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SAGE 2024 - Demo Blocks for Babies (SAGE '24 Demo)

I gotta say, Tetris-like gameplay mixing with first person shooter controls is not something I think I'd ever expect, but this game does it perfectly! I love the complete switch in tone when doing the block puzzle part and then transitioning into the shooting part. wonderful game! Can't wait to see where this goes ^^
This is bar none one of the coolest games I've seen at SAGE. In a way, it reminds me a bit of Swap Mode in Puyo Puyo Tetris LOL

The Tetris and FPS gameplay styles work very well together, with the transitions between them being SCARILY seamless for a 3D game made in GameMaker Studio 1.4, and the game in general is super engaging, bordering on addicting.

Added this to my wishlist on Steam, and you should too if you like either of the genres on display here.
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PEAK. Played this game for quite honestly way too long (not long enough), idk how you figured out the gameplay loop but it’s actually kind of flawless
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No greater honor than getting PEAK from mister FREAKS, my day is made
Admittedly, if I didn't know that this game wasn't just Tetris, I probably wouldn't have tried, but part of me really wishes I didn't see the twist coming because the introduction of this game is so genuinely strong that it warrants the 5 stars by itself.

Aside from that, the developer did take their time to make the blend of the two genres work by forcing to interact with both and by positively reinforce each other (Tetris gives you ammo, shooting removes nasty Minos).
The rouge lite component and the well designed boss (that also uses both gameplay genres) really pack everything together.

I could be nitpicky here and there about stuff like the Tetris's controls and look not being as polished as they could be (like, the ghost of the tetromino should look like the final position of the mino, not a whole line from top to bottom) or something about the shotgun not adding up (the bullet should spread right? But I never hit more than one mino at a time), but I really don't care in front of such an original idea.
Seriously how do you even come up with this.
Really appreciate this feedback, thank you so much. In a perfect world the twist would be hidden, but like you saw it's pretty central to catching players' attention. I'm so glad the intro worked well for you even knowing the twist, makes me very happy!

Also the shotgun has spread but can only ever hit one block at a time, which means it basically just has very forgiving aim. I did it this way to prevent players from accidentally destroying extra blocks they didn't intend to, but I could probably communicate how it works better
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Impressive! I didn't know what I was going into, but was pleasantly surprised by this demo!
The writing is funny, and the gameplay works very well! I would enjoy a crosshair of some sorts to help when you need to aim above floor level, and I find the fists' range difficult to get, but otherwise a very pleasant surprise and a nice mashup of genres. I also loved the little blocks sprites with their goofy faces!

Wishlisted, will keep an eye on this!
Thank you!! Tweaking the fists are on my post-SAGE todo, as are options to adjust the gun sprite's position on screen to help with aiming.

I really appreciate the wishlist, expect even more block sprites with goofy faces!
I'm a big time Tetris player, and a bit of a snob about gameplay. This is an absolutely wonderful breath of fresh air. Originality in Tetris clones is hard to come by, but this game's gimmick is just so, so good. Switching between modes feels seamless, the game screen is really clear, and the roguelike aspects just add even more awesomeness. I cannot wait to see what the full game has in store!

I have two nitpicks about the Tetris.

Firstly, the Tetris tuning (left/right piece movement timings) In defense of the creators, getting Tetris gameplay mechanics right is actually surprisingly difficult. Personally, I would increase the startup time for automatic piece movement. Right now, It's a bit low, which means a slightly long tap intended to move the active piece one tile over may activate automatic movement and spill it into an extra column over. This detracts slightly from the gameplay when you mistakenly place a block where you don't want.

Secondly, the rotation system seems limited, and I can't tell what was used. Allowing some more complex spin moves to fill in holes in the stack creatively would raise the skill ceiling for Tetris gameplay. I don't count the rotation system design against the game as is though, because it feels fine for all basic Tetris stacking, and also, designing a rotation system from scratch is one of the most difficult parts about creating a Tetris clone.

Bravo!! This game rocks so much.

-Kibi Byte
Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed! The piece movement feedback is really helpful, I definitely need to revisit and tighten up some of the core 2D mechanics. This of course will also include the rotation system. I want it to fit this game's specific needs, so I'm going to try and design something from scratch. A challenge, like you said, but we'll see!

Thanks again, I'm excited for you to see the rest of what we've got planned!
🦊So I already kinda knew that it wasn't just gonna be some kind of tetris clone, and yet I was still caught off guard. Really got sucked into the gameplay loop of switching back and forth, and it was really funny + kept it really interesting! This already feels like a full game that you would pay real money for so I'm looking forward to the day it's a real game that I can pay real money for!!!

Also, 3D in gamemaker 😳😳😳
Thank you so much for the kind words!! Very happy that Blobun and Blocks for Babies got to be neighbors this SAGE 👼🤝🐇