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SAGE 2024 - Framework Mega Man Star Force 2D Engine(Version 1.0)


(9/12/24 UPDATE) - The engine has been updated to version 1.0.1. The changelog from 1.0:
- added support for a joystick axis that didn't have any
- added a text blurb above the remap menu that makes it more clear how to remap bindings
- fixed a minor bug where the transformation state doesn't completely revert upon dying in battle, if one had transformed beforehand
- fixed an oversight where using jammachgun would make you invincible for the rest of the battle due to not fully reverting the player's "removal" from the battlefield
- fixed moving in battle with quickstep enabled causing a negative array index read
- changed the mr.hertz message upon entering the options menu to be more clear

The readme in the package contains instructions on how to manually update your copy of the engine with the fixes and additions above.

This is it. The final iteration of this engine under my command. My support of it from here forward will be strictly bugfixes.

Lots of polish and smoothing out since SAGE2021. New features, expansions and improvements to existing ones, the works.

Just like last time, the download includes a pre-built executable for anyone to play and mess around with.

Changelog from version 0.9

- Many bugs and oversights have been fixed.
- The overworld collision system has been significantly improved.
- Star Cards from SF1DX have been implemented.
- The Brother system has been implemented. (in-game only)
- The old dev shortcuts have been expanded into a full developer menu. It is very powerful with many options available, and can gain you access to anything not normally seen.
- Controller input handling is much better, with analog now being supported, and the remap menu was given a complete overhaul(if using gm8.1, highly recommended to use a controller extension due to gm81's bugged controller functionality, such as gm82joy. the pre-built executable uses this).
- G viruses have been implemented.
- A number of things on the source code side have been cleaned up, or re-worked to make things easier to use.
- The built-in battle card count has expanded to over 100.
- Lock-on has finally been finished. SideLock, DiagLock and AutoLock are implemented as well.
- A new options menu has been added, Engine. This menu contains what were in-built toggles throughout development, now easily changed during runtime.
- Many smaller tweaks, modifications, and additions made in the name of accuracy to SF, or to feel more complete. Far too many to list here.
- Cloaker and SrchEye finally function, capping off the items that were planned to be implemented.
- An in-game printing system has been added that you can put in code routines to assist with debugging.
- Saving and loading have received much needed upgrades. Set however many slots you want in the code, and you can load saves from anywhere on your system with the browse option. Some basic information contained in the save file will also be shown on screen.
- New status effects: bubble, confusion, gravity, and blind.
- New boss fight: Harp Note

Default Controls

Remapping, including with controllers, is supported.
Action - A
Buster - S
Guard - D
Menu - W
Transform - E
Talk - Q
Start - Enter
Up/Right/Left/Down are mapped to the respective direction keys.




- Alice and Dawnson, for being the most supportive and involved throughout this engine's development.
- Alumae, for making EndWave. Finding that game helped inspire getting my own SF project off the ground.
- ShiningSparky, for Rogue's sprites.
- Beliot8, for Harp Note's sprites.
- All of the engine's players and testers.
- Everyone who liked and retweeted my engine tweets, that got the project way farther out there than I ever thought it'd get(back when i actually used twitter).
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