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SAGE 2024 - Complete Oney Plays : Lost In Kickassia Disc 2


One night, Oney with friends decided to take a trip to Kickassia to see if it was a real place. When they arrived, they saw that the legends were true. Oney and the gang took some pictures and chose to head back to the car. It was too late...

As Chris was setting up for the last photo inside a hollow rock, a cage door slammed shut on his beautiful fingies. Alarms rang into the dark as cages sprang up over Zach and Tomar. Not even Lyle could escape. They screamed for their lives before being pulled down into the earth. Channel Awesome was prepared and they had finally gotten the upperhand over Chris and his friends. After witnessing his friends being lowered into the underground. A trap door opened beneath Chris' feet. He fell for what felt like 37 whole seconds.

After landing safely on the garbage below, Chris knew one thing. He had to get the hoo ha hay out of that place.



Created by Samuel De Lange
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