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SAGE 2024 - Complete Mega Man X8 16-bit


Mega Man X8 16-bit is a reimagining of the PS2 original with SNES styled graphics. The aim was to demake X8 in a similar feel to the first three Mega Man X games, while trying to actually finish a low-scope fangame. And guess what? After two and a half years of intense work, V1.0 is finally here!

This fangame is fully playable from start to finish with X!


Q: Why X8?

Because X8 is my favorite Megaman X game, alongside X3 and X1! This is not a replacement nor was I trying to 'fix' the original game. I intended to create a 'snes remix' of X8 with my personal taste sprinkled in. The original game is great and if you haven't played, do consider giving it a try!

Q: Are Zero, Axl and the Navigators playable?
No, they were never planned to be implemented as I always intended this project to be simple in scope. I always tried to be clear on this aspect, so to not lead people with promises I never intended to fulfill while dragging the project for years as many do.

However, now that the original planned scope is complete, I might revisit it in a few years and consider adding them in, but no promises as I'll be focused on other original projects for the foreseeable future.

Q: Are there any Secrets?
There are no secret techniques or armors, but there are three hidden boss fights, in a place that should be familiar to X8 veterans.

Q: Is the game hard?
I've made this fangame with veteran Mega Man X players in mind, so it is intended to be a challenge, specially the final and secret bosses. Bosses also don't flinch when hit by their weakness - only when hit by the charged version, so relying entirely on weaknesses might not be a good idea, although the charged weakness is helpful in interrupting dangerous attacks. However, boss do have low iframe after being hit, so mashing lemons between charge shots is always a good strategy. Searching for and using the SubTanks is probably also a good idea. There are four, just like in the SNES trilogy.

Q: How is the performance?
I tried my best to optimize the performance of the game, but I'm afraid it won't run very well on low-end and older PCs. Give it a shot, and maybe try messing with the target FPS setting. Higher target FPS is way more CPU intensive. Some bugs are expected and I'll iron these out with time.

Q: Do you plan on doing X7 next?
Other than the characters of Red and Axl, I don't really like X7. I don't think these type of projects work when you don't like the source material, so I don't intend on doing a X7 16-bit anytime soon.

Q: How long was this project worked on, how many people worked on it and what tools were used?
The project was entirely done by me - Alysson da Paz, aka Alones. I had help with the spanish translation and testing. No AI tools were used in any way. I used Aseprite, Audacity, Tiled and Godot Engine, and have been working on it since 2022. Around 3000 hours spent on it!


Updates - 07/09/24
  • Fixed Vile not exiting his ride armor if hit only by his weakness.
  • Fixed Charged ThunderDancer sometimes not opening the passages in Troia Base.
  • Fixed Charged Thunder Dancer not giving the proper invincibility frames after usage.
  • Fixed Pitch Black not properly activating Wall Enemies after X is detected by the searchlights.
  • Fixed some localization mistakes.


Art, Programming and Sound Mixing:
Alysson da Paz

Spanish Translation:
Roberto Carlos Martinez Escudero

Secret Boss 1 Theme Remix:
Samuel "Streg" Oliveira

Latest reviews

Ridiculously well done.
Wish Capcom would hire this guy to direct MMX9.
This is absolutely fantastic!!!!!!!!!! 10/10!! You fixed x8 forever!!!! What a time to be alive!
Send your patreon or similar, so people can crowdfunding your work on other ventures!!
Please, make the x7, x6, x5, x4 demake (especially x7)!
You can fix the megaman series!

(you could also create x9 and so on! i would gladly help founding)
Hola, aquí un hispanohablante, solo que venido a decir que...
10/10 y GOD como dicen por aquí xD

Pero ya enserió, todo esta bien hecho, la sensación al jugar como en el SNES es demasiado buena, el arte que es demasiado hermoso, y hasta debería ser ilegal de lo bello que se ve, los jefes, etc etc. Cada apartado esta bien logrado!
Lo ''negativo'' o algo que le reprocharía al demake, es la dificultad, ya que hay ratos en que te puedes quedar atascado, como me sucedió con el jefe final, pero a la larga te acostumbras. La clave es prestar mucha atención a los ataques y usar tus habilidades sabiamente.

Solo quiero desearles mucho éxito al equipo en sus futuros proyectos. Se lucieron con este juego, y espero ver más de ustedes en el futuro.

De lo mejor que he jugado en 2024.
Sigan así!!
Donde puedo encontrar la versión completa para Android, quiero poder jugar este juego


For the people that play on Linux, like me: it uses Wine to simulate a Windows ambient and the screen became too small. HOWEVER, if you choose the Windows option and set it to 10, u can see the game normally. Thank God have this option. On Fullscreen it's a mess, better this way.

Besides that, a marvelous Demake! I enjoyed a lot the Demo and will play it live pretty soon! I love the classic X's games, and this adaptation from the messy 3D X8 is waaaaaaaaaaay better, well polished and smooth Megaman X gameplay that u must try! XD
Last edited:
Em 2022, esse era apenas um projeto pequeno que parecia ser muito promissor, dois anos depois, em 2024, finalmente temos o jogo completo, e ele é incrível, um dos melhores fangames de Mega Man X já feitos, ótimo trabalho, Alysson, e que o jogo fique mais e mais conhecido por todos os fãs de Mega Man.
Jogaço da p...!
I beat the intro level and it's great! The only issue I'm running into is directional buttons on my controller and double pressing making navigating menus difficult. I'll try on another controller to see if it's just the 8BitDo Pro 2 in X-Input or more than one controller.
I beat the intro level and it's great! The only issue I'm running into is directional buttons on my controller and double pressing making navigating menus difficult. I'll try on another controller to see if it's just the 8BitDo Pro 2 in X-Input or more than one controller.
Weird, I tested the game with my 8bitdo SN30 Pro. If the issue persists, try remapping the controllers to the usual buttons again, it seems to fix some issues!
I have been playing for a while and i notice that the portal achievement isn't working or maybe im doing something wrong, idk if there are more achievement with the same problem but i will try to get the 100%
Criei uma conta nesse site apenas para agradecer o Alysson Da Paz, por ter feito essa obra de arte em PixelArte. Obrigado mano!❤ Deixa seu PIX ai para os BR, fãs do Megaman, mandar um pix pra tu em forma de agradecimento!🙂 Enfim, belo trabalho mano! Sucesso!🤗👊 E com certeza gostaríamos de ver o Zero e Axel hehe Quem sabe num futuro… Thank you!❤
Em 2022, esse era apenas um projeto pequeno que parecia ser muito promissor, dois anos depois, em 2024, finalmente temos o jogo completo, e ele é incrível, um dos melhores fangames de Mega Man X já feitos, ótimo trabalho, Alysson, e que o jogo fique mais e mais conhecido por todos os fãs de Mega Man.
Jogaço da p...!
Sem sombras de duvidas o melhor fã game! 👊
So I'm not nearly done playing this yet, but I will say... if the people who already liked this from the moment the early demos released saying this is good isn't encouraging to you, take it from somebody who was actually pretty skeptical of it back in demo 3 but was still waiting to see how the finished thing turned out before saying anything:

As far as I've seen so far, this is pretty good! The visuals are nice, the play control feels good, y'know, pretty sure people have already told you about those parts, but it's worth reiterating all the same. I... do have some gripes though, but I'll probably be able to better voice them when I'm done.

Importantly though, I'm having a far better time with this than I ever remember having with demo 3, so I'm pretty sure either you improved a lot of smaller things that add up here and you may very well be glad to see that somebody actually noticed the effort you put into that (as a fellow developer, I know how sometimes the small, subtle things end up the hardest things to do yet the ones the least people seem to care about), or something else changed between then and now for me to be able to like this a lot more than I recall liking that demo.

In the mean time... is it just me or is the "player takes damage" sound way too loud for some reason? Like, it seems to be louder than everything else in the game...? It's one of the gripes I was alluding to earlier, and unlike my other gripes, it's one that seems to likely be a bug and one I probably can reasonably, easily talk about before finishing playing through this.

Ah well. Looking forwards to seeing the rest of what's on offer here! I'll... save putting a proper review on this for when I'm actually done though, heh. Which... uh, given how hard of a time I'm having beating the stages, uh, that... that might be a while, admittedly.
I haven't finished playing through the complete version as yet, but I've played the demos and just got through 2 bosses. I was pleasantly surprised to see not only the level of polish, but a few tricks you can still do in this demake to obtain certain things on top of the love that went into here.

I wanted to comment congrats on the release! Absolutely phenomenal.
Ontem estava assistindo um cara jogar, e reparei em algumas coisas que poderiam ser corrigidas. Tem um diálogo do Dr. Light que aparece em inglês quando está usando a tradução da "zoeira". Outra coisa que reparei também é, ao derrotar o Vile, durante a cut scene, você pode tomar dano e morrer (quando ele solta aquele pilar de fogo que vai em sua direção). Por enquanto é isso, qualquer coisa eu reporto mais coisa.
Excuse me, but how does the save system work, because I would like to start a new game to be able to do speedruns, but I don't want to delete my original file, for love and also to practice the stages without having to do everything from the beginning, what I want to get to is if the save file can be extracted and/or imported?
Excuse me, but how does the save system work, because I would like to start a new game to be able to do speedruns, but I don't want to delete my original file, for love and also to practice the stages without having to do everything from the beginning, what I want to get to is if the save file can be extracted and/or imported?
The game itself does not have support for multiple save files, but you can make a backup of you save. It's located under %APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata\Mega Man X8 16-bit
Creaste un enorme y muy buen Demake de MegaMan X8, me divertí mucho.
Desde 2022 que yo sigo este proyecto, me alegra mucho ver que está terminado.

Gracias por crear MegaMan X8 Demake.
Buena suerte AlyssonDaPaz!!!!
@AlyssonDaPaz você é incrível! Muito obrigado pelo jogo!
Tenho 30 anos e estou feliz como se uma criança estivesse comprado um cartucho novo de Megaman para o meu Super Nintendo!
Que demake incrívelmente bom!
Você é demais! Sou seu fã! Um forte abraço brasileiro!
Had a lotta fun with this one, though I gotta ask, how do I access the 3rd secret boss? I beat the game and defeated the other 2 secret bosses but the red portal isn't opening.
I honestly would have loved to have faced GUNVOLT from the ''azure striker gunvolt'' game as a secret boss, but I don't know if the creator knows the games... ;-;
Magnificent! But I tried to play on Windows 10 x32 but It told me there were compatibility issues. Is there any version for Win10 x32 or only Win10 x64? Sorry for any inconvenience! Keep up the great work!
Hello. Is there a way to import your save file from the last demo? I would like to continue off of where I was last. Thank you.

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