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Sonic Rush 3D (Sage 2021 Demo)

It's a really good fangame, Sonic Rush was my childhood so seeing the models/textures in a more unleashed style makes me go yes

Keep Going ! You got something there
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Awesome work! The transition of Rush's 2D gameplay to 3D was done perfectly!
Seeing one of, if not my FIRST ever game reimagined like this is incredible!
This is an amazing translation of the DS classic! The music is great, the level design is top-notch (minus a slight bit at the end which seemed to kill me for no reason any time I took the top path), and the visuals are really great! I've always loved the Sonic Rush models, and seeing that blown up on my monitor was a real treat!

Looking forward to seeing this project continue!
a DS classic, now on pc and in 3d! , the textures of the level and everything are nostalgic, although I would like to change the textures to a few more textures ....... how to say "modern?" , I don't know how to explain it, still, great job, I love it
Very cool game! Design, sound, music, level design, small details and much more at the highest level! There are problems with physics, but I'm waiting for the next demo!
I initially left a short, brief summary of my thoughts on this fangame here, and I meant every word. For a demo and having about 7 months of work before this, it's come along in a good way. There's a tightly-knit, well-optimized system in place here with an in-game cutscene to boot, dynamic music transitions, smooth camera triggers, and helpful on-screen pointers, which means that this game should run well and hold your hand when it matters on most systems, with of course it being developed in Unity. The programmers have done really good work and the game looks faithful to what the dev team sets out to make to please themselves- alongside those that want to follow it.

But, design-wise, there is room for improvement. Not about the modelling, animation or even the UI/UX design. It's moreso the placement within what you play.

Though the level design seems good, it is a bit... big. The whole level's scale could be shrunken down a couple of notches to make things faster, and feel less like you're a tiny needlemouse in a maze. At the very beginning of the stage, the first homing attack chain to get to the top path isn't smooth. You need to hold forward after completing each Homing Attack on the four Egg Drones to make sure your targeting reticle actually detects them. This is either a spacing issue(The homing chain before the Goal Ring is fine) or a homing target issue- All one would need to do is either move the prefab bots, add a fifth one, or increase the range of target detection.

Unfortunately; this demo is quite easy to sequence break in places due to the player having unlocked control in some spots, despite everything in place. From my standpoint, I've seen other people playing through this skip camera triggers, entire setpieces, or find that Sonic's aerial control is way too fast to make them fly over everything. Of course, that can be tweaked.

This is a minor nitpick, I'd admit, but I'd personally try to go all-in on the Rush aesthetic and intentionally bitcrush all of Sonic's lines and effects to make it sound like the DS game this hails from, and even using more sounds from it to replace checkpoints and trick sounds. if you want, talk to me. i can try providing some fitting sounds and edits for you.

Tricking balancing is also an issue. The indicator of what you can do to fill the Tension Gauge(sparkles) is good! But it might be an idea to make a small hint indicator of the button you can press to make the tricks happen- and how much boost you get in return for doing a couple with a finish is far too stingy to me. You can probably fix this by bumping up the amount of how much is given per Y press, and then adding up a final number to inject into the gauge(so it could go 2 bars, 4 bars, 8 bars and then adds 5 on the finish for a three-string)

I should also admit that the level design at the very end would benefit greatly from a zoomed out camera trigger. When you have the dividing path of going left or right with the attack paths, you can't tell until you turn, and you can't see the springs below you- so there's no telling if you might fall. Pulling the camera back should mitigate it.

Finally, for the boost itself, I would recommend pulling the camera back or tweaking the FOV(Field of View) when it's active. You are going faster but it doesn't feel fast- because there's no dynamic shift in it aside from the sound and the boosting cone. A small screen shake in tandem with the FOV changing(or even just going either/or) enhances this as a mechanic tenfold.

Suuuuper sorry if this is all long, or if you've already gotten/read feedback like this; but, I do enjoy SR3D for what it's doing, and I think with some more practice or study of level design, you'll hit the mark with this quite nicely. Neat little fangame. Hope this shows I'm offering some personal advice and singing my praises!

- D
When I start the game, the window for the game opens and then a blue line goes from left to right on the screen. After that, nothing happens. I waited 2 minutes for it to load and it didn't. Is there anyone that can help me with this? Anyway the game looks fun.
I really wish I could like this, but the controls are far too slippery and the Homing Attack far too unresponsive for me to enjoy this game. Aesthetically I love it (although I wish I could switch back to the original Naganuma music), and I hope the project will improve after all the feedback you're getting.

Good luck!
From the footage that I have seen, this is excellent. I'm a huge fan of the rush series. I can't get it to run though. Do I need to install anything to play unity games? The exe runs but there is just a black screen.
Dude I can't believe that you were able to deliver such a good demo in like, what? 3 months? It is surreal!!

Here's some aspects that I would maybe change if it is possible:

-Buff the Homing Attack (Everyone is pointing at this, I know)
-Adding fever to the Boost Energy Gauge (You were thinking on adding it any ways ain't ya?)
-Adding friction when turning with the left stick on QuickStep sections (So it's harder to accidentally hitting the walls nearby)
-Maybe some lil' animations for the hidden characters around the levels (Please keep those, I really enjoyed my time searching for them ^^)

Overall, I genuinelly loved it, loved the low-polly art style and so It is super fun to SpeedRun such a buggy game ;p

I'm excited to see everything related to this project that will come in the future! 💙
This game is really good
Great adaptation! What SEGA doesn't do fans do! I hope you finish this wonder.
I love the idea here in this game, but I'll have to agree with a few of the criticisms people have pointed out. Movement not being as tight, the trick system being too punishing/enforced finish (although I don't mind this one that much, it just feels a little arbitrary to always do the finish kick). That last bounce pad not working, I've never had it work on me unless I steer in the air. Which, being able to do that feels very clunky cuz you can easily veer off course. Same goes for the 2D sections and loops since neither are actually 2D, so I can sometimes stop all of my momentum if I hold in the wrong way. I also also had the grinding issue of it locking up my controls? I don't know why that happens. Another issue people haven't mentioned yet is the auto camera. For a lot of the checkpoints you don't start centered on where you're supposed to go, or for example like the ending section with the enemies and boucepad, you have to turn the camera left - and if you don't do that you're just gonna die. I feel like you could guide the player better instead of having them worry too much on camera.

I also personally have an issue on forcing the player to sort of guide Sonic based on the camera angle instead of just an auto-run section but that I understand may be deliberate, even when I don't think it's necessary or very fun.

I also love the art style for the most part, the models themselves are great! My only issue is the texture work that you zoom in on for certain camera angles makes everything indiscernible. I didn't mind the setting or the music much either, the mix was pretty good and I don't mind getting creative with the level areas. It still felt like Rush in some regard, so that's cool!

I definitely would like to see the levels being less empty feeling overall. That would be my biggest issue.
I'm gonna start this off by saying I absolutely love the way this looks, this retro 3D aesthetic is hella nice. The style of rush works well enough in 3D for this to not be a bad visual experience at all. The gameplay could definitely use some work. Homing attack's range is way too short, and it often flings me backwards. The stage also becomes confusing around the part where you run on water. Tricks don't give nearly enough boost nor do rings or enemies. This means you will fail boost sections a lot. Controls are snappy I'll give you that.
Beat Blast
I've only got one problem, that being there's no way for it to not be fullscreen as far as I know making the whole experience hella laggy on my pc. How do I fix that?
I'm very impressed with this game. Despite that it is a demo and there are some things to sort out, it has left a good taste on my mouth after playing it. I want to first talk about my issues/peeves with the game:

  • The homing attack seems to be a bit short in range, so I really need to be precise waiting to hit enemies on a chain. This is more notable at the upper section near the end where you have to hit several enemies and springs in a row for a shortcut.
  • The lower section near the end where you have to boost through water is odd. I like the idea of boosting to bounce off the walls instead of drowning, but not only there's a section where you have to slide under an obstacle but you are given barely any time to react (You would only be able to know it was there if you already died at least once at that part), but also the slope at the end of that section had some small walls on the sides. On the first time I got through the slide, I hit a small wall on the right and died. The slope at the end of the water section either should extend a bit more so that you DON'T die hitting those small walls on the side, or getting rid of them.
  • Tension/Boost does barely build up with tricks. This makes some boost-required sections a bit hard since you are likely to run out before finishing them...and on the topic of boost sections, the water chase section caught me several times as I not only had to figure to hold down (towards the camera) instead of forward from the boost pad, but also that I NEEDED to use boost or else I would die. Its weird that there isn't a boost indicator on that area where its necessary when it is there in other places.
  • Speaking of indicators, I know that a Xbox controller is recommended, but adding the keyboard controls on the readme instead of having others figure out by themselves would be nice. Also, add an indicator that you have to press both sidestep buttons at the same time to end tricks. I recognize that from Generations...but I had no idea that you had to finish tricks here as well which I didn't realize until my second playthrough.
That said, don't think that I'm saying that this has too many issues. No, just some few noticeable things that I consider that could be ironed out or tweaked...but now I want to talk about what I really did like:

  • I really love the visual style. I know that it is relatively simple polygon throwback with unfiltered textures...but that makes it charming for me and does really remind me of Sonic Rush on the DS, and the Water Palace section looked amazing! Also, the boost effect really looks just like in Rush.
  • The levels and gameplay also have an unique feeling. While there is always room for improvement here and there, I like how much ideas you had with the springs and rails, the boost sections over water, and the fact that slopes are easy to overcome as long as you have boost. Also, I love how you can go out of bounds in certain areas and just run up over hills like nothing; I guess that it is mostly unintended but I like how that is possible in first place. It is a game that tries to go for its own thing and I admire it becuase of that.
  • Also, it runs great on my PC (i5-3470, AMD Radeon HD 6570). Not that it looks too hard to run with the visual style, but its nice to know that it is not deceptively demanding to run for no reason.
  • I found the hidden Saturn :)
I'm really looking forward to see more of this, with some extra work/polish as well as whatever the future of the game awaits for us, this is definitely going to be an outstanding fangame! :D


Thanks for taking time to write that detailed feedback! We're hard at work fixing these bugs and we hope to release a quality of life update before SAGE ends!
After having run through it like ten times, I wanted to give my thoughts on the demo. I liked it overall, but there are some problems I hope get fixed. There aren't enough Boost fan-games, and Sonic Rush is my favorite Sonic game, so I want this to be as good as can be.

What I liked:

The visuals. I love the art-style! The low-poly art has so much charm to it, and I'm glad there's a game putting it to good use. The gameplay animation and HUD art are pretty good too.

The control scheme. It's the Boost-style standard, but putting Tricks on Y is a pretty smart move. Ground movement feels good too.

Combining Apotos and Water Palace was clever, and the music works too.

The level design. Not too much down-time where I'm just running. Obstacles are telegraphed well for the most part (though the homing-attack chain near the end isn't clear). Not too much automation (though could maybe use it in some places). There's a variety of scenes and challenges that feel well-paced; they are not too overused, but each gets enough time to shine. I'm having fun learning this level.

What I disliked:

Building Tension is difficult. This would be less of an issue if there weren't boost-or-die sections. I'm not saying take those sections out. I like those sections when I have boost! I know drifting keeps the Tension gauge from decreasing, but I don't wanna have to drift everywhere. Not with that screeching sound effect (though the drift does feel good to use). There's a lot of ways this could be alleviated.
  • You could have any tricks build a little Tension, with finishers building a lot.
  • You could let the player perform tricks any time they're airborne. It has its own button now after all.
  • Maybe have some item boxes with bonus Tension.
Just a couple ideas. It's up to you what to do, but as the game is, I don't feel like I get enough chances to boost freely.

The camera. Boost games have pretty complicated controls, but they make up for that by not requiring the player move the camera much. This game usually doesn't require that either, but sometimes (usually when there are enemies around, or that one bit where you need to run up a wall) the camera doesn't give a good angle of the action.

The level design. Mostly the 2D sections. They're pretty flat and short. I know 2D sections are unpopular with some fans, but they're great opportunities to add verticality to the levels. Add slopes, ramps, and springs that launch the player up (there is that one slope you can jump from to skip the slide part). Have downward slopes that the player can slide down. There's already a couple platforms in these sections. Have them lead up or down somewhere (ring caches or enemy dens). Sonic Rush and Mania are perfect templates for this.

Rail-switching. It doesn't work. You'll probably fix that though.

Things I'd like (please):

Performing Tricks on rails.

Let the Hurricane Kick destroy enemies.

Let me reach top-speed without needing to boost.

The air control feels a bit loose. Can make landing correctly tough (not that important now, but might make later levels feel unfair). I'd like it to be tightened up.

Extend the range of the homing attack. I keep missing my target or dashing too soon.

After the last checkpoint, there are those paths on the sides that lead to trick ramps. Move the trick ramps to the top of the slopes. I keep launching myself off the slope and having to stomp before the ramp.


Thank you for putting this demo out. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the game.
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Reactions: Lucario and JT_0907
I love this, this is so awesome. The gameplay is awesome and everything else is awesome, and this is a demo/wip so most of the problems that this current release has can be ironed out.
The only thing I wish this release would have also had was a control mapping screen for people using weird controllers. I suppose it might be useful for keyboard users too.
I hope next release will have a control config!
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Reactions: Lucario
Pyra's Wolf
Pyra's Wolf
I just played it with an Xbox controller instead of my USB nintendo switch Gamecube Controller and it was really fun. The end section is pretty easy to die unfairly on however, but the trick system is really fun, you can get a 23 string trick combo at the start by doing tricks in-between each homing attack, doing tricks is really fun, however the trick that gives you height doesnt finish the combo... and sometimes it stops, halts, or limits your movement. In one section particularly you have to use this move to get onto the top path, but you have to homing dash after doing that, since you're stuck in place. You can't boost either. I think it should end the combo as the other trick move-spinning kick DOES end the combo.
Pyra's Wolf
Pyra's Wolf
I'd love to see a ranking system here too, and even with the flaws it has the really cool cutscene, very fun gameplay, great visuals, and everything. It has so much going for it that i had to give it 5 stars. It is my favorite sage game this year, and its only a taste of whats to come.

Also I feel the need to mention that moving Sonic feels a bit awkward but i dont know how to explain it exactly, if its stiffness or too sensitive/lack of stiffness or something... i dont know.
I also agreed with the prior post about sections needing boost for you to not die being off, and the area with the hallways, even with the drift it feels like you're bouncing off walls, and if you dont boost you risk losing your speed and drowning, it should probably be much wider and less strict. But refinements to movement would also probably help.

Amazing game, love this, and the only rush game ive played is Sonic Rush Adventure, and i didnt even beat it.
Pyra's Wolf
Pyra's Wolf
by the way i feel the need to mention that if you added key/button mappings that it would be useful for both controller users AND keyboard users, i think there should be a controller setup AND keyboard setup in the future.

This game definitely has potential. I loved the visuals, the presentation, the song mixing was a nice touch. It brought me back to playing sonic rush as a young kid. Thank you for making the game, it really was a great experience. I did notice a few problems that I think fight against my muscle memory as someone who has played a lot of other Sonic games. In generations, unleashed, any 3d game with a homing attack, you are able to homing attack an enemy that is off-screen. You will be able to hear the reticle sound, hit A/X/B, and sonic will attack the enemy. In this game, I had trouble since I had to make sure the camera was facing an enemy, even if I knew where it was off-screen, to hit it. Which isn't a huge deal. Really just took a bit of getting used to. Not a deal-breaker. One last thing is that the boost may have increased speed, but it didn't feel like it did. In generations and whatnot, the screen blurs, the sound blurs, and you can feel the boost making you go fast. It can be very satisfying, but here I didn't see any effects other than the boost appearing around sonic to indicate speed. Again, I understand this game isn't final. Those are just things I'd like to see added. Other than that, I loved everything else. Great work! Keep it up, I'll definitely be following the project!
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Reactions: Lucario and Lozicle
this game runs horribly on my computer that can handle sonic forces with little to no issue, so i think some optimization is necessary
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Reactions: ElFlurryDesesperado
happy i could help! the game is really good other than the performance issues
Odd, on my setup with a AMD Radeon 6570 GPU with a 3rd gen i5, the game runs perfectly fine. Considering that it had some serious struggle running Sonic Riders X, I have no idea what could be the reason behind issues on your side but it shouldn't be because of the game being deceptively demanding. You could contact the developer and ask him about the issue telling them your setup to see if they can investigate if it is GPU/Vulkan specific.
I love the sonic rush series, but I can't get the game to load. I think it has something to do with unity, but I don't know how to fix it. Is there something I need to install to get unity games to work? Watched a video on the demo and it looks great. I really want to try it out.