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SAGE 2024 - Demo Toree Saturn - SAGE 2024 DEMO

The homing move and the drop dash-like move are such a fun addition to the Toree formula! This game is going to be super fun when it comes out!
The only thing missing was more levels. The movement is super satisfying and the game oozes style from every corner of it.

There are some times when the speed I've built up pulls me off course when I'm trying to grab coins and such at low speeds, but I soon realized that picking stuff up is for chumps and started trying to get through the level as fast as possible which was an awesome challenge.

The Battle Ship stage was not nearly as entertaining City stage for me. It's quite straight and doesn't ask much of the player. The City stage was super engaging in comparison and I would love to see more levels like it. Tight corners and multiple levels of vertical platforming feels really nice with the move set.
Such a stylish and smooth game! Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys fast-paced platforming.
Excited for yet another Toree banger. Can't wait for the full release!
No vsync... Fun game, but the INSANE levels of screen tearing drag it way down. Way, WAY down. Physics are great, artstyle is nice, but I REALLY can't focus on either of those things while the screen is tearing in more than 3 places at once, extremely horribly.
Toree Saturn is even more fun this year than it was last demo! The tweaks to the controls and game feel make Toree really fun to control, and all the level gimmicks feel impactful and easy to use. The new level also looks amazing (I'm certainly partial to the Metal Harbor aesthetic though :emoji_sweat_smile:).
I like the lack of run button-- I'll admit my fingers started to hurt after playing through the first few games a few times-- however perhaps having a button to stop running would be nice. I found myself frequently passing stars by a large margin and found it awkward to go back and grab them sometimes due to Toree's floatier running controls. Other than that small nitpick though, the game is looking great!