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SAGE 2024 - Demo YAYSUU's X-Treme Adventure (SAGE '24 Demo)


YAYSUU's X-Treme Adventure is a side-scrolling 2D Platformer starring YAYSUU the Stickling, and his older brother Teddy! Taking place in the Easthill island, this demo contains the first 2 stages of the game!
Story (for SAGE)
The Samuel Amateur Games Expo is coming up, and YAYSUU is heading there to pitch his fangame, Samuel Quest Forever! However, to do that, he has to travel a long distance and avoid the numerous traps and robots along the way!
Character Bios
YAYSUU: A kind little guy with a love for adventure, cats, and Pizza! He's always out and bouncing about, and if you get in his way, trouble's surely brewing!
Teddy: A grumpy yet powerful dude who mostly sits at home tending to his cat. What he lacks in speed he makes up for in explosive power, and an angry temper to match!
Fringlebert (not in this demo): The bully behind the bots, Fringlebert is an evil genius who's trying to take over the Easthill Island and turn it into a giant lifeless factory! However, he's on vacation this particular demo, so he isn't around.

Arrow keys/WASD - Movement
Z/Space - Jump
X/E - Airdash/Slide/Dash
C/Shift - Run

Personal Note
Thanks for playing this demo! YAYSUU's X-Treme Adventure is a big passion project of mine and it's Tubular that people are gonna get to see YAYSUU the Stickling (and friends) in all his glory! More is on the way!


YAYSUU - (Lead Programmer, Artist, Composer, Programmer)
JarekTEK - (Arranger)
Fazmade - (Programmer)


Huge fan of the aesthetic and basic mechanics going on here! super excited to see how you expand upon them!

If I could offer a couple of pointers:

I feel like coins could be used a bit better in places to indicate where its safe to jump. Especially in cases where you can't see spikes under you.

At the end of 2-1 it is entirely possible to launch yourself off the screen and miss the trigger that takes you to 2-2

the 2-2 drop feels like it could give the player more time to navigate around the spikes.

aside from that, good stuff so far!

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