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SAGE 2024 - Demo TEAM SLAY-BELLS (2024 Demo)

This was a very cute and fun experience.

Love the character designs :3
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Reactions: Miles_Games
I love the aesthetics and the gameplay is very fun, it reminds me of pac-man kinda with going around and collecting a lot of stuff.
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Reactions: Miles_Games
Thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it!! (Pac-Man World 2 and Pac N' Roll were the main inspirations actually ^^)
Gorgeous Game, with a fantastic dev to boot! Played this multiple times and found the characters and exploration to be charming! A very cozy experience, it gets five stars for effort alone! <3 Play this Game!!
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Reactions: Miles_Games
Thank you!! I'm really glad you enjoyed it ^^
This game is adorable! It's simple, lighthearted fun that doesn't throw too many mechanics at you. My only gripe is that the camera angle is a little awkward during some of the side-scrolling segments. Other than that, I can't wait to see more!
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Reactions: Miles_Games
I appreciate the feedback! I can try working on the camera a bit more ^^
I'm glad you enjoyed it!!