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SAGE 2024 - Demo RoboGAL(SAGE 2024 DEMO)



Rei-Bo was playing happily on the outskirts of Plutobell when suddenly a gigantic spaceship crashed into the island!

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A retro-classic action platformer game with ROBOT GALS!

  • The first DEMO of our first game.
  • A Classic Megaman inspired jump 'n shooting game.
  • Control a friendly G∆L* by shooting and dodging various obstacles.
  • The demo contains TWO of the 6 initial stages, the spaceship's Solar Energy Garden and Toy Planetary.
  • Face the bosses (Hana-Sol and Char-Wuf) and get her special weapons!
*G∆L: Gaga Delta Lady


- A G∆L who lives happily and loves to play around!
- She lives in the central tower responsible for running the island of Plutobell.
- She was sent to take care of the tower, but rarely remembers it : p


- She lives in the garden of the flying fortress, but prefers to sleep...zzz...zzz
- Absorbs various types of hallucinogenic spores.
- Doesn't know what's going on.


- She made a mess in the planetarium area.
- Likes to play and never gets tired!
- Dogg!

I hope you enjoy our demo!

~This version may not be free of bugs, if you find any, please contact us!~

Follow us on our Social Media and Discord Server to keep up with our updates!
Our game will also be on, we'll release both the demo and the final game there!


: Move
: Jump
: Shoot/Confirm
Down + Jump
: Slide
: Change Weapons
: Pause
: Stumble?/Cancel

*The controls can be changed in configuration screen.
*RoboGAL has automatic support for Playstation and XBOX controllers.

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We've released an updated version 1.01, which fixes some bugs!


@Khael: Art and Level Design
@Shin Horacio: Programing and Level Design

@nwcr: Music and SFX


Casual / Shiro / Nobushi / Rain / Power / Frost / Dina / Skelvi / Kenauevi / Neoware
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Reactions: pd_CGT and BBLIR

Latest reviews

This game is really cool! I love the game's artstyle, characters, music, and gameplay. It's really cool seeing what tricks you can do with the stage gimmicks and enemies around you to proceed. The game also has a really nice difficulty to it!
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Reactions: Khael
Thank you very much for the review. I'm really glad you liked it^^
Cute platformer taking inspiration from megaman obviously, REALLY good visuals and sound design all around. Wish jumping from slide/dashing kept the speed, but that might be my megaman x brainrot.
We made it so that it looks more like a slide, so much so that it can be used with bass + jump button.

Still, I'm glad you liked it!
Cute and Funny
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Reactions: Shin Horacio
Shin Horacio
I'm glad that you liked it!


Very nice Mega Man-like! The aesthetics are neat, the sound effects and music are pleasant, if a bit unsatisfying, the level design is solid, if a bit on the easy side. I have some additional comments:
- I expected a tippy-toe like in MM, I missed it very early on in the plant stage;
- I am very glad I could rebind the controls, I did not like what I saw. However, having to use Z (which is next to T for me) and X was very awkward;
- I noticed the galaxy man background, be careful about borrowed assets if you wanna sell the game. The stage's aesthetic is also kinda unclear - wolf boss, initial space theme with cars but then lego heads and toys.
I have a bunch of nitpicks too but I'll keep this comment brief. Overall I had a good time!
- I noticed the galaxy man background, be careful about borrowed assets if you wanna sell the game. The stage's aesthetic is also kinda unclear - wolf boss, initial space theme with cars but then lego heads and toys.
Thank your for the feedback, we made control bindings based on our own keyboard, so it must be different to other regions, we'll check it better. We didn't use any borrowed/pre-existing asset that is not already credited inside the game, so we don't know what you're talking about mentioning galaxy man.
Its an ok game, the main problem is that this play exacly like megaman, there isn't any cool new stuff that we didn't see already, the basic idea is cool but the execution its just megaman
how about adding a fullscreen option dude
Unfortunately, we didn't have time to add a full-screen option to the game that would work without distorting the resolution. But it's something we definitely want to add in the future!
pretty good megaman like - played the plant stage and really liked the mirror mechanics. i will say that one of my favorite parts of playing megaman x is pressing jump + dash at the same time to send him flying through the air - i found myself feeling frustrated by the way that robogal's dash momentum is totally stuffed by her jump, meaning that she can't really do that.
pretty good megaman like - played the plant stage and really liked the mirror mechanics. i will say that one of my favorite parts of playing megaman x is pressing jump + dash at the same time to send him flying through the air - i found myself feeling frustrated by the way that robogal's dash momentum is totally stuffed by her jump, meaning that she can't really do that.
Oh yes, people have confused this a lot when comparing it to the Megaman X dash. Even though it looks like this, it's actually similar to the slide in classic games, so much so that you can do it with the “down + jump button”.

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