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SAGE 2024 - Demo Sonic Jam Game.Com Remake


Remember that version of Sonic Jam for the Game.Com, if you do then you'd know how horrible it was.
Well this project aims to remake the game in a 16 bit art style.
This remake is being made in Hedgefusion for genesis accurate physics, and will add cut content from the game.


Developer: Ugi Askiku

Everyone who made the Hedgefusion Engine


What was the point of releasing something that is so unfinished and unstable and rushed??
Collision here feels INCREDIBLY scuffed and im unsure if thats part of an effort to retain the funnier elements of Sonic Jam Game Com while making it vaguely more playable.

Regardless, this is a fun concept and I really want to see how it'd turn out with more time in the oven.

Current non collision bugs i experienced: the "quit game" pause menu option takes you back to the framework main menu rather than the Sonic Jam title screen/menu.
Collision here feels INCREDIBLY scuffed and im unsure if thats part of an effort to retain the funnier elements of Sonic Jam Game Com while making it vaguely more playable.

Regardless, this is a fun concept and I really want to see how it'd turn out with more time in the oven.

Current non collision bugs i experienced: the "quit game" pause menu option takes you back to the framework main menu rather than the Sonic Jam title screen/menu.
The collision is just the way the engine is. ( As I make level collision in aseprite ). And as for the exit thing, I knew I forgot something. However I am going to release a Halloween update that makes the game have a reskin option. And only then I will fix it, as I am currently mentally worn out with game making.
Severe Bugs!!!!!!!!

Any Gamepad causes all controls to stop functioning.
Exiting the game causes the taskbar to lock entirely.
Exiting the game via the menu loads the example demo
Severe physics glitches.
Severe Bugs!!!!!!!!

Any Gamepad causes all controls to stop functioning.
Exiting the game causes the taskbar to lock entirely.
Exiting the game via the menu loads the example demo
Severe physics glitches.
I made it clear that the exit via menu is a glitch, and one I can't find the part of code to fix. Also the gamepad is actively being worked on
Maybe Sonic Jam on wasn't so bad; after all, it had Wireframe Warehouse! (...what do you mean that's a new addition?)

I'm curious, is the level design accurate to the original? If so, I think that's pretty cool, being able to play those levels with more Genesis-accurate gameplay. Only real problem is that the characters tend to drop like a rock when running or rolling off of ledges.
Maybe Sonic Jam on wasn't so bad; after all, it had Wireframe Warehouse! (...what do you mean that's a new addition?)

I'm curious, is the level design accurate to the original? If so, I think that's pretty cool, being able to play those levels with more Genesis-accurate gameplay. Only real problem is that the characters tend to drop like a rock when running or rolling off of ledges.
the wireframe warehouse was the engine default. ( I just couldn't fix that bug due to not knowing where the code for it is ) Also the characters dropping like a rock is a physics glitch I think.
This is a very interesting idea, and a good start. The presentation in particular is wonderful!

That said, this is very buggy to the point where it's hard to play. I've noticed that collisions that should be hard, 90 degree angles are treated like slight slopes by the game, causing Sonic to run up/down ledges where he should just fall off. I'm not familiar with the engine used so I can't give any technical pointers with it, but it'd be for the best to look into it.

Dark04's comment really gets under my skin, admittedly. There is no "quality bar" to pass to publish a game to SAGE, as long as you put in an honest effort. Part of the appeal of the event is getting feedback and learning to improve!

Either way, I wish you luck with this project. It's the sort of niche thing I can get behind.
This is amazing, in a good and bad way.
Although, when you hit exit game, I think it sends you to the engine test level.

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Ugi Askiku
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