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SAGE 2024 - Demo Witchfall: Secrets of Emotica ~ SAGE 2024 Demo

I rele love this game so far. It has a colorful and cute artstyle. Also, I love the cutscenes and sountracks. It is super fun to play when I want to relax. Koemi has to be my favorite character. Love her. ^^ :emoji_heart:

I always laughing everytime when Jassy appears. XD My only problems so far is still no Frenchy, lol. I'm looking forward to it when the game is in final stage. I would buy it, take my money. XD Best of luck Baconfish and the rest of teams. x :emoji_heart:
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Reactions: ItsBaconFish
This one is outstanding! The pixel art and cutscene art are so colorful and full of life, The voice actors are doing an amazing job so far, The music gives me an amazing nostalgic feeling of wonder and joy, the game plays amazingly! Everything here is just so wonderful, and I can't wait to see more in the future!
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Reactions: ItsBaconFish
A very pleasant "collectathon"-style 2D sidescroller with gorgeous visuals a lot of personality.
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Reactions: ItsBaconFish
First impressions:
  • Visuals are rather busy, making it a little difficult to parse things at times
  • Solid gameplay with objectives being clearly laid out
  • I expected some dialogue upon meeting the boss
  • I thought the moon switch needed to be hit instead of stepped on
  • End of demo advertising could be cut down a little bit considering the demo itself is rather short
Credit where credit is due: this is a pretty cute and solid platforming game so far. I don't have any real complaints with it outside of the busy visuals, as bright and colorful as they are. Dialogue presents just enough information to get a read on the characters' personalities and what the player is expected to do next without overdoing it, and the player's movement and actions are responsive enough. Nice work.
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Reactions: ItsBaconFish
Cute game! I really like the playable character design.
The objective based level design is really laid back and easy to play but after that it comes a boss fight, which is much tougher than what I played before.
However I was able to beat it after a few tries. I don't think it needs to be checked, but I feel higher challenges should come before it to properly prepare the player.
The moveset is fun to control but I don't get why there's a melee attack. I don't think it offers any advantage over the ranged magic spells so I suggest making the melee stronger to make combar less campy.
On a final note. I love how many jewels burst out of every prop! Makes exploration super fun.
This is really well done! The controls feel great and I love all the attention to detail! Grabbing everything is a lot of fun and everything feels alive.

I quite enjoyed the sound and music. Everything is bright, poppy, and nice to listen to. Good marks there ^~^

I have two complaints, one big and one small. The small one is that I wish there could be an auto-complete button for text (well, that is unless there is one and I never found it. If so, ignore this! ^^).

My big complaint is that perhaps there might be a bit TOO much detail going on - All the brightly colored backgrounds, bouncing objects, and flashing colors caused a bit of eyestrain for me, and made reading the environment much more difficult than it could have been. I would suggest, in the future, having a setting that could turn down the contrast and brightness in the backgrounds, for those with dyslexia or sensitive eyes.

Overall, wonderful work! I'm really excited to see where this goes.
Such a polished game! The graphics are super colorful and charming, I was afraid it might have been a little overcharged, but that's definitely not the case gamepad in hand, and even reminds of what old computer games could be.
Koemi is fun to control, the gameplay works well and it is fun to just travel through the stages and try them in a time trial challenge at the end! The boss battle is also good, easy to understand but challenging enough for me to die on my first attempt.

The only down point would be the music for the level, which doesn't really fits the overall game. As they pointed out in the SAGE preshow, it feels almost like the soundtrack to a corporate "look how nice we are" video, and not really like an enchanted land with fun characters (I love the moon switch!) and fruits dancing all around.

Other than this, very strong game, congrats! Wishlisted!
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Reactions: ItsBaconFish
When I looked at this game it quickly reminded me of the European games that would be released on an Amiga, but I don't mean that in a pejorative way like most people do, on the contrary, it brings a very unique charm and I really like that!

I played the whole demo with a smile on my face, the main character is extremely charismatic, especially her animations, and the game flows very well, and it was very comforting to see the game teaching you the controls little by little and inducing you to collect things in a very natural way.

The game is turning out really well, I can't wait for the full version!
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Reactions: ItsBaconFish
I love how cute and lovely the game looks and it gives me a very simular vibe to a few games I like... That said I do have some suggestions and that is to add some type of attack or movement to the ducking move otherwise this game was alot of fun.
Adorable characters, excellent voice acting, amazing pixel art and great platforming in its core
This one is truly the king
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Reactions: ItsBaconFish
captain bartoli
  • Haha
Reactions: ItsBaconFish
This is peak platforming if I've ever seen it, You've scored and scored well.
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Reactions: ItsBaconFish
The Music is great, the Characters are Great and its very fun to play BUT

C Button is terrible mapped
Rotating Sprites
No Frenchy so far
  • Haha
Reactions: ItsBaconFish
Honestly, I'm struggling to find even a single thing to complain about. As it is currently Witchfall is already everything it needs to be - just make more of it and you should be good. =V
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Reactions: ItsBaconFish
Very promising demo! I'll be sure to check out the final game once it releases on the Switch.
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Reactions: ItsBaconFish