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SAGE 2024 - Complete Supra Smash Bross Devolution 2.22 - You Can (Not) Be Serious


Mayday HD CSS.png

SUPRA SMASH BROSS DEVOLUTION is a satirical take on the Smash Bros. series, with hilariously terrible graphics yet surprisingly deep gameplay.

A decade-long project, Bross' newest update celebrates its past with a complete remake of its very first iteration included.

A full-fledged remake of SUPRA SMASH BROSS MAYDAY!
To celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the Supra Smash Bross games, a full remake of Supra Smash Bross Mayday is contained within Devolution. It can be accessed via the Vault menu.
  • The entire Supra Smash Bross Mayday cast!
    • Includes the unused characters Gambler Luee-G, QP, Dust, and Mayro!
    • Includes the unfinished Version 8 characters Mr. Game & What, Feels Shulk, Luke Fon Fabre, Crenando, and Darth Pit!
    • Includes the only character unique to Smashed and Boiled, MissingNo.!
    • The added 32 Mayday characters, plus the 33 Devolution characters, brings the roster up to 65 total characters!
  • The entire Supra Smash Bross Mayday stage selection!
    • HD renders found and used for the N64 and GCN stages!
    • Namek, Verdant Valley, Pangu Lagoon, and Battle Glacier have been fully redrawn from scratch!
    • Includes the unused stages Lost Kingdom and Fourside (GCN)!
    • The added Mayday stages bring the stage selection up to 55 total stages!




This year marks the 10 year anniversary of Supra Smash Bross; I have been making this silly game for over a decade now.
Some would say this is far too long to be working on a joke game and that I should focus my efforts on something else. Maybe it is, but I've enjoyed every moment of it, and I've been able to share all my interests and hyperfixations with others through just a single project.
Though a decade is an absurd amount of time to be spending on a single, satirical fan-game, it's been a decade I've been able to spend honing my skills - programming, designing, drawing, animating, writing, etc. - with a project that can afford to fail. Two iterations of Bross were poorly received, but I took the lessons I learned from them and made the next ones even better.
Everything I've learned has taken Bross from a small little joke game I started 10 years ago into a massive project I continue to pour love and effort into. I have been hard at work taking all these lessons and skills begin development on a new project, a serious one. I hope you all look forward to seeing the Apocrypha Project at SAGE next year. :)​
-Tori Gonzalez/ReynLynxPSI


ReynLynxPSI - Designer, Programmer, Artist, Did 90% of the work here
Myuu - Designer, Writer, Artist
David The Lime & Sircub - Recreated the old Supra Smash Bross Mayday art, allowing me to add the Mayday versions of Shulk, Mr. Game and Watch, Luke, Ganon, and Darth Pit.
Vinny Vinesauce - This game would not exist if I had never seen that video he played of the original Supra Mayro Kratt.

Additional Credits can be found after clearing Classic Mode.​
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Really great to see Mayday again and this game being updated! I found it odd that Mayday Bowser doesn't say "GEY STAR" when throwing the.... Gay Star, though. A bug I've found while playing Mayday HD is that if I get a chance to unlock Roy and I beat him and I get to the Challenges room, I'm stuck. If I press "Back", I go to the OTHER Challenges room, and I'm stuck in a loop.
Otherwise, AWESOME!
Someone else noticed that bug too, but they didn't mention the part about fighting Roy. Thank you for bringing that to my attention!
I am working on a Post-SAGE update that should fix that bug. For now if you'd like to unlock Mayday Roy, you can do so in the SAGE 2023 build by clearing All-Star with Roy; this should also let you progress further in this update.
As for Bowzah's voice clips missing, that may have been a loading bug on your end; he is definitely coded to say it.
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