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SAGE 2024 - Demo Sonic Rush 3D (Sage 2024 Demo)

Incredible presentation! The game feels like an authentic re-imagining of the original title, with high speed action and the fun of busting trick moves off of the springs and on rails!
This is honestly amazing! The level design has a good blend of skill and speed, the overall gameplay is a fantastic blend of the current boost and Rush formula (the trick noises are SO satisfying), and the overall look of the game is incredible as well! Massive props to everyone involved!

I will say though, there have been a few issues I've encountered so far. Breaking sequences, the camera sometimes bugging out at the start when I pause, the lightdash having a massive range, and I'm not entirely sure if it's something on my end, but with tricks it can sometimes feel like the game is eating my inputs.

Despite these issues though, it's absolutely incredible, and I hope you all keep going forward with this project. Amazing work!!
Boy do I have some feedback for this one. This is absolutely the best game of SAGE 2024 and it is not close. However, I found that the first 50% of the only available level was perfect, peak sonic level design. The controls are pretty smooth and intuitive, but the level design then falls off a cliff in the second half. Very many automated sections fail and spit you out into death pits, the upward trick (LT) is required at one point, and it is not obvious how to perform it unless youve read the demo's webpage. Furthermore, the upward trick does not work unless youve already performed at least 1 trick off of a spring, which I heavily suggest should be changed, because the forward trick can be done at any time like you would expect. There are some precise dash rings/springs at the end of stylish set pieces like half-pipes etc. that are much too difficult to aim for, especially with the camera flipping around with sonic and even sometimes inverting and ending up in front of him. The boost system is great for the most part, but I found the economy to be extremely tight toward the end of the stage, where it is explicitly required that you have at least about 3 bars in order to outrun the big set piece ball rolling toward you, otherwise it is a one-shot kill (good thing checkpoints start you off with a full blue meter) There are also a couple of times where the slide is required to get underneath some tree branch under-passes, which I intuited correctly the first time I saw it just due to sonic muscle-memory, but upon hitting the button too late the second time, the invisible wall just launches sonic left or right straight to death. I think these should really just stop you in place like in any other game with this feature, and moreover there should definitely be some sort of UI prompt or big glowing red arrows pointing towards the upcoming hazard, just for QOL. The level also unfortunately caves in and has several small 2d sections, which I would have thought would be the antithesis of turning a 2d game into 3d? The core of this game is perfect all in all, but my review loses 2 stars due to the falloff in all of this level design. I cannot wait for more, I just hope this feedback and other reviews are not taken lightly, and that the second half of this first level as well as all future levels are reworked to be as fantastic as the first couple minutes. I do love the length of the stage though, that is perfect.
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i agree with mostly everything here apart from the 2d sections criticism wich i don't personally mind as that brings it closer to Unleashed and Gens
ever since unleashed ive maintained that 2d sections are just a filler tactic for the 3d movement. If mario can make a whole game with no 2d like sunshine or galaxy than sonic can too. With classic sonic being his own thing, it should be split up. Generations is 75% 2d if not more, and colors is like 90%, as someone who grew up with the series, im just sick of it. For what is there, the 2d sections are inoffensive sure, but taking a 100% 2d DS game to 3d could be so much more than just *mostly* 3d imo
Very awesome! A perfect way to bring Sonic Rush to 3D! Unfortunately, there's only one stage.
Nice level design, and the graphics despite using NDS graphics, they did not become hard to read (sometimes). However the controls are bit too sensitive and the camera makes it hard to see where to go sometimes. The controls scheme being similar to the original game I feel don't do it any favors, which led me to a bug I found.
Remapping is kinda broken. The imput prompts slow you down until you press the button, however they expect you to press the original binding, not the remapped ones! I'd like to see that fixed. I also tried to map drift to LT, and it did map to LT but the game didn't remove the RT binding so I was able to drift with LT and RT (but I mapped boost to RT so it was messy).
Overall, I liked the game but I think the developers should rethink the button layout (look at how boost sonic does it now!) to remove that feeling of not being able to keep track of which button does what.
Looking forward to the full version (Blaze level next time please)!