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Is it possible they meant to name it "Sonic Clackers" but screwed up the r/l thing?


Green Hill Zone
Aug 13, 2022
This makes alot of sense, a "clacker" reminds me more of Sonic "Crackers"/Chaotix
Very true, it does remind me of Chaotix but Sonic Clackers would just sound weird tbh, Crackers sounds better while Clackers just seems like a name for a paperclip brand


Marble Zone
Aug 20, 2020
Clackers may sound weird but keep in mind, it was likely just a working title and English wasn't their native language in the first place.


Green Hill Zone
Aug 13, 2022
Clackers may sound weird but keep in mind, it was likely just a working title and English wasn't their native language in the first place.
True, most of the times SEGA of Japan are doing most of the work and SEGA of America and so on so forth, does a little more. Most Game Gear games, such as the Master System, the SEGA Genesis and the SEGA CD, are all made by SEGA of Japan, well depending on your region like if your in the US and for eg: there is a SEGA CD on the market but one is already in Europe (forgot to mention europe), so that means your gonna get a SEGA CD that is from the US region, which supports the games that SEGA of Japan made, as kind of as a "port,"so to describe it in short form you have a US Game Gear and the JP version isn't compatible, the US port is here and free to work on your US Game Gear. And the framerate you will get is 60hz, the same is for Japan but for Europe, it goes down at 50hz. The name for Sonic Crackers was kinda crafted by SEGA of Japan, and they might as well messed up the name for Crackers, giving it "Clackers." In the other version they changed the name to Sonic Crackers, which was intended to be the name after several changes and what really made sense to the word "Clackers"