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SAGE 2024 - Demo Kane TV: The Game (SAGE 2024 DEMO)


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Recommended to play with a Xbox controller!

Kane TV: The Game is a tribute to Kane's YouTube channel.
In development at GameMaker since 2021, the game's premise is to go through 2D platforming levels that resembles old retro games from the 80's and 90's!

"Arrow" keys / Directional Pad / Left Analog - Move
"A" key / "A" button - Jump
"S" key / Controller triggers - Run
"D" key / "X" button - Use the weapon

Kane TV's YouTube channel can be found on this link! (The content is in 🇧🇷!)

Also, if you are curious, consider checking out the earlier demos!
Kane TV: The Game (SAGE 2022 DEMO)

SAGE 2022 - Demo  Kane TV: The Game (SAGE 2022 DEMO)

"Kane TV: The Game" is a tribute game based on the Kane TV channel! Join Kane in his adventure on this cybernetic world, passing by many levels with a lot of references of his YouTube videos! You can visit his channel by clicking here! Controls: "Arrow" keys / Directional Pad / Left Analog -...
Kane TV: The Game (SAGE '21 DEMO)

Kane TV: The Game (SAGE '21 DEMO)

"THE BEST GAEM IN THE WORLDO!" "Kane TV: The Game" is a tribute game based on the Kane TV channel! Join Kane in his adventure on this cybernetic world, passing by many levels with a lot of references of his YouTube videos! You can visit his channel by clicking here! Controls: "Arrow" keys /...



Latest reviews

I enjoyed my time with this game! It's clear you love this YouTube channel dearly and It's a very fine tribute.

Controlling Kane and using the whip feels great. It feels just how a whip should in a game like this, and the jumping feels just right.

The music was great, with fitting area themes and a good sense of drive to them. The sound effects were good, though I felt the coin sound was a little strange. Reminded me somewhat of the coin sound in Wario Land 1, which isn't a bad thing of course.

I have two main complaints - The first one is what happens when you die. I enjoyed how spread out the checkpoints are, meaning I really had to master an area to get through it. However, I felt losing ALL money upon death made collecting stuff feel pretty pointless, especially with how fast death can come in some parts. Perhaps it could just reset your money to the amount you had at the checkpoint?

My other main issue comes with enemies that use projectiles. They seem to operate on a global timer, so if you get unlucky you can just be sniped by an enemy immediately when they come on screen. This is a big problem in the train level, where you have little in the way of vertical room to maneuver the fast bullets that appear the moment gunmen are onscreen. It also made the timing feel random, so learning these areas and creating strategies felt too dependent on luck.

I don't speak Portuguese so I don't watch Kane's youtube channel, but he should be proud to have fans who pour so much time, talent, and love into projects like this. Great work!
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