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SAGE 2024 - Demo Sonic Tameshi - SAGE 2024 Demo

Saw the gameplay and decided to try it out. The artwork & the music are good (especially the music, I'm in love with Act 2 theme), cutscenes are cute and the overall presentation is promising. My only compain here is the level design, it should have some tweaking, Act 1 especially I think.

I should probably give this a 4-star rating, but I'll leave 5 stars as I appreciate your and your team effort. Looking for more of this game in the future :emoji_thumbsup:
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Reactions: Pudim Abestado
I really liked the fangame!

The art and music are phenomenal, quite CD style along with its own personality.

The menu design is quite good and I loved the jokes when you select the language hahaha

The special stages are quite entertaining and well designed, the boss fight was also very good,
easy but entertaining, also the cinematics are just as good.

My only negative point is the level design, I died twice in the same bottomless void, there are also some inconsistencies in the level design but not so serious, besides at the end of the day it is still a demo, and I hope it continues to improve,
I will look forward to the next version of the fangame!
I really like this game! The movement controls are really fun, and the music is really really good. My only gripe is that the activation for the wall jump is kind of hit-or-miss - it often feels like a gamble whether or not pressing B against a wall will actually cause Sonic to stick to it, and often times it feels like you have to be pixel-perfect with it. Now, granted, I played this on Linux through Proton, so it might not be the same experience as on Windows, but please consider increasing the leniency on the wall cling.
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Reactions: Pudim Abestado
Pudim Abestado
Pudim Abestado
Idk what happened with your playthrough but the wall jump is supposed to replace the insta-shield when close to a wall, anyway, i'm going to make some adjustments later.
This demo has a really fun aesthetic that makes me eager to see more from this game. Currently, the level design is a bit basic, although there are a few hints of fun things in Act 1 with how exploration is rewarded. If future level design hones in on this, and takes advantage of the buffed super peel-out in particular, they will be very fun to explore. Act 2 has a hint of less fun things, with the bottomless pit having no indication of danger. Bottomless are fine for more straightforward levels (although they should still be better telegraphed than the one in this demo). However, if this game is meant to encourage experimentation the way Sonic CD does, it is probably better to follow in CD's footsteps in getting rid of them.

I like having both the insta-shield and drop dash, but having them bound to different buttons doesn't feel as good as having them bound to one button like in Sonic Origins. The roll jump lock is also an odd inclusion, it has never been included in a game with a drop dash. Having to use the insta-shield to enable air control doesn't add anything meaningful.

Finally — the OST is really fun! But sound effects are so loud I have to turn the volume down very low, so I don't get to enjoy it as much as I should.
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Reactions: Pudim Abestado
Pudim Abestado
Pudim Abestado
Very useful review, thank you for your criticism.
I really enjoyed this fangame. I'm seeing a lot of influence from sonic cd, which I like. The lyrics in the zone's music help give it a pleasant vibe. I like how much faster the peel-out is over the spindash. I think it helps make the peel-out a more interesting move to use. The wall-jump is also a nice addition. Thank you for giving tails a flight cancel. I think the special stages were fun, although the level design in the latter half can get a tad dickish. I actually managed to beat all of the special stages, and I was even warped to hidden palace! But the spawn point was broken, so I kept dying and respawning beneath the floor until I lost all of my lives. Still, I had a delightful time with this demo. I can't wait to see what becomes of this project!


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Reactions: Pudim Abestado
Pudim Abestado
Pudim Abestado
Unbelievable! I thought it was impossible to get all the emeralds in this Demo...
Thank you very much for finding this bug, now it's my time to squash it haha
Yeah. If you wanna know why that is, it's because the act's state resets whenever you die or enter a special stage ring. So you can just keep grinding the special stages until you have all of the emeralds.
Awesome fangame! Visuals and music are fantastic. Even animations are cool. Even tho level design would need more improvements.. Also I'd like to see an option for control binding. Anyways, keep going with it :emoji_thumbsup:!
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Reactions: Pudim Abestado
NO JOKE, the best 2D sonic game I played. dead serious, the SPEED, the MUSIC, EVERYTHING IS PERFECT
I REALLY hope you guys finish this game. I would pay for this.
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Reactions: SolScribbles
Just wanted to drop by and say I love this cute little game!!!
I went to make an account just to say I love it (turned out I already had one fdjkfdjk)

I love the music SO much !!!
Seeing Vocaloid mix with Sonic is SO perfect it makes me very happy :))
I hope these tracks get uploaded on YouTube if they aren't already, theyre so joyous and make me smile
This game is super charming :)))
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Reactions: Pudim Abestado
This is pretty decent sonic fangame, especially for sonic worlds! Art is pretty well crafted and levels are pretty nicely designed, boss was pretty fun to fuck with with those half pipes. Tho i feel like walljump is pretty awful to control and no offense to the composer but music is pretty awful, especially the ones that use vocaloid, those ones were the worst.
bro the music was the best part what are you on
Best game I've played from SAGE 2024 so far. Absolutely amazing!