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SAGE 2024 - Complete Sonic Adventure Blast 2


Sonic Adventure Blast 2

Sonic Adventure Blast 2 allows you to play as Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles in Adventure style gameplay.

Blast through over 80 missions as you explore both classic and brand new levels.

The game was made in a fully custom engine, coded in C++. It is open source and hosted on GitHub.

There are 20 different levels between all three characters.

Missions include:
  • Reach the Goal Ring
  • Collect 100 Rings
  • Find the Lost Chao
  • Race Mighty
  • Find all the Emerald Pieces
  • Clear Hard Mode
There is also Arcade mode, where you play through every level with limited lives. Collect all Chaos Emeralds during this mode to unlock the true ending.


Check out the full trailer below:

Level Showcase
A quick preview of some of the levels









Can I use a controller?
Yes, a controller is highly recommended and should "just work" thanks to SDL's controller interface. You can adjust the deadzones in the Settings/ControllerConfig.ini file.​

Do I need to play the game at 60 fps?
No, the game can run at any framerate you want. You can set your target framerate with the in-game Settings menu and toggle V-Sync on or off there as well.​
How do I turn off bloom?
Certain settings can't be changed from the in-game menu. Instead you can change them by running Launcher.exe. This will display a window that lets you change settings like bloom, HD water, etc.​
Do I need to run the game with the Launcher.exe every time?
No, the Launcher is just for if you want a convenient window to change your game settings before playing. If you don't want to change any settings you can just run the main exe instead.​


ChubbaBubba - Almost everything

Entiss - Various work on objects and levels

IDGeek121 - Various work on GUI code and menus

OnVar - OnVar

Exact contributions can be viewed via the commits on GitHub.

Latest reviews

Plainly put, this game rules. It takes me back to the pure fun I had playing the Adventure era games and it's intuitive controls.

The main trio play about as how I would expected them to in the Adventure days, with only minor changes that took adjusting to. Sonic controls near perfectly and feels wonderful to control in levels. I did get confused by both the bounce and stomp being included and which button activated which, but I think that was mostly on me. One thing I do wish is that the bounce and lightdash carried your full momentum when activating them to make platforming go that much faster, but considering how easy it is to go to max speed it's not much of an issue. To my surprise Tails controls like an almost better Sonic, akin to the classic games. Seeing him preform moves like the lightdash and bounce is interesting but not unwelcome. His flight controls well although I do miss holding the button down for flight like in Adventure 1. Knuckles is near perfect as well with the glide and dive all preforming as well as I'd come to expect. I do miss his 3 hit combo however it's not nearly as necessary when dealing with simple enemies. Playing a full 3D game with the Mania models is so cool to see, and their victory animations are simply perfect.

The stages on display here are awesome, both those within and outside the Adventure era. Each one has had it's level design re-examined for how these characters control now and it's so much better for it. Some of the level picks had me ecstatic and laughing in how unexpected they were. I also greatly appreciate the hints for Knuckles' levels, although some of them can be a bit hard to make out given the surroundings (like his 3rd level,) but eventually I was able to find them all. I would like to see an option to restart from level instead of checkpoint, especially when handling some of the game's side missions. The inclusion of side missions at all is just incredible and offers a lot more things to do in the game than initially thought. Even if a lot of them were way too tough for me, I don't see myself ever beating Mighty..

This game was such a delight to play and now I'm left wanting to check out the original Sonic Adventure Blast. While I unfortunately doomed the world towards the end, I feel very satisfied with the near hour long experience I had playing through these thrilling levels. Thank you!
It had some frustrating moments, it's very jank, and very fun to play.

I think you've captured the joy of speed perfectly, and a lot of the other mechanics such and running on walls, griding, etc. are all satisfying when they're working as intended.

some areas I personally found frustrating:
1. the light dash is tempting to use in places where, after it ends, you will fall to you death. An example of this was on Dragon Road in the water areas. While running on water you can use the light dash to grab a line of rings, but when you grab the last ring you don't continue to run on the water and fall to your death.

2. The homing attack is surprisingly picky about when it wants to turn on. Bouncing off jump pads was the most common instance where I wasn't sure if I would be allowed to home in on a target afterwards. I also found some targets harder to home on to than others, but I couldn't figure out why. Slowing down and taking my time to line up the target in the center of the screen in from of Sonic, and doing full jumps to let the homing attack long on did fix most issues. This was a little bit annoying some times when you have just been blasting through the level and suddenly you die a dozen times in a row on a small platforming section because you have to be extra slow and cautious.

Overall though it was a wonderful experience. Once I started better understanding the limits of what the game would and would not let me do I had a lot of fun, and ended up clearing all the sonic stages in one go.
I know you'll work on the rougher areas in time, and what's most important is that the foundations of what you've built are solid. Even with it's jank, it was still a pleasure to play.
This game is really great! I had a lot of fun, but I noticed a few problems.

1. When you're going too fast and you Homing Attack something, you can go through it.
2. if you land on a rail while falling too fast, you will fall through it.

1. make the peelout on the Y button and add a spindash on X. when moving, you roll instead of spindashing.
2. The kick move from Sonic 06, on the B button.
3. Add more attack animations for Knuckles.
4. Sonic feels really slippery to control when moving at a fast speed, make the turning less responsive as you get faster, and add a drift on the B button

Overall I really like this game, it has a couple bugs here and there, but it was really fun.


I remember playing the first Sonic Adventure Blast a few years ago!

Good to see it back and it's very interesting to play these stages without automation. Some hold up better than others. The original stages are nice too.
Could you tell me where the emerald in seaside hill is? I've been looking for literal hours and can't find it.
The emerald is Seaside Hill is a bit before the 3rd checkpoint on top of some platforms sticking out of the water. There's a lot of green Flapper enemies that will shoot at you when trying to get it.
Game just won't start, after I launch it through the launcher or .exe file application screen appears for a few second and disappears

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4.33 star(s) 6 ratings


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