But as for fangames, they prefer to stagnate and overexploit Classic Sonic, Sonic Adventure and Modern Sonic with games that are copy and paste of the official ones and that don't present anything new and few originality because they are purists.

There is nothing more toxic in a fandom than purists.


Shameless Recolor
Feb 25, 2018
Most Sonic fans are not “purists.”

And I would argue that no, purists are not the most toxic members of a fanbase. Those would be the ones that complain that existing fan games aren’t what they want to play, and, instead of learning to construct their own perfect project, believe it’s more prudent to call other creators toxic.

If there’s a branch of the extensive Sonic media library that you would like to see explored in game form, the prudent thing to do would be to make one, or work with like minded individuals to create one, not to make an essay that is, in essence, telling creators to make a game for you.


Press Start Screen
Apr 29, 2021
They'd rather make games based on Classic Sonic, Sonic Adventure or Modern Sonic.
I have yet to see a fangame based on Sonic Adventure.

Than make games based on AOSTH, SatAM, Archie, Fleetway, Underground and Sonic X where they bring more fresh and creative ideas that were never seen in an official Sonic game. Where they are not basically the same as the official games but with the skin based on X series or comic.
I've already shown you fangames based on SatAM. One of which is an RPG. If you want to see a fangame done how you want it, make it yourself. We're not just going to make a game for you.

they prefer to stagnate and overexploit Classic Sonic, Sonic Adventure and Modern Sonic with games that are copy and paste of the official ones and that don't present anything new and few originality because they are purists.

There is nothing more toxic in a fandom than purists.
I'm sorry fans of a platforming series would like to play a platforming game. We've already shown you fangames that display plenty of originality, it looks like you are just repeating your same points from earlier in the thread despite being proven wrong.
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Green Hill Zone
Dec 3, 2019
I'm sorry fans of a platforming series would like to play a platforming game. We've already shown you fangames that display plenty of originality, it looks like you are just repeating your same points from earlier in the thread despite being proven wrong.
I don't care if it's a franchise about platform games or not.

Also. I completely refuse the idea of making games that are spiritual adaptations or indie games inspired by AOSTH, Sonic SatAM, Archie, Fleetway, Underground or Sonic X.

Because making a game that is an original work is not the same as making a game that is an adaptation of an existing work.

So. Telling a similar story, but without Sonic's characters would not have the same emotion or the same captivation.

Let's take an example. Make a game with a great story and lore and a gameplay more focused on action and with more open spaces. But without Sonic and company and also without characters from series and comics like Sally or Cosmo, that probably wouldn't hold my attention at all.


Scrambled Egg Zone
May 27, 2020
Ok, I'll bite.

Anyone has different tastes, even if we are fans of the same franchise. Especially true in the case of Sonic, which has overall been splintered into many different iterations of itself and unfortunately lacks consistency.

Personally, I am what you derogatorily defined as a "purist". I grew up with the classic games, I loved the adventures, and I can't say I really like anything that followed adventure 2.
I disliked the satAM show (in Italy was also butchered by a terrifying dub where for no particular reason Tails was named "Scheggia" meaning "Quick") but enjoyed the wacky adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog aired at freaking 6 AM in the morning.

I do not think the Archie comic is widely known outside of the US. In Italy you had to import it and I don't think people were even aware the comic existed in the first place. I suspect animations and comics from the nineties were as difficult to find outside the US as they were in Italy if not more.

Pokemon as a franchise pushed its games, cartoons and merchandise like no one has ever done before: it was everywhere in the world in every media. Sonic was not. He was mainly a videogame mascot.
This obviously shaped the fandom accordingly, in an era where internet was not yet an everyday commodity yet.

Speaking for myself, I have no real attachment to anything outside the games, so why should I work on something I don't care about that takes months of free time, commitment and effort?

Conversely, I liked Sonic 3D to a fault: the game wasn't perfect, and I spent years toying with the idea of how it could have been if they stuck with the 2D formula. In the end I made it: I made it the way I wanted it to be to the best of my abilities: a 3K sequel and a final set of levels with harder bosses to wrap up the genesis era from my point of view.

People put passion in what they like, and they should be respected for that even if they do not reinvent the wheel and even if it doesn't meet your standards. It's their game, not yours. It's their vision. They write a love letter to a thing they like, for free, out of passion, and they share it with others to enjoy.

As others pointed out there are fangames based on non-games material that you can actually play, so why don't you give them a spin?

If they don't suit your dream game there is a thing that you can do: roll up your sleeves, look for other like minded people if needed, and start working on your fangame. Make it the way you want, be proud of it and surprise all other Sonic fans with a new story and the gameplay like you imagined.


From Seaside Island
Nov 6, 2020
Hi, I'm here to talk again about Sonic fangames and the lack of these based on series and comics adaptations.

I've talked about this topic before, but I want to go back to it and try to go deeper.

I have seen that almost all the fangames are based on either Classic Sonic, Sonic Adventure or Modern Sonic. And this somehow causes a stagnation of an endless cycle of fangames, where fans only make games inspired by Classic Sonic, Sonic Adventure or Modern Sonic and I'm tired of that.

Well, I want to see fangames based on AOSTH, Sonic SatAM, Archie, Fleetway, Underground and Sonic X. But there are people, especially young people today who didn't know these series and comics at all. And when they talk about them, they only remember Sonic Boom, IDW comics or the recent 2020 movie. These young people of today have no culture, who doesn't know those adaptations I just mentioned, is not considered a true Sonic fan.

Well, to be a real fan, you not only have to play the games, you also have to watch the many series that the blue hedgehog has had and have read most of his comics. Unfortunately, no member of the fandom wants to risk doing such a titanic job. What's wrong with them? Are they cowards or what?

I'm going to be a comparison between this fandom with another fandom that is also passionate about making games based on their favorite franchise. And it's none other than the Pokemon fandom. Well, unlike the Sonic fandom that only makes games that are basically copy and paste of the official games, the Pokemon fandom doesn't mess around when it comes to making fangames and hackroms.

Well, I've seen Pokemon fangames and hackroms that aren't the typical story of finding your goal to be a Pokemon Master and Catch 'em All. I've seen fangames and hackroms that are more focused on story and narrative, similar to what we've seen in 5th gen games, there are even stories with a darker and more mature tone like post-apocalyptic worlds or a world overrun by a zombie invasion. Some fangames and hackroms even invite you to do a Nuzlocke Challenge to make these games more difficult.

And one more thing. This fandom is capable of making fangames and hackroms based on multimedia adaptations that this franchise has had, as I have seen that there are fangames and hackroms that are based on the anime and there are fangames and hackroms that are based on the Pokemon Adventures manga.

Because of that. I end up praising the Pokemon fandom more, than the Sonic fandom, because they don't go there with comments from the typical immature purist saying "This doesn't look like what I played on x console".

I hope that the next SAGE and SHC, will show even a couple of fangames, hackroms and mods based on AOSTH, Archie, Fleetway, Underground and Sonic X. At least a game featuring Sally and the Freedom Fighters, a game featuring Cosmo or a Knuckles game featuring Julie-Su, Enerjak, the Dark Legion and whatever Ken Penders came up with for the story and lore of the Echidnas in Archie. Because if they don't show any of that, we fall back into the endless cycle of fangames that are copy and paste of the official games and that Sonic fans are not real fans because they didn't see all his series and comics.
*cough *cough 10722 10723 10724 W.I.P


Green Hill Zone
Dec 3, 2019
It looks like Sonic 2, but with the Fleetway skin. It needs several changes.

I don't know, that the story is told through text dialogue boxes accompanied by the portraits of the characters that speak during dialogue boxes. Similar to Megaman X. And by the way, cutscenes consisting of slideshows similar to Megaman X5 or animated in a pixel art style reminiscent of the cutscenes of Amiga and Sega CD games. I don't want a game whose story is only in the manual.

About Sonic. It should be initially brown, in case you want to include a prologue level about Sonic's origin told in Fleetway.


From Seaside Island
Nov 6, 2020
It looks like Sonic 2, but with the Fleetway skin. It needs several changes.

I don't know, that the story is told through text dialogue boxes accompanied by the portraits of the characters that speak during dialogue boxes. Similar to Megaman X. And by the way, cutscenes consisting of slideshows similar to Megaman X5 or animated in a pixel art style reminiscent of the cutscenes of Amiga and Sega CD games. I don't want a game whose story is only in the manual.

About Sonic. It should be initially brown, in case you want to include a prologue level about Sonic's origin told in Fleetway.
uhh no it's not a skin ... well not right now it's going to be a fangame and ok thanks (also I don't now if I will do speech texts since I am new to programing but it's a work in progress also I useing the sonic max framework)


Press Start Screen
Apr 29, 2021
It looks like Sonic 2, but with the Fleetway skin. It needs several changes.

I don't know, that the story is told through text dialogue boxes accompanied by the portraits of the characters that speak during dialogue boxes. Similar to Megaman X. And by the way, cutscenes consisting of slideshows similar to Megaman X5 or animated in a pixel art style reminiscent of the cutscenes of Amiga and Sega CD games. I don't want a game whose story is only in the manual.

About Sonic. It should be initially brown, in case you want to include a prologue level about Sonic's origin told in Fleetway.
>I'm not asking people to make me a fangame
>Ok and it needs to be like this, and also change that, that's not good enough and also it needs to be more like this.
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