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SAGE 2023 - Complete Sonic Encore : Final Build

It looks really cool and I really want to play it. (Just finished Sonic GT) but when I try to extract the files it says "An unexpected error is preventing the archive from being extracted." and I cant run it without extracting the files. Any help would be appreciated.
I couldn't get in the game because I did not know how to play
Finished the game up in almost one go, since I've gotten a game over in Ice Cap 2. I'm glad this project was completed, as in terms of quality it's a pack of stages that feels like a DLC for Sonic GT, which is a good thing. My personal problems I've mentioned were not addressed (except for 2 bosses being unfinished which was a must to complete) but I still think this fan-game is very addictive in terms of it's level design and just the overall flow of gameplay. We've never seen Oil Ocean, Mystic Cave and more in 3D, so it was interesting to see someone's interpretation of them. I still had the problem with Ice Cap 2, as I mentioned earlier but it's no longer my complaint, as I see you are basically done with this. Bosses were hit-or-miss, because they were either too easy, or too annoying. The first two bosses were the only consistent ones, in my opinion.
By the way, if you do think about polishing further, I'll just say that DS4 compatibility is busted, forcing me to add this game on Steam and emulate XInput; and Knuckles, while it's great that he can climb, it actually makes him broken for the level design as he can glide and climb through basically every obstacle. I'm pretty satisfied with how this turned out and I'm hopeful that you will have more projects planned in the future.
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Pretty good overall; the movement was especially fun and fluid to get a hang of, and the level design, more often than not, supported that. The only real issue I had with the levels was I'd often get turned around with no direction on where to go. The arrows on the ground in Mystic Cave helped out, I just wish there were more things like that to guide you subtly on where to go to make progress. The visuals were good, and I liked the remixes a lot. The only other issue I had was the boss of Oil Ocean act 2. the way it reveals itself makes it seem like you can hit it while it's shooting, but you can't, and when you can hit it it's sometimes a toss-up on whether or not you'll get damaged without you having much input on what you can do, with a ton of waiting in between during the first phase. Otherwise, most of the bosses were fine, leading to this game being a pretty fun time, definitely one of the better and more content complete games at SAGE this year, in my opinion, with just a few things that need to be ironed out.
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Loved this game last year and it's super fun. I love the range of characters and your take on specific level themes. Not much to say other than it's a really enjoyable experience. Maybe one or two glitches here and there but this is a passion project, and given the outcome, the workload taken on is impressive. A highlight of SAGE for sure. Whatever you do next (whether a commercial game, another project or something else entirely) please make sure to share with us, I would love to see it.
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Pretty great in many parts, the level design has strong SRB2 vibes and prooobably cos of that can be a bit confusing at times, often I (and a bud I was playing with) got very confused on where to go, especially if we deviated from the straight forward path and happened to venture for a moment. It was really difficult to try and remember/find what direction was forward. Some (uh, probably all) grounded following enemies were incredibly annoying though, they follow for waaay too long and way too fast, and just spaz out at the player, often had to resort to just standing still and spindashing for a moment to get rid of em.

Mighty's animations need some work (especially landing at low speeds), Tails feet work pretty weird when starting to move, and Shadow has two mouths. Also, the pause menu graphics are on a layer below the stage title graphics (as in, pausing at the very start of a stage doesn't display the pause menu properly). And damn, some of the stages are waaay too long, it was at times very tedious trying to get through them.

Had a blast making flickies and small animals go yeet haha, and yeah Oil Ocean especially was very pretty.
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Thanks for the feedback, may i ask for clarity on a couple of things, you felt the levels were too big, like how long was it taking? as the levels generally take 2-3min to complete shorter if speed running optimal paths. could be due to getting lost and doubling back. this is something I have focused on to improve. leading to direction arrows in Mystic cave for example. the flow and direction design of the levels should keep you going in the right general direction. only Emerald Hill the section just before the tunnel i felt could be better and that could be improved. I cant see one getting lost unless somehow turned around 180

the Chasing badniks I'm still trying to find middle ground as last year feedback was mixed, some liked them as they are which were more aggressive and has a bigger distance before they reset. this time i scaled them back. perhaps not enough
Metalsonic3 // Jargonfox
Metalsonic3 // Jargonfox
Checked our stream vod, here's the times me and my bud got:
Emerald Hill - 12:21.46 (we fooled around much more here getting used to the mechanics etc, tho also got lost much more)
Angel Island act 1 - 3:45.10 (the stage felt great!)
Angel Island act 2 - 9:03.42
Ice Cap act 1 - 7:75:00 or so at the boss, got a game over partially on purpose
Mystic Cave act 1 - 5:15:30 (was surpriced by how "short" this one was)

Didn't do all the stages due to the length, we did check all the act 1's but yeah. And in most cases it took even longer for us to clear the stages as we kept dieing, and in some cases like Angel Island act 1 and Ice Cap act 1 kept missing the checkpoints and had to start from the beginning.

As for the badniks, I think I was reeaaally annoyed of em only when there were like 5 trying to circle me, or when they followed through the loops and the like and made contact in the middle of them.