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SAGE 2024 - Demo Silver The Hedgehog - Sage 2024 Showcase Demo


An attempt at making a 2d Silver The Hedgehog game
Feel free to comment if you encounter any issues, bugs or if you enjoyed the game

Left arrow/A = Left
Right Arrow/D = Right
Up/W = Psychokinetic Speed
Spacebar = Jump
Down/S + Spacebar = Super Jump
Z/J = Grab All (Can be used on small enemies)
X/K = Psychokinetic Attack
C/L = Grab object
C/L on a green mark = Psychokinetic interaction
V/; = Throw object
Spacebar while in the air = Levitate
P = Pause
Esc = Fullscreen/Windowed


Fixed a mistake in layers

- Silver no longer gets stuck if an enemy is on him.
- Dropped rings fall on the floor now when taking damage.
- Minor changes on Area X in terms of level design.
- "Grab Object" and "Grab All" actions can now grab bullets as well.
- Silver can now walk/run on slopes.
- Psychokinetic Attack no longer requires you to stop

- Tutorial stage added to help teaching the controls a bit.
- The game starts with 5 lives now, instead of 0.
- Silver can now aim before throwing the object he grabs with "Grab Object".
- Minor changes on Area X in terms of level design.
- Reduced the overall difficulty of Area X.

- Added a more optimized build for weaker PCs (STH Optimized).


There's a lot that could be improved here, but if I had to suggest one thing, it'd be to make better use of Silver's telekinetic abilities. For a Silver-centered game, I think the levels should consistently give plenty of challenges centered around carrying objects or levitating and such; as is, a lot of the design here felt relatively empty and standard.
This has potential to be neat and it's a good starting-off point, but unfortunately there's a lot I think needs work.

I'll start with the positive:
- I like that the dash move and that you can jump while doing so,
- I like the super jump action. It was cool to look at and felt cool.
- and I like that you can levitate in the air and move both left and right.
- also I enjoy being able to levitate upwards while using the box.

Unfortunately, here's most of the things that I noticed that I feel didn't work:
- The precise platforming moments did not feel good. The controls feel way too loose to make landing on the tiny platforms easy or fun.

- While Silver doesn't technically feel sluggish when you're not dashing, the animation makes him look like's merely walking and creates a disconnect between the how the character acts vs what he looks like.

- The game was also unnerving to play. The music is creepy and reminds me of some creepypasta game or something. I'm not sure if an unsettling vibe was the intent but it made me want to shut the game off due to fear. The parts when there's long hallways when there's not level terrain or enemies to fight made me scared something was going to jumpscare me. The hallway when a red enemy with a sword got me a little bit ngl.

- Also, fighting enemies doesn't feel great as well. It feels tedious to have to stop to kill each enemy, yet I noticed there were times when it looked like I ran through them and didn't take damage. I'm not sure why that happened.

- The fact that you can't re-obtain rings after taking damage makes the game harder to play and made me less motivated to start over again each time I died. I feel like there either needs to be checkpoints across the level or you should have the ability to regain rings, or both.

- I also worry the tiny worm enemies don't pop out enough in contrast to the background. Not that they were impossible to notice and though they do stick out against the green objects in the background, I feel like they could stand to be made more obvious to see. This also applies to the darker-colored worms in the cave or interior parts of the level.

- Silver also doesn't run down slopes. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but it didn't feel like that's how Silver should respond to slopes.

-Two times a worm enemy landed on top of Silver and prevented me from jumping until I destroyed it. Again, I'm not sure if that's a bug or not but it also didn't feel right.

- There's a moment of back-and-forth hallway design at one point and it isn't interesting to play, even while dashing.

To end positively and hopefully to not let you feel discouraged, this is not a bad start even with all these negative things I've listed.
I like that there's a Silver game even here. I like Silver's powers and I think if Sonic Team or some other development team took a shot at making a Silver game, it could potentially be fun.
You really need some screenshots and videos here btw, a touch sus as is, and doesn't excite me to download and try the game when I have no visual reference for what I'm getting into.

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The King
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