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SAGE 2024 - Framework Sonic Tools Tech Demo


This is a proof-of-concept tech demo for a library of tools for porting assets from Sonic Unleashed and Generations into Unity.

The tools themselves are not yet available (though this will likely change soon- join the Discord for updates), but you can try out a demo build to see them in action. More info on the demo build below.

Tools included in this project:
  • XML Importer
    • Imports .xml data for object placement and parameters for things like rings, springs, dash panels, camera volumes, etc.
  • Spline Importer
    • Imports splines for things like rails and 2D sections
    • Also includes functions for sampling a point on 2 parallel splines
  • Hedgehog Engine Shaders
    • A library of shaders designed to emulate Hedgehog Engine's shaders
    • Also includes a sub-graph which can be used to create new shaders for unique materials that might require changes to the shader, such as for texture blending
  • Material Importer
    • Automatically assigns nrm, spc, pow, env, etc. textues to materials using the Hedgehog Engine Shaders mentioned above based on the name of a dif texture already defined on the material. This can be useful as unity is typically only able to automatically assign the color texture of imported models and stages
  • Ragdoll Engine 2
    • The framework used in this demo. This framework is not hard-coded into the other tools in this project, so you could still use them with another framework if you choose
    • More info below
Demo info:
This is a proof-of-concept tech demo made to show off tools I've been developing to port Unleashed and Generations stages into Unity with a single drag-and-drop. They were originally developed to port Windmill Isle Act 2 to Sonic Velocity, but I decided to keep going a bit further with them.

As this is only a tech demo and not a game, it severely lacks polish. Jump panels don't work, the camera system sucks, rails are incomplete, there is no respawning (just reopen the game), and rings, boost, and jumps are infinite. Only Windmill Isle Act 1 is available, and there are no settings/level select menus.

I haven't worked on this project in over a month mainly due to problems I've been having porting over Unleashed's camera system. If any modders or anyone understands it enough to help and is interested please contact me on Discord (josh4359). Otherwise, I hope that I'll be able to publish some of these tools soon so someone else can continue the project.

Move: WSAD/Left stick
Jump: Space/Left click/A/Cross
Boost: Shift/R2
Homing Attack: F/X/Square
Look Around: Mouse/Right stick
Zoom: Scroll wheel/D-pad


Framework Info:
The framework used in this demo is an early version of a new framework I've been working on, Ragdoll Engine 2. You may recognize Ragdoll Engine from SAGE 2023. The main difference in the new version is that it doesn't suck (except for in the areas where it does suck, which is most of them). This new version was also the base for the tutorial series I started a while ago (which has sort of been on hiatus for the past few months but I'd like to revive it soon in some form, though I probably won't continue with the video format). I haven't released the framework publicly yet but if I ever finish it I definitely will (join the Discord for updates).




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