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SAGE 2024 - Demo Lyrestruck (SAGE 2024 demo)

I like what's here! The graphics are nice, the universe is intriguing and I do love Metroidvania, especially those that seem to borrow more from Metroid, so this is quite a nice entry.

I especially liked the chase sequence, with the creepy sounds the giant ant makes. I was surprised by how short the demo was, because I definitely wanted to know where I landed at the end but I'll have to wait :)
The only thing that bugged me is how certain room felt like they changed from one moment to another, but maybe I'm just bad at orientation! Anyway it fitted the "lost in an endless forest" theme quite well!

Keep up the good work, I am curious to see more of Lyrestruck!
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Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. There are actually rooms that change through the demo! Especially down in the cave.