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SAGE 2024 - Demo BuKnight: The Order of the Golden Crest (v0.8)


Carrottia is under siege! Foxes are trying to take over and steal the town's sacred treasure: the centerpiece of The Golden Crest. Worse yet, they seem to work for the ferocious wolves. Your quest as Bonnie is to find the remaining pieces of the Golden Crest and repel the invading forces once and for all — but this mission won't be easy; the parts are all deep into the territory of the fox tribes and they're not going to just hand it over either.

BuKnight is a fun and speedy action-platformer mixing the late-90s era mascot fever with the mid-2000s indie game craze. Use your up- and downsmash attacks, as well as the special swirling move to hurl pain at your enemies or to change your momentum and dodge their attacks as your zoom past or towards them.

Stay tuned and enjoy!

  • Cute 2D animals in a medieval setting
  • Breakneck speed platforming
  • Slashy-swirly action
  • A password/cheat system

What is new?
  • The game has been rewritten from the ground up
  • Better physics- and collision models.
    • Slopes
    • Snappier movement
    • Saner bounce pads
    • Gradually accelerating ziplines
    • Reworked moving- and one-way platforms that now affect all characters
  • Fully unified character framework
    • All characters now use the same control scheme, hitbox system, and collision model.
    • Press Space to bring up the cursor and Attack to "hack" into a character and manually control it. (Testing feature, will not be part of the complete game)
  • Reworked hitbox management system.
    • Hitboxes and projectiles now can be adjusted at spawn to deal different levels of damages, heals, mp drains, knockbacks, stuns, and more.
    • Characters being hit can also modify (or ignore) these values.
  • A faction system to allow battle between the various fox tribes, or enable friendly fire for total mayhem.
  • Expanded options
    • Proper pause menu
    • Volume controls
    • Debug menu
This game contains an enemy with flashing lights!

Some features — such as stage title cards or the AI of certain characters — are still not implemented yet. Likewise, there may still be minor bugs in the demo. If you are experiencing consistently slow gameplay, please enable High Performace mode in Windows' settings.


  • Added new stage — Carrottia Outskirts
  • Fixed a soft-lock in regards to Bonnie's object being destroyed when falling down a gap
  • Re-implemented loot tables and other on-kill events.
  • Fixed Bells not having knockback
  • Fixed BoomerangFox's boomerang performing insta-kills when hitting anything directly above her with it.
  • Re-added Spring-trap
  • Re-added SpearBuns (no AI yet)
  • Re-added HammerBuns (no AI yet)
  • Re-added the events system
  • Re-added screenshots (F12)
  • Added manual to the game's folder
  • Added rudimentary AI for BulldozerFox, BlowFox.
  • Fixed sky background also changing scroll speed when moving around in the menus
  • Re-added stealth — use the wheat fields to sneak around
  • Re-added prayer — hold Up at a Seraph statue to heal
  • Re-added slowdown on death
  • Fixed save points not working
  • Fixed and reworked BoomerangFox's boomerang behavior
  • Added sitting (though you have nothing to try it on)
  • Fixed a bug regarding window scaling and full-screen
  • Fixed a bug where hitboxes would apply based on whether the character was hit-stunned, not invincible
  • Wheat fields are destructible with melee attacks
  • Reduced hit-stun duration for Bonnie's attacks for easier combos
  • Extended Bonnie's attack hitboxes for easier hits
  • Made the game apply the options saved in config.ini when it starts, not just when its set in the menus


Sound Effects:

ENIGMA engine:
Special thanks:
  • Zejgar,
  • Martina, my muse.
  • ...and you!


BuKnight has a real winner of a premise: this bun knight is cute and *extremely* fast. running forward and slashing the sword conveys a high amount of berserker bunny energy and that's very valuable. the setting design has charm and personality and feels good to be in!

without knowing what the plans for the future of the game are, some suggestions i have would be:
- some way to forecast where offscreen projectiles might appear ahead of time. currently, enemies are interacting with you already before they're even on screen!
- invincibility on swirly slash is really cool, and one way to make it feel even more rewarding might be to have it reflect projectiles, or give you full invincibility for a few seconds when you successfully use it to block damage?
- i feel like this game is just begging for a cute story! i know cutscenes are time consuming to make, but i think the game would really benefit from exploring its world in that way.
BuKnight has a real winner of a premise: this
without knowing what the plans for the future of the game are, some suggestions i have would be:
- some way to forecast where offscreen projectiles might appear ahead of time. currently, enemies are interacting with you already before they're even on screen!
Bow Foxes used to give out a sharp yip in the previous versions and point at you if they spotted you as a "hey, enemies ahead" sign. I haven't re-added it as the sound effect got really annoying and I questioned its overall usefulness. Consider checking out v0.6.3 for comparison, I'd love to hear your feedback.

-invincibility on swirly slash is really cool, and one way to make it feel even more rewarding might be to have it reflect projectiles, or give you full invincibility for a few seconds when you successfully use it to block damage?
That sounds like a nifty mechanic for certain mobs, but I don't want to make it overpowered. The mastery of the whirling attack is knowing precisely when to use it.

i feel like this game is just begging for a cute story! i know cutscenes are time consuming to make, but i think the game would really benefit from exploring its world in that way.
There were small, dialogue-less cutscenes in the last version before the rewrite although sadly they couldn't make it into this demo yet. I am not planning on giving up them any time soon though. If you'd like to get more acquainted with BuKnight's world, read the included manual or visit the game's website.

Thank you very much for your feedback, I appreciate it tons.

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