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worst sonic fangame i've played
sanic da heg
sanic da heg
it isnt hard its unfair
X the Great8421
I agree. The level design is very unfair and unfun in some places, and the bosses are awful, not to mention the I frames being very short.
sanic da heg
sanic da heg
thanks man
Loved the Sonic 3 sprites usage!

Awesome fan game I got to play a long time ago, but never made an account till today. It's hard to imagine a 2D game let alone taking what we know of a 3D world and making it 2D but you manage to accomplish that while making it feel like 2D SEGA Sonic!

A bit of my gameplay from way back when! :
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Thank you! Be sure to grab 1.30 that just released! Take a chance to blast through flicky island once more!
I just started, and I am captivated. I have however run into issues.
I have to say that the special stages are quite difficult. The Sonic 2 Special Stages were difficult as is, but the controls at least felt natural and responsive. I feel like the jumps are the biggest issue here. They feel odd and almost too rapidly bouncy. It's going to take some time to get used to them. I do have
Secondly, it is quite labyrinthine. To me, a sonic game is supposed to feel like it is meant to be either blazed though or explored. In sonic 2, 3 and S&K, I got the sense that if I wanted to, I could choose either path and still have fun. Here, there are many barriers to the pathway, and backtracking is at best, required and at times, inescapable due to the construction of some of the paths. That doesn't make it bad per se, but it makes it a bit difficult for those who want to get a quick tour and then return to savor it again afterwards, or to speedrun it.
My last concern thus far involves a potentially game breaking bug I encountered. I had, to my amazement, just gotten a chaos emerald in Rusty Ruins Zone and immediately got killed as I had no rings. Unfortunately the last star post I passed was underwater, and astonishingly it didn't even allow me to get past the opening screen of the reload. I heard the immediate dinging of near-drowning warning alarm and the second the game allowed me to control Sonic, I drowned. This proceeded to happen over and over until I lost the lives I had left. I will give you props as to the save function allowing me to retain the stage and chaos emeralds collected. But the fact that the problem is there is frankly ridiculous and I'm astonished that nobody else had discovered it. I looked through the bugfix updates and didn't notice it mentioned, and I believe I have the most recent version, in addition to the "Saturn DLC".

On the other hand, I am quite pleased with Sonic's handling in the regular zones. While sometimes I feel like there are hiccups, it feels close to natural for a Sonic game. My only issue there is that I'm not quite used to the millisecond delay of getting sonic to duck. In addition, I'm pleasantly surprised that you opted to include the Peel-Out function from Sonic CD.
Next, I'm very interested in the powerups you've included, especially the lock-on shield. In addition, retaining Sonic's "spark" move from Sonic 3 and Knuckles makes me extremely happy.
Further, The tilesets and graphical design are breathtaking. They feel practically in line with the aesthetic of the Genesis titles. I'm especially impressed with the boss designs for Robotnik's machines (Am I correct in that they're kitbashes? They're some of the best ones I've ever seen) and that you included Nack/Fang as a miniboss. Absolutely floored. I'm looking forward to completing the game.

While the game isn't perfect and in my opinion needs a little bit of functional polish, it's a great achievement in what fangames can present. It'll definitely hold my interest until a particular Megaman fangame completes development.
I've been playing and I have grown quite frustrated with the pace and enemy placement in some sections of the game. I've escaped drowning since I posted the review, but I've accidentally started a new game over the one where I was finally on Puppet Panic zone. I've lost the chaos emeralds as a result, and all my progress.
In addition, I've found myself becoming infuriated at how the bosses and enemies have been programmed and in some cases located. Many times I've found my forward momentum completely halted, if not by the slow halting progression of the labyrinthine level construction, then by being hit by an unforeseen enemy, and points at which I've expected to be able to hit a boss only to be met with either being forced to the other corner of the arena or straight up taking damage. They're excessively difficult. I've also found the amount of shield monitors to be quite sparse, and oftentimes I've lost it within 15 seconds or less because of a misjudgment or enemy placement.

Speaking of labyrinthine level construction, Gene Gadget, while a beautiful level, took me a frankly unfair amount of time to get used to. Having to control your progression through multi-path pipes, especially in that near-last section was rage-inducing and I timed out. The whole game features levels that take much longer than 4 minutes to get through going practically as fast as one can, and when you add a mechanic that slows your progression as much as that, it's painful.

Overall, while I appreciate and applaud your attempt to be as faithful as possible to the theming and level construction of 3D Blast, I dont feel like it works in 2D.
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Hey there! Thank you for reviewing!
I'm completely puzzled as to how that cursed infinite drown bug still persists after so many versions!
You have no idea how many attempts I made and code checks added on level reset to fix it...I reset all of the variables, yet it somehow is still there T_T

The tilesets for the levels are a mix of existing tiles from all of the classic games and new ones, just like the eggman bosses. They are indeed kitbashes of existing boss parts, with a few adjustments.

3D2D has been built to be replayed. As you will unlock more characters you will be familiar with both the levels and their hazards and the bosses patterns. Keep playing, and try to get all of the achievements for a final surprise!
I've added an addendum.
Great Game, But The Special Stages Are Extremely Hard, Why? Slippery-Ass Controls.
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You should practice them a bit and rely on jumps, not on strafing left and right. The special stages are quite easy with just a bit of practice.
Pretty sad to see that for one aspect you didn't enjoy the game got a barely passable review score.
insanely good and really fun but one thing thats an idea is.... Modern Sonic
just why not if shadow is in sonic 3d in 2d why not modern sonic????
but of course its just an idea
also christmas is coming so it would be a cool Christmas DLC like if you get it ON Christmas you get modern sonic FROM THE START but he is only in the Christmas DLC (and everyone has a Christmas costume on EVEN modern sonic)
but if you put all the files from christmas DLC (Charactor and music things) you get the charactos without costumes on (meaning modern sonic is there without the costume on)
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Sotaknuck is an artist, as only an artist could take Sonic 3D Blast and make it worthy to be the follow up title to Sonic 3 and Knuckles, as well as the closing act for the original Sonic games. This game accomplishes everything it set out to do: to reimagine S3DB as a traditional 2D platformer, and it does so, in my opinion with flying colors. Every Zone is not just recreated in a 2d way, but are made to look breathtaking. Those who are familiar with first 3 games will be able find familiar and beloved elements these backgrounds. This game is chuck full of characters from the various epochs of Sonic's history, as both act 1 bosses and playable characters. Perhaps I may get myself crucified for saying this but if I had to choose between Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic 3D in 2D, I'd choose Sonic 3D in 2D any day of the week.
"born to be the Ultimate LIfe Form" uhhh yeah everyone can guess that if they played Sonic Adventure 2
but its cool tho